Will allies know when to shoot YOU?


Jun 28, 2004
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I was wondering. In HL1, when you accidently shot barney even once, he would try to kill you. Will the AI in HL2 know when you are shooting at it for no reason, and when you accidently hit it in a firefight?
I don't really see how that is possible. What they could do is add a limit higher than 1 to how many times you can shoot them before you piss them off.
Maybe if the AI notices that bad guys are shooting as well that it wasn't intentional...
cause I hate that in games...mostly the ones that blame you for splash damage
You cant shoot them. If you'd have noticed in the new E3 videos. Gordon lowers his gun when friendlies are in front of him.
You will probably be able to shoot people in the fire fights (i didn't see the bigger guns being holstered) but I'm sure there are all the right things put into the AI to deal with it. They have to figure that people are going to accidently (or otherwise) shoot some friendlies.
Fender357 said:
You cant shoot them. If you'd have noticed in the new E3 videos. Gordon lowers his gun when friendlies are in front of him.
You will probably be able to shoot people in the fire fights (i didn't see the bigger guns being holstered) but I'm sure there are all the right things put into the AI to deal with it. They have to figure that people are going to accidently (or otherwise) shoot some friendlies.
I could be wrong but it is my understanding that gun holstering only applies to key characters of the story. Read: Alyx, Barney, etc.
So I wont be able to stab Kleiner in his ass?
What about in real life, people just don't plain shoot when someone gets in front of them like that. So maybe instead of your own guy attacking you, he dies!:p
looks like we will jsut wait to play the game and see what the answer is... lol you cant really tell until you play the game or if valve answers

adulus said:
I was wondering. In HL1, when you accidently shot barney even once, he would try to kill you. Will the AI in HL2 know when you are shooting at it for no reason, and when you accidently hit it in a firefight?

I'd kill valve if they don't have it. I mean even HL1 had so HL2 HAS to have it - it's a nex gen game for crying out loud. But only the resistance fighters.

Oh, and important NPCs can't be killed like Kliener, barney,g-man,alyx,Eli ... the weapon gets holstered.
So if you're in a firefight and accidentally point your gun at an important friendly NPC, it'll get holstered?

What if you shoot a rocker near them? THey should logically take damage.
In the vids you see Gordon holster (lower) his gun, this isn't to say that you still can't shoot them though.
I think its a lot nicer than to have the crosshair change colour, it makes Gordon look like he knows who is a friendly and not the suit making the decision.
NeLi said:
So if you're in a firefight and accidentally point your gun at an important friendly NPC, it'll get holstered?

What if you shoot a rocker near them? THey should logically take damage.

They should, but as is I'm not valve and can't say that my answer is 100% correct.
Just because the gun is holstered doesn't mean the crosshair has to disappear. Anyway, I seem to recall being able to shoot at barney during a firelight without him turning on me. I'm sure if you hit your teamates with a few stray shots it wont be a problem.
subtlesnake said:
Just because the gun is holstered doesn't mean the crosshair has to disappear. Anyway, I seem to recall being able to shoot at barney during a firelight without him turning on me. I'm sure if you hit your teamates with a few stray shots it wont be a problem.

You recall? are you trying to say you already have HL2 or played the beta or you are just talking about HL1?

Just to remind you, so that it doesn't cause confusion, that we are talking about HL2.
The first part is about HL2. The second part is about HL1.
Read Valve info thread. I'm thinking about the "if you attack Alyx, DOG will kick your butt".
NeLi said:
So I wont be able to stab Kleiner in his ass?

Anyway, they might have a system where if the AI realizes it's in a combat situation, it'll be more forgiving.
lans said:
You recall? are you trying to say you already have HL2 or played the beta or you are just talking about HL1?

Just to remind you, so that it doesn't cause confusion, that we are talking about HL2.
No no no. I was just talking about HL1. I was saying that if friendlies could tell when ff was accidental in the original, it's hardly going to be a problem with the sequel.
Dont be rediculous you will have to be able to kill them. Putting your gun down really doesn't mean anything, a grenade or an m203 shell will always be able to kill them. I think the holstering is only there to give you a little extra help on when you should and shouldnt shoot like for instance if you come across what you think is an enemy but is really a friendly instead of having your screen turn partially red or something they have this. My guess is if you shoot a friendly or friendlys even several times you will not be attacked, but if you kill one any one who saw it will probably open fire on you.... well actually mabey not. Most of them probably know what an efficient and insane killer gordon is, so on second thought I think they will just run like hell :D
Gordon will lower his gun... you will still be able to shoot them. It's probably there just so it doesn't look like you are always pointing your gun when you are around friendlies because that's kinda silly.
I dont think the weapon dropping will limit you from firing... what if a huge monster is between you and Barney and you need to let one off...
"She'd shoot you back. DOG would kick your ass"

Gabe answering a question whether Alyx will respond to friendly fire.
I think that if you kill someone important (Alyx, Kleiner) in HL2, that old message msut appear..." subject failed to cooperate with necessary personnel..."

About small ppl. they must be more forgiving if you're trying to take down a Strider and they suddenly step into your line of fire.
merc said:
looks like we will jsut wait to play the game and see what the answer is... lol you cant really tell until you play the game or if valve answers


erm if i recall correctly you played the game mofo, so how about YOU tell us.
acme420 said:
erm if i recall correctly you played the game mofo, so how about YOU tell us.
acme420, please don't troll.

I assume merc doesn't know the answer because he didn't play part of the game where the opportunity arose to try this test of the AI out.

I'd appreciate it if you stopped trolling. That post you've just made was of really bad attitude.
i can see it now ur running down the street with 4 resistance fighters and all of the sudden 5 combine soldiers jump out, u open firing hitting all ur allies, next thing ya know u got 9 enemys instead of 5.
PatPwnt said:
Gordon will lower his gun... you will still be able to shoot them. It's probably there just so it doesn't look like you are always pointing your gun when you are around friendlies because that's kinda silly.
My thoughts exactly. If you try to fire the gun probably rises back to firing position.
I believe Gabe said that they WILL react to what you do, so that suggest they will see you as a threat if the occastion warrents it.
A2597 said:
I believe Gabe said that they WILL react to what you do, so that suggest they will see you as a threat if the occastion warrents it.
I'm pretty sure that if you do aim your gun to for example Barney he will probably raise his hands and say something like:
"whoa whoa, what are you doing Gordon?! Put that down."
ok so we won't be able to shoot our allies and if we do we will have hefty consquence, so what if they shoot me(i have a tendency to walk infront of ppl when thiere shooting) will i be able to shoot em back?
Im betting it wont be like cod(lean around a corner and one of you allies lets of a long bust...into your head) If you walk in front of him he'll probably move. I hope.
adulus said:
Im betting it wont be like cod(lean around a corner and one of you allies lets of a long bust...into your head) If you walk in front of him he'll probably move. I hope.

lol, Don't expect me to do the same for them, MUHAAHAHA!
Do we even know for sure if the 'lowering the gun' is automatic? :O
Methinks this is something that should be E-mailed to Valve to ask.Id do it myself but they ignored my only attempt and im timid.:(
You can shoot all allies regardless of their importance to the storyline, I have my sources.

Thanks Patsy
i wasnt trolling i was asking how come he doesnt tell us since he actually played the game for a considerable amount of time. surely he remembers somethign i mean wtf did they wipe his **** mind when he left valve why the hell cant he **** remember anyhing that happened while he was there. if they made him sign an nda all he has to say is i cant talk about it instead of trying to make me believe he doesnt remember shit about what happened when he went to valve which is like a dream come true for 99.999% of the people on this forums since we are all wetting our pants in anticipation of these games. that just makes me think hes a f*** retard. i mean how the **** do you not remember something like that?

if i won a million dollars i sure as hell wouldnt come a few weeks later and tell everyone i dont know how i ****in won it.
merc said:
looks like we will jsut wait to play the game and see what the answer is... lol you cant really tell until you play the game or if valve answers


and played the game you have.... so why don't you just answer for us? :)
But I killed Barney dozens of times to get ammo...how can you find a solution for that