Wierd thing on the buggy clip...

this thread was weird enought to give me nightmares.. gr8 job yall :flame:
It's a freaking U:F:O !!!!

I want to believe !!! It's almost definetly not my pants there!
It is not the Pillbury Doughboy, he is that evil marshmellow man from Ghostbusters
MindCrafter said:
It's not a mast, hahaha, that's the most stupid thing i've ever read.

Damnit i'm going to cry.

How in the world did you get the idea that the thing in the picture is a MAST??
:bonce: IS ANYONE AS ****ING CONFUSED AS ME!!? I mean, all the talk about the powerline pylons through like the first 4 pages of posts. And the only thing I saw was the pillsbury dough boy. I am ****ing perplexed right now......
question: would it be better if gordon would actually HOLD his hands ON the stering wheel when driving the buggy or that boat?
Theres a thread already about that Elixir somewhere else in here! :dozey:
ah HAH!

Do you even know what that means?

By the way, welcome to an already dead thread :thumbs: