Wish me luck!

May 15, 2003
Reaction score
I'm going to talk to one of my closest mates about how I've been a pillok, and didn't mean the things I said, and want to be with her, more than just mates :)

(this is following on from the fact I told her that I fancied her, but said that I'd never want to be more than mates. I'm an idiot, since a few days later she told a few friends of mine that she fancied me, and would love to go out with me, but I wanted to just be friends. I'm a ****ing idiot.)

I'm gonna bloody need it :D

I'm off to salvage something that I might have lost, I'll be back later.... single or not :p
I thought it had all worked out. Be blunt, but not overbearing. Tell her straight :).

Something along the lines of "I would love to go out with you as much more than friends. Would you be my girlfriend." Do it in your own words of course & use your own personality. Just make sure she knows there is no question that you're willing to go in 100%.

Good luck dude.
Goodo mate :) We're all with ya... well not really, I'm in the bushes over there, I'll post photos and maybe some audio on my FTP later. Was that out loud?
I agree with phantom:

Knock 'em dead and chew bubblegum! (sorry, had to much duke nukem in my childhood)
Good luck mrbadger happy thoughts from Denmark!! SuperTrooper say something! :)
Originally posted by mrBadger
(this is following on from the fact I told her that I fancied her, but said that I'd never want to be more than mates. I'm an idiot, since a few days later she told a few friends of mine that she fancied me, and would love to go out with me, but I wanted to just be friends. I'm a ****ing idiot.)

Dude me and you need to talk, I am like you, I said that to my best friend...........now kinda regretting it ;( I think she liked me but then I told her I just wanted to be her friend............and uh I think I screwed myself ;(
Im guessing it wen't fairly good since you've been gone for quit awhile already :p
Well if his mate is anything like mine, then it's gonna cost him a lot of time to explain why he initially said he just wanted to be friends... U see that's the difference between women and men, if it was the other way round, the guy would have jumped the girl instantly (blood level on wrong place) whereas women can block their feelings temporarily with reason.

Well, I'm hoping for the best anyway.
Ooh, the tension. Will Badger reclaim his long lost love? FInd out next week.
Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger !!!!!
Sorry, she wasn't there :p

I'm gonna have to do it tomrrow :p

I went to find her, only to find out she was doing her voluntary community service... doh! :p

But I saw her in the corridor and she smiled at me, smiled really cutely.. oh dear ;( with her eyes as well, she was happy to see me, but does she like me as more than friends?
Badger? Oh.

EDIT: Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee's back!

Try try again. 's all I can say. G'night.
I think I stand for everyone by saying: Pictures!

They are HERS! :p

Not mine. She's a lot prettier now, and I don't always look like that... :p
awww, you look like two little lovebirds...

or not. actually, yes you do.
Shes cute isn't she... I look at that picture, and she looks bad there, compared to what she looks like now... shes also the reason I have not up-to-date pictures of me... she steals them :p
I don't know.... I hope she likes me back... I'll find out tomorrow... wish me luck! :p
but you just said that she said to her freinds that she likes you, and she steals your pictures....

looks pretty obvious to me romeo.
even better!!! get in there you fool! before she gets drunk and has sex with someone else!!!

Heh.. I still doubt she likes me like that, and yes I will look into her eyes :p

Cheers all :D
Originally posted by mrBadger
I don't know.... I hope she likes me back... I'll find out tomorrow... wish me luck! :p

wish u luck? ha!

the Ladies man does not run on luck
luck is for the nervous, and u been there done that.. dude this cat is in the bag so to speak :p

now go impress the hell outta 'er ;)
You know whats funny badger? The girl I was talking about told me tonite, that she had a dream and we got married, I was like f$ck an A! Maybe theres still a chance for me!! I hope yours went over good and I wish you would report! :)

But that totally blew my mind when my friend said that.........I am in heaven now! I am really happy :)

Badger, I told you to grab life by the jockstrap and ask and you did, good on you.
Haven't asked her yet.... I've been ill for two days now, been phoning her every night... shes been all releived that I'm feeling better :)

Going to ask her on monday :D