World Disaster

An army is invading, do you

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Jul 31, 2004
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I have been thinking about this for a while now. How would you go in a world disaster? I may sound sadistic, but I want something small to happen like that, just to see how the world reacts.
Say for example your country is being invaded, or you wake up one day and your government is gone? There would be total chaos right? Well I was wondering what you would do in that situation. I for one live in Australia, and if one day I find out we're being invaded by some foreign army, I would say I would have to fight. Presumably, our army would be a little swamped (less than 500 000 strong) so I would join a resistance.
For arguments sake, let's say that the army has been defeated and the invading army is now going through the towns and cities doing what evil armies do best. As the resistance we would pitch in and try not to defeat them, but to halt their advance or sabotage their resources.
What I am asking is what would you do? Stand and fight for the country you love? Would you subdue to the enemy? Or would you flee?
Personally, I think anyone that allows their country to be over-run is shameful. Or maybe thats just me.
But staying and doing what I could just seems right to me.
That must be exactly how the Islamic extremists feel with the US invading iraq!!
As the resistance we would pitch in and try not to defeat them, but to halt their advance or sabotage their resources.
You could try beheadings and car bombings i suppose!!
Basically, yes.
When you consider it from their point of view, its probably worse than what I was saying. Having missiles pounding everywhere throughout the night, not knowing if one has veered off course is definately not cool.
Car Bombings are effective, if done right. Beheadings are just stupid really.
Collaborate, help as a translator, defect, etc...

I'm a "wtj" by the way :LOL:
I'm not willing to lay down my life for something as ambiguous as "my country". My friends and family perhaps, but if they weren't in danger, I'd rather not fight. The UK has plenty of people who can fight a lot better and more effectively than me.
I wonder who chose 'stay and fight' and actually do that in reality... :rolleyes:
I would for one.
I love this country too much!
....and to make things even more interesting, I suck at CS, just in case you were wondering if I had been playing the game too long! :p
I love this country too much!

That's what you say now. But how do you know what way you feel when you see the tanks rolling through the streets or hear the bombers unloading their packages (even if only on TV)? I don't know you, but I don't think you imagine that situation right.
I'd fight, depending on the invading force: - 'aliens with uber guns' and 'blonde hotties from sweden' are amongst the exceptions.

Nazis, Americans, Islamic Militia etc... Invade and prepare to die.
Recoil said:
But how do you know what way you feel when you see the tanks rolling through the streets or hear the bombers unloading their packages
you still love your mother even though shes ugly right? :p
There's an instinct to protect your home and thats what I'd be doing. Even though I'd probably get pwned. I'd still want to help stop them.
HunterSeeker said:
By defending my country I also defend everything it stands for.
That's not true at all.
If one nation invades another, the conquering nation is not there to quibble over various aspects of your government's policies. It will mistreat the vanquished and keep them down, not least because any liberties given to them would probably result in a rebellion.
Even if you dislike your government, it might be the lesser of two evils.
Of course that depends on the situation - if you were oppressed already, you might welcome the incoming force.
If your nation goes to war for some cause (of course Iraq is the prime example) then you defend its cause. Although many soldiers serve because they have to, they don't necessarily agree with the government's policies.
I'd like to say I would stay and fight, but I think I would end up running.
I'd fight, depending on the invading force

That's what is missing as an option in the poll :) I only thought of superior armies like the US where fighting is pretty pointless.

If it's just militia's or I'd possibly stay (and maybe even fight)

Hooray, you didn't say 'germans' :D

(And hey, what about the french? ;))
not much of a chance of canada being invaded. Canada is so big there's no way an invading army could control the entire country. I'd move to Algonquin Park (national park) and head up the resistance force ...I'd also change my name to Che, and chant slogans like "Fuera con Bush!" ...opps wrong slogan
Sorry if I was being unclear, if another nation invades sweden I will defend my country in the best way I can.

Becouse: Sweden is a representive democracy (not a faked one eithter), if I chose to stand aside when a nation invades I am also letting another country replace a democratically chosen goverment with possible a dictator. Bad IMO.
Sweden has a rather good political balance between socialism and capitlaism IMO.

Although I am not exactly a good solider, so if I could defend it in a way so I dont engage in direct combat I would prefer that (being a messenger for recistence groups or whatever).

If I was being opressed by a dictator I would probubly be largly indifferent on an invading force. I would maybe even welcome it if it was a country that is a strong democracy and does a good job in not killing innocents.
I find it funny so many people voted to stay and fight'd be dead within the first few hours of the invasion. The very first thing an invading army will do is destroy whatever resistance might still be present when they get there. It's better to run and plan your attack for another day
CptStern said:
It's better to run and plan your attack for another day

To many (including me) the run option pretty much move to another country and dont come back...
HunterSeeker said:
To many (including me) the run option pretty much move to another country and dont come back...

heh you have to plan ahead. I have dual citizenship. :E
My country would probably be invaded by Spain if it was, and that wouldn't really change shit. So, why would I fight?
Most of those saying "stay and fight" will run like little children if it really happened, as would I. :p
Sweden has not been to war for 200 years. I find it unlikely that we will fight anytime soon. But if it came to a war I would run and let the war to the army.
not sure about actually physical fighting, but id fight for the truth anyday, by increasing my inteligence instead of beating fellow human's sensless.

but if I had to, Id have no choice, so Id have to resort to behaving like an uncivilised ape, cause lets face it , as civilised as we think we are, there's no such thing as civilised war. Unless you decide the war over a game of chess or a computer game :p
Sprafa said:
My country would probably be invaded by Spain if it was, and that wouldn't really change shit. So, why would I fight?

now THATS the right attitude, if it doesnt affect YOU, why care? :D
MaxiKana said:
Run, I value my life over my country.
agreed, why die for a word? You only get one life, why would you give it up because someone else is raping your hard work, billing you taxes and spitting propaganda day in and day out.

It'd be no different, expcept we would finally have some "washington outsiders" in DC lol.
I'd probably join CptStern in Algonquin park or somewhere in the countryside and prepare for the worst.

It would provide cover, and an invading army would have no use being in a park. A city provides all they need.

Plus, I don't have a weapon to use in the first place. If an invading army started coming in, I wouldn't be able to defend myself.

Come to think of it, the only real thing of value here in Canada would be the Billion Dollar freshwater supply. It would take too long to mine for oil and stuff. Logically that would be the ideal place for an invading army to set up camp. Most major cities are close to the water front anyway.
A True Canadian said:
I'd probably join CptStern in Algonquin park or somewhere in the countryside and prepare for the worst.


hey, would could make beer runs to Huntsville on our way in :)
CptStern said:
hey, would could make beer runs to Huntsville on our way in :)

I see no harm in that. I seems like a great bonding experience.

While everything is in chaos, we'll be drinking in the middle of nowhere. :D
I would fight for my country...I know you think its "just a word" or a silly idea but really, the British Isles are like an extension of my family. Sure I complain, but this country is the reason I'm living such a relatively good life. If someone came and entered my house trying to kill me or my family I would fight them, and if they came to my street to do the same...I would fight them. If, they came to my country...I would fight. Perhaps I don't agree with everyone in the country, but thats not the point. Call my blindly patriotic if you like, but maybe people with a patriotic attitude are the reason you are able to sit in front of that computer. Having said that, the reasons for someone invading the country would need to be taken into account. For instance, if suddenly the UK started launching nukes at people for no reason, I may not stay and fight ;)

Edit: Oh yeah, and by staying and fighting I don't mean sitting in my house with a BB gun waiting for the enemy. I would either join the army, or if they were gone I would just try and live as "a rebel"...grr :p
A True Canadian said:
I see no harm in that. I seems like a great bonding experience.

While everything is in chaos, we'll be drinking in the middle of nowhere. :D

yes but if they take away our beer, then god help them ...have you seen that video in the thread called "None of this Jackie Chan bollocks!"? same sort of idea but with more "eh"'s :)
Farrowlesparrow said:
Edit: Oh yeah, and by staying and fighting I don't mean sitting in my house with a BB gun waiting for the enemy. I would either join the army, or if they were gone I would just try and live as "a rebel"...grr :p

yeah that's what i'd probably do.

if britain were invaded for a valid reason, then i might reconsider. but right now, i see no reason for any invading force to set foot on this island (apart from those who dislike britain and stuff :/ ). i'm not patriotic or anything, but i was born here, this is where i grew up, so i'd be willing to put my life on the line to help if it were needed.

you have to have a special attachement to the ground you walk on. when you go to another country, you look at the sky and it doesn't look quite right. you smell the air and you miss the familiar odour of home (read: pollution :p ) stuff like don't want to surrender it so easily to someone who just landed on your shores with guns and tanks.

it's not really realistic to say that you'd just fight as a one man army, nor is it realistic to say that you'd just run away as you'd have to think about food/shelter/provisions and where you were heading.
Well, since I'm trained in closecombat and my dad is an ex-military / current police bombtech. we have a small armory in our house that contains everything from huntingrifles to MP5.

I'll defend myself.
The country can do something else.
****, I wouldn't stay to defend Sweden if some overwhelming force of military monkeys would invade. Let them have the god damned country. I'll be making sure me and my family are safe, somewhere else instead.