WIP - assault rifle

Pi Mu Rho

ValveTime Admin | Enemy of fun
Staff member
Aug 5, 2003
Reaction score
This is for <CENSORED>, a current project I'm working on.

It's an assault rifle, with integral rocket launcher (!). Basically, the minirocket is loaded into the side slot and launched from the weapon via compressed air. Once free, the rocket motor ignites and it's on it's merry way. The rocket has two modes of operation - standard dumbfire, where it travels in a straight line and tagged, where the operator initially fires a "sticky" radio tag bullet. The rocket will then home in on this signal.

Oh, and it doesn't have any sights. That's because the sighting system uses gun-mounted cameras and a wireless link to display the relevant information to the operator's eyepiece. Kind of like the HUD in an FPS game, conveniently.

Anyway, pictures!

Ignore the keypad. I modified it in a slightly later revision, as I really couldn't think of a reason for it to exist.

Look! FPS view!

Side view - note the eerie, disembodied arms.

Criticisms please!
Looks cool.. the arms are a little off though (eg, the "left" hand in the FPS view is too far forward, you need to bring the gun closer to the person, so the arm can be bent at the elbow, but I'm assuming that would be done in the game itself and not really impact the weapon model at all :p)

Other than that, its pretty nice so far :)
Yeah, please ignore the arm positioning - it's merely for the pictures. They're actually the HL2 hands, gratuitously exported from XSI to 3D Studio just to see if I could.
ohh.. and the shell ejection port is on the wrong side, if it was set up like that, then a right handed person would get a face full of hot metal/gas when he fired heh.
Unless thats a right handed person firing a gun made for a left handed person? :p
Hmm. I did a bit of a CS:S, and put it on that side so you could see the ejecting brass. However, I'm sure I can make it visible on the other side. Plus I could then swap the rocket loader to the left hand side and you'd get to see it being loaded. Cheers bliink!

/me fluffles bliink
Pi Mu Rho said:
Hmm. I did a bit of a CS:S, and put it on that side so you could see the ejecting brass. However, I'm sure I can make it visible on the other side. Plus I could then swap the rocket loader to the left hand side and you'd get to see it being loaded. Cheers bliink!

/me fluffles bliink

lol.. css only has them on that side for lazyness i'm sure.. you know, the models were all made left handed, and the righthanded view just inverts them. :p

anyway, if you wanted to, I'm sure you could just wrap the plot around it i.e. the gun fires them at a certain angle and the shells are made of a special rapidly disintegrating compound that will allow stealth units to leave no trace..
or something :p
Of course, by the time any of this actually comes out, it'll have evolved past the point of recognition. But I shall remember!
the way the arm is positioned looks like he put his arm straight out infront of him, and bent his elbow to a 45 degree angle. When you hold a gun your elbow is facing down, and you cant see much of the arm. The model is good, cept the butt of it, doesnt look as nice as the rest of it :)
Yeah, thanks for that.
Hmmm, its alright. The overall design could do with some work as it does seem like a future gun from the 90's rather than a future gun to todays standards.

Some parts of the weapon don't flow very well and in some cases even seem just stuck on to add detail.

The barrels shouldn't need wholes in the end and its a waste of polgons.

It has no trigger but I think you might have done this because you can't see it, but then that doesn't explain the barrels...

The bullet ejestion is on the wrong side. I think.... unless its got the bullet ejection on your side and the rocket ejection on the other. But surly it would be better to have the rockets on the right for actual loading...

The barrel holder/handle area looks nice but it doesn't really go together with the calibure of the weapon. Thats judgeing from the clip anyway.

Overal 6/10
The only think i would mention is that, in the first person view, it looks very bulky and overly thick and heavy.
IchI said:
Hmmm, its alright. The overall design could do with some work as it does seem like a future gun from the 90's rather than a future gun to todays standards.

Some parts of the weapon don't flow very well and in some cases even seem just stuck on to add detail.

The barrels shouldn't need wholes in the end and its a waste of polgons.

It has no trigger but I think you might have done this because you can't see it, but then that doesn't explain the barrels...

The bullet ejestion is on the wrong side. I think.... unless its got the bullet ejection on your side and the rocket ejection on the other. But surly it would be better to have the rockets on the right for actual loading...

The barrel holder/handle area looks nice but it doesn't really go together with the calibure of the weapon. Thats judgeing from the clip anyway.

Overal 6/10

Given that it's a WIP, I'm curious as to why you rated it at all. Still, never mind.

There's nothing wrong with the design - it looks almost exactly like the concept art that it's based on (although slightly elongated)

The barrel polys are there because that's how I build it. You can't build an optimised (i.e. unseen faces removed) model from scratch. I build the entire model, take some pretty screenshots, then optimise it.

As per my conversation with Bliink, the ejection port was moved to the right-hand side, where it should be. The reason for moving the rocket loading port to the left was purely aesthetic - you'll actually see the rocket being loaded.

Anyway, this is practically concept work in itself. Our development system calls for little in the way of assets for the first 12 months or so to avoid redundancy and repeated work. Basically, I'm making placeholders. However, that doesn't mean they have to be simple blocks. Given those circumstances, 6/10 is probably twice as high as I would have scored....
looks nice, although you might want to be kind to people on crap monitors (me) and make the renders smaller so that you can see it all on one screen. :p

And IchI: I think that's the rocket loadingport, not the ejection port.
Yeah, the rockets will usually leave at the front of the gun :)

I'll do smaller renders next time - just for you :p

Although I'm running out of stuff that I'm allowed to show now...
What is the point of the green buttons on the left hand side of the gun, in combat, it is far better to have like a thumb handle thing, like real guns, then buttons that can get pressed when you put the gun down or knock it about.
For switching firing modes and selecting the rocket mode. Basically a simple control panel.
looks like a mix between the smg in UT2k4 and an AK
i seriously do not like the design but think a good skin would make it shine.