Will we see the end of the world in our lifetime?

Will we see the end?

  • Yes

    Votes: 38 26.2%
  • No

    Votes: 107 73.8%

  • Total voters
I don't really get why everyone stresses out on end of the world theories. If you're just going to live in fear of dieing what's the point of living? "Oh no there's a volcano that will cause a tsunami sometime in the next 1000 years oh noeess!!" "o god theres an asteroid that has a 25% chance of hitting us!!". Just live and enjoy life, as far as we know we only get one life to live, no one knows when the world will end and if you really want to get technical it probably won't end for a very long time. Call me an optimist but jeez people, the world has been around for billions of years, and now it's going to end in the next 10-100 years? Come on...
Well I certainly hope I won't live to see the end of the world. It's sad to think that everyone who's died before now won't get to see how life's like in the future.. then when I die, i'll never get to see everything that's developed after that.. hmm at least if i die in the end of the world I'm not missing out on anything :p
You will see the end of your world at the end of your life, when you die.
As for "the whole world being nuked" or whatever, it's impossible to say.
religious people say "OMG its then", then change it when it dosn't blow up.

Basically i don't give two shits, what i would find funny is some apocalyptic event that leaves me free to raid tescos for food and fighting off other gangs.

It's bad for a human to think of their own death too much btw, there really isn't a place in the brain for comprehension of your own death or nothingness, just get on with whatever you wan't to do.
The world won't physically end in our lifetimes no, but it will end as we know it, as soon a peak oil occurs.
JiMmEh said:
Nah. :) I am pretty tired and pissed off though :p

It's just all this this talk about nuclear weapons etc. - The thought came to me when someone posted links showing videos of all nuclear weapons - pretty cool stuff - but I've always had this vivid image of me sitting in English doing my work, the I look up and see some hooooge mushroom cloud out the window. Maybe I'm seeing the future? :O

I shall now wave a thread with nuke videos in your face.


Disclaimer: Thread links might be totally dead.
AntiAnto said:
Yep, December 21st, 2012 will be the date.
Religious date?
If they can get 666 muddled with 616 i'm sure they can't get a date right.
It would be a load of crap anyway like the rest of it.
short recoil said:
Religious date?
If they can get 666 muddled with 616 i'm sure they can't get a date right.
It would be a load of crap anyway like the rest of it.

Its nothing to do with Christianity you lemon grass cup of tea you.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Its nothing to do with Christianity you lemon grass cup of tea you.
Did i say it was?
I was talking about religion generally, hence i said "a religious date" not "a christian date"
No, but you made the reference to Christianty with 666. You simply cannot lump all those people together because their beliefs are different to yours. That is exactly what you're doing. Christians have nothing to do with Mayans.
Saying "A religious date" and then essentially claming it means the people are ignorant, really is naive.
Tr0n said:
I just read that whole thing...but I still have yet to see why they say it's gonna end on 2012.

Thanks, now I won't have to waste time reading it it in vain. :E
Oh no no...read it.It's pretty interesting.It talks about why that date was chosen...but it didn't say anything about what's gonna happen on that date tho.
Teh_Poet said:
If it was big enough, the it would. There a song about it. Actually, there isn't.

"It's the end of the world as we know it..." -->REM
Well Tr0n it is likely that the volcano will go off in our lifetimes but I don't think it will kill us all to be honest, what we going to do? choke on ash and die?
Fat Tony! said:
Well Tr0n it is likely that the volcano will go off in our lifetimes but I don't think it will kill us all to be honest, what we going to do? choke on ash and die?

yes you are, people will choke on the ashes
Pff you can't kill the entire human race but chocking us on ash, why not live under the sea :D that would be cool... alternately just live in a building that filters ash out of the air
Fat Tony! said:
Pff you can't kill the entire human race but chocking us on ash, why not live under the sea :D that would be cool... alternately just live in a building that filters ash out of the air

unless its radioactive fallout...
The word can end any second, now or now, or even...NOW

So I dunno, doubt it
We know a nuclear winter is not good for humans. We also know Global warming isn't good neither. So in theory, in 20 years time, we launch a nuclear strike (God knows where) and the effects should cancel each other out. Pwned. Got the idea from Futurama
Fat Tony! said:
From a volcano? :D ooh a magic volcano :p?

no a radioactive volcano caused by the US's secret projects about inter-galactic transportaion.

End of the world as in destruction, carnage and chaos? Then yes!

But we'll start over from the stone age though :>

I just hope i get my druid to lvl 60 before it happens
No, because we'll probably be dead (just) before the world ends. :p :p

Seriously, i very much doubt it, although it depends on what you define as the world ending.
We may see the end as we know it, yes, with the rapid development of technologies I'm sure the world will be a very different place from now in the next 50 years or so.

Of course if you meant will the world be destroyed while we're alive, then no, I sincerely doubt it.. :)
Hopefully I won't be around, because as we've established from a previous thread, there will be lots of americans will be out to 'kill a bunch of people'. :/

Also, its very unlikely that EVERYONE dies from a nuclear war. What about places like mongolia? Who is going to waste a nuke on mongolia? Maybe, all mongolians survive and come and live in UK cos we're all dead :<
if we get lucky, our race wont be on this planet when the world end's, by the hand of our dieing sun.
All-out Nuclear War - won't destroy the world. It would make it very difficult for life to survive, but the world would still be here. Resembling Mars a little more, but definately still here.

From here:
Detonating all the nuclear weapons ever created simultaneously, either all at one location or strategically placed around the globe. This will irradiate pretty much the entire globe and kill an awful lot of people, animals and plants, but will actually destroy very little of the planet itself.

And Eminent:

Eminent said:
2nd, yes it will cause a large amount of damage to America's east coast, but think how long it will take to get across. Should have enough time to get a lot of people inland. I'd be more concerned about the more local area who'll have very little warning.

I've heard a few theories - both on Discovery Channel and on the web.

Some theories say 2 hours to cross the Atlantic and some say less. Not a lot of time to evacuate tens of millions of people.
you dont know the half of it, nuclear war will only happen if countries simaltaniously decide to let it happen.. nukes are obsolete next to countries with Scalar weapons.. trouble in predicting anything is, we arnt being allowed to see behind the Iron curtain.