Worst feeling: Kick out of UNI


Feb 6, 2006
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Basically I wanted to not bring this up until a final decision has been reached about my academic future. So by reading the title most of you know that i've been kicked out of university. I've been meaning to start this thread ever since april but i've been doing certain things to avoid this fate but clearly, it didn't pay off.

Now this may be a tl;dr so this is a warning, only those who are remotely interested in this should read and maybe give advice or even feel free to joke around because i am in the mood for an LOL ... anyway, here's the story:

1st semester of school I was doing fairly well. 2nd semester is where shit started to hit the fan. I was going through a rough time in my personal life, aka financial/family problems which in turn, took a toll on my school, I ended up failing 2 classes in the winter term. Now, failing 2 classes meant that I had to retake the 2 in the spring in order to get back into my program (computing and network communications) and that I was put on academic probation which meant that the next semester (being spring) I had to not fail ANY courses i took and achieve a minimum of a 60% avg between all the courses I took in the spring. Then I find out that in order for the ontario government to cover the cost of spring courses, i'd have to take a minimum of 3 classes and those classes all must have a failing grade to retake them. So I emailed my math for computer science class prof (who by the way spoke HORRIBLE english and was teaching was 3rd year level math for the first 2 months when i;m in 1st year) I got a 51 in that course which killed my avg further. So I ended up emailing him asking for him to fail me so I can retake the course in the spring along with my other 2 and that way OSAP would cover the costs of all 3 spring courses. So things were set in motion.

I got my schedual, and that's when shit started to go wrong. My math for comp sci (1P67 and calculus class 1P97 classes were at the same time and day). Well, I spoke to the profs about my conflict and they told me that it was the student's responsibility to handle the situation. So since i already paid for these courses, i had no choice but to roll with it and try and make the best out of this situation. Now, taking 3 courses...(full course loads) while having 2 class conflicts is extremely stressful and overwhelming. I ended up having to miss 1 class for an entire month because my 1P67 class was part of my major while my 1P97 wasn't, so 1P67 took precedence. This caused me to fail 1P97 (calc). Well that certainly violated the terms of academic probation. So I emailed my dean and explained to him why I did so poorly on account of me taking more than I can chew and because of having the 2 class conflicts which added to more problems and stress.

The dean agreed to meet with me and he said he was basically willing to let me back in because I seemed to care a lot about my education and was really adamant in coming back and proving I can do much better.

Well that was a week ago and tonight I received this email...1P03 is the comp sci course I took aswell that spring:
I am afraid that I have learned that I cannot modify the terms of your suspension. Your
probation is reviewed at the end of the session (i.e., now) and if you fail a course or
have an average of less than 60% on all courses taken during that session then you are
put on suspension.

In your case, you failed MATH 1P97 and were automatically suspended because you were on
probation. I could withdraw you from the course (cancelling the failure) but that would
leave you with COSC 1P03, which you also failed. If I were to cancel the penalty for the
misconduct (which I am not prepared to do) OR could convince the department to round your
grade up to 50D then your average for the session would remain below 60% and you would
remain on suspension. The fact is, if you had handed in the assignments that you did not
submit you may well have ended up with a grade that would have avoided the suspension.

At this point the only chance that you might have would be to make an appeal to the
Senate Appeals Board but that will not be available to you until towards the end of
September. You can visit the Office of the Registrar to begin such an appeal. Frankly,
I think that the chances of winning such an appeal are very remote given the

If I could modify your suspension I would do so in your case but I am afraid that my
hands are tied and there is now nothing that I can do. I want to stress that you are in
this position because of your lack of effort in COSC 1P03. You knew the conditions of
your probation but you appear to have not taken any steps to protect yourself from
suspension (i.e., even just completing all assignments for the course).

At this point I think that my best advice would be for you to make the best of your time

I am sorry that I cannot help further.
...cont in next post...
my response to him was 2 emails ( i sent another email because I forgot to mention it in my 1st email):

1st email:
I understand that 1P03 is a big issue but I don't understand why you can't modify my
suspension after the awkward situation I was in during the spring. I have explained to
you that I know I can do much better if only given another chance, and I thought you told
me last week during our meeting that you were prepared to modify my suspension? I was
under the impression that you were going to let me back in for the spring? Please, taking
a year off would only do more bad than it would do good. I know that 1P03 was my fault
but it was caused by the stressful spring term. So there is no possible way for you to
modify my suspension at all without going through to the appeal?

2nd email:

Sorry for the second email but I was thinking is there any way I could fill out another
withdrawal form for 1P03...if that's the only thing keeping me from getting back in for
September is there any way we can possibly arrange for me to fill out another form? I
know it's a long shot but I am extremely desperate and I'm willing to do anything to get
back into Brock and prove to you that I can do so much better than I did in the spring
because It has been an extremely big eye opening experience for me and I certainly
learned a lot. If it's not possible then I understand but I'd just like to thank you for
everything you've done for me so far, I really appreciate it.

so...My current feeling about this whole messy situation is that I think the dean's decision is pretty much set in stone and there's NO WAY he'll let me back in.

Any suggestions as to what I should add in an email or what I should say to him are welcome because I will do anything I can to get back into my school.

Thanks to those who've even took the time to read through this lol sorry again for the length of this bullshit.

Let him know that you'll do anything to get back in.
Ugh, that's sucks, bro. What was your 'misconduct'?

Basically, what me and my friends have always done since the beginning of comp sci is we all get together for a computer science assignment and program different parts of the assignment and then put it all together as 1 assignment. From there we transfer this "master assignment" to all of our uni accounts via USB KEY's and just change around the code as to avoid it being all the same. This saved us a lot of time and trouble...but unfortunately the first assignment was exremely hard so it took us a long time to get the program done and by the time we got it done there was only 30 minutes left to hand it in. So, we panicked and just haphazardly changed the code around in 30 mins and handed it in.

Well, the profs use this program called "MOSS" (google it, or wiki it) which basically compares code and gives you a % of how much the 2 program code are similar to eachother. Well we all got in the high 80% so we were flagged for academic plagiarism. Our punishment was getting 0% on the assignement (which was worth 6%) but would've been enough to not get me suspended.

He already stated that he wasn't prepared to go back on my punishment which I don't blame him because It was an extremely stupid move on my part.

But when I met with him last week, i basically told him that I learned my lesson, I PLEADED with him to let me back in and he TOLD me that he was basically going to let me back in because i seemed really determined and all that...and hten all of the sudden he pulls this shit on me??? like waht the hell am i supposed to do now??

I told him, taking a year off would do way more harm than it would do good. My mind will almost surely go lazy and I won't perform good if I go back to school in a year.

I just don't understand why they won't just cut me some ****ing slack when I was put into a really awkward situation in the spring AND when i'm doing ALL of this to try and get back in. Like they know i'm determined and im showing extreme initiative here i just don;t understand why they're being so harsh.
That's why you don't go to Brock, every story I heard come out of that place is basically '**** you student' only the 'goody' people I know had no problems (i.e. Teachers pets).

My understanding is that you either plead to go back or take a year off? Well there's only so much you can plead, if that doesn't work you'll just have to take the year.

All my family members and friends want me to go to Brock, but instead I'm going to the U of Toronto... I'll be treated just the same as everyone else, no better, no worse. Which could be good or bad, but not as bad as it could be, y'know?
I can understand and deal well with the fact that they won't let me back in. That's one thing. But making me ****ing wait for a month and a half and basically TELLING me a week ago during a private meeting that they'll most likely let me back in..then pulling this shit on me now is another thing. That's what really gets me angry the fact that they can be so harsh and unprofessional like this. Now, instead of telling me this months ago, I can't even apply to another school.
Yea, but really, where else would you go that's at the level of Brock? (for everyone else, despite their retardedness, they are actually a pretty decent uni)

Niagara College? ew. Might as well start smoking crack now.

To be honest if another place did exist, I wouldn't know I'm set on the U of T.
That sounds like a bad situation :(.

I am a little surprised that they would give you a schedule with class conflicts in the first place. I thought universities usually have an automatic scheduling system in place that prevents you from registering for conflicting classes?

It does sound like the dean has tried his best and has actually looked at your situation in detail to try to find all the possible ways you might be un-suspended. I wouldn't expect most deans to bother doing that. Your emails also sound good and appreciative of that. So if you can't get back in, I wouldn't blame him or yourself... that's just the way the system goes.

Is there any other option you could use to continue your education? Over here, we have community colleges you can take courses from, and then transfer the course credit to your main university. You might be able to get into some of those classes if they have something like that in Canada.
That sounds like a bad situation :(.

I am a little surprised that they would give you a schedule with class conflicts in the first place. I thought universities usually have an automatic scheduling system in place that prevents you from registering for conflicting classes?

It does sound like the dean has tried his best and has actually looked at your situation in detail to try to find all the possible ways you might be un-suspended. I wouldn't expect most deans to bother doing that. Your emails also sound good and appreciative of that. So if you can't get back in, I wouldn't blame him or yourself... that's just the way the system goes.

Is there any other option you could use to continue your education? Over here, we have community colleges you can take courses from, and then transfer the course credit to your main university. You might be able to get into some of those classes if they have something like that in Canada.

Well I was thinking of calling Sheridan college and just going straight into their network communication program (it's co op as well so you get work terms in between study terms, and after you graduate you're pretty much guarenteed a job with the company you've worked with during your co op terms). They also have a travel to japan program as a co op option which would be extremely cool so I may look into that. I'm going to call them tomorrow morning and see if there is any way I can apply for the fall semester that way I won't lose any time. Maybe after a year of that I can transfer back over to my original program at Brock.

I have almost 0% hope for me coming back into Brock this September after re-reading the dean's email, he seemed pretty confident in his decision and it seemed like one of those "don't bother trying anymore kid, you're pretty much ****ed" tones. But hey, sending those emails can't make my situation any worse than it already is so why not try it out one last time anyway you know?

He'll probably respond with another generic email of how it's uni policy or something by tomorrow morning so i'll be sure to post his response sometime tomorrow.
The co-op and study abroad programs sound really good. I've heard generally positive things about both experiences. Co-op is of course better if there are financial issues (unless the Japan program pays as well?). One of my friends had to spend a lot for study abroad even after getting some scholarship money.
Yea, but really, where else would you go that's at the level of Brock? (for everyone else, despite their retardedness, they are actually a pretty decent uni)

Niagara College? ew. Might as well start smoking crack now.

To be honest if another place did exist, I wouldn't know I'm set on the U of T.

whats wrong with mcmaster ?

also , please reconsider going to sheridan . have it as your very LAST resort , its not exactly one of the best educational institutes ... i speak from experience. all it has to offer is mindrot.
You got done for plagiarism dude, that's like eternal damnation in the 7th level of hell, not even the Dean can save your soul now, repent.
That sucks.

Seriously, I don't know what I'd do in that kind of situation. My sympathies. :(
Got an email this morning and he said
At this point you could appeal to the Senate Appeals Committee

I'm going to take a shower and head on over there and fill out this form. Yea it may be pointless but whatever anything that will remotely get me back in I'm willing to try it.
Looks like your collage has you bent over a table and is ramming you hard
Do the same thing any other person does when they are pissed at a school. Make a CSS map with it and get arrested for terrorism.

I tried to get an appeal but they told me that I had no case. They said that I made a conscious decision to take 3 courses in the spring while on academic probation so therefore it was my fault. I can understand their reasoning, but come on cut me some slack.

I then went over to the deans office, stopped by unexpectedly because I had a question. I asked him if there was any chance I could fill out a backdated withdrawal form for my comp sci course that i failed. He said that if the head guy in the computer science department is OK with this then he'll let me off the hook with it and then i'd be able to return to school for september.

At this point, i'm just a nervous wreck. He told me he'd get back to me later in the day to tell me where i'm at, but the way things have been going I doubt this will work. I'm praying that he'll have a heart and let me back in, but I guess i'll find out later today...
I don't know if you would want to try but would it be possible to go to a school in the US with a clean slate? I would ditch that record of yours if possible.
I don't know if you would want to try but would it be possible to go to a school in the US with a clean slate? I would ditch that record of yours if possible.

Nah, I have no desire to go to the states. The plagiarism was just a warning and a 0% on that assignment. I've been fighting to come back to school for the past month and a half, i've sent literally around 60 emails between my profs, the dean and the deputy registrar, i've had meetings with several people, I hope they can see that i'm EXTREMELY determined and willing to do anything and everything to get back in. So hopefully the dean will explain that to the head guy in the comp sci department so they can grant me that withdrawal.

the suspense is almost too much to bear right now...:x:rolling:
well, i think it's the end of the line for me. I got this email:

I have spoken with Prof. Radue and he does not believe that a backdated withdrawal would
be reasonable. I had told you that I would not support withdrawal without the agreement
of COSC so I cannot now withdraw you from COSC 1P03. In response to an e-mail from Kevin
Kiss I have approved a grade of NW for the MATH 1P97. This removes that failure but the
COSC failure remains and, therefore, so does the suspension.

At this point you have the option of appealing to the Senate Appeals Board (as we
discussed) or attempting to receive a backdated withdrawal without my support.

I will try and go through with the withdrawal without his support but I doubt that'd even work...I also emailed this Radue guy and asked to speak with him personally so maybe I can weasel my way back in ...blah im tired we'll see how all this goes tomorrow .
I kinda don't get the suspension rules, we have it too but its not like you cursed out the teacher or threw rocks at them.
I kinda don't get the suspension rules, we have it too but its not like you cursed out the teacher or threw rocks at them.

It's academic probation. When you're put on academic probation you have to get at least a 60% avg and not fail any courses. I took 3 in the spring but since I was put into a weird situation with 2 courses falling at the same day and time, i was forced to attend one class and not the other, this caused a significant amount of stress coupled with the fact that i had 3 full course loads in 2 months..all of this made me do pretty bad during the spring but since i had already paid for the courses i had no choice to but to stay in them and try and get by, i couldn't just drop it or i'd lose $1500. So now that i failed again, they put me on suspension so for the past month and a half i've been begging and pleading with them to let me back in and that i CAN DO MUCH BETTER if only given another chance and not have 2 courses at the same time and 3 courses to complete in only 2 months.

I don't get why they're such jack asses and can't cut me some slack, but i just emailed the guy who rejected my withdrawal form and asked to meet with him so we can try and discuss this. I only hope he'll agree to meet with me, if he does that then i guess there's still some hope for me.
Man, that really sucks man.

I cant imagine being in a situation like that. Probably wouldve broken down myself.
That's why you don't go to Brock, every story I heard come out of that place is basically '**** you student' only the 'goody' people I know had no problems (i.e. Teachers pets).

My understanding is that you either plead to go back or take a year off? Well there's only so much you can plead, if that doesn't work you'll just have to take the year.

All my family members and friends want me to go to Brock, but instead I'm going to the U of Toronto... I'll be treated just the same as everyone else, no better, no worse. Which could be good or bad, but not as bad as it could be, y'know?
Ya, and I know, I have to work with one of them. This guy is in his 40's and is an elitist, wise-ass. He says to everybody that I break things, etc. It's to get me fired so he doesn't have to be around me and I'm a nice guy. We recently had to take a welder qualification, and it was obvious to myself and another kid that joined that he failed. He passed though and when it came time to tack thin tubes to the heat exchanger, he ****ed it all up good. He couldn't even tack weld yet he got all A's in college for welding.

Now other times he has screwed up other projects including making a 1" weld on a part that required a weld of 1/8". He just goes around following one of the supervisors and sucking up like he does best to the asshole we call at work who is the inspector. They know he can't weld so they put him on meaningless jobs like cutting stuff. He likes doing that too but I think he just hates welding.

I get paid $16.50 an hour and he gets $20, makes fun of me when I go home at 5PM instead of his 6PM, and arrives usually 15min late every day (start of the day is 6AM). Not only that, he waits and stands around often times, half an hour for his favorite supervisor to give him a job instead of going to the supervisor. Meanwhile I'm putting my Associates to good work with another kid my age. :LOL: I was the guy who got B's, couple of C's, and 1 very hard and last class, a D. I was one of the best welders in the class, and he was the best academics guy (he can remember stuff (even though you never will use it) lolololol :upstare:). This guy got decorated with honor clubs, etc, yet he can't hold his own.
I can understand and deal well with the fact that they won't let me back in. That's one thing. But making me ****ing wait for a month and a half and basically TELLING me a week ago during a private meeting that they'll most likely let me back in..then pulling this shit on me now is another thing. That's what really gets me angry the fact that they can be so harsh and unprofessional like this. Now, instead of telling me this months ago, I can't even apply to another school.
Yes it was pretty bad to do that, but frankly you don't have any say now do you? Most colleges are incredibly bad. What is even worse are community colleges. I need to get a thread going to bitch about college. You got the people from another country, paid cheap all the time because the college is cheap, and can't speak English, etc. Roof is leaking, no help, no fire alarms in the college, ETC, ETC. ;)
**** mate i'm soz to hear that. Any rejection hurts like a bitch :( At the end of the day, they are a pseudo-privatised education medium and they don't need to work to get more applicants;
which sometimes makes them ****'s to deal with.

All you can really do is conduct yourself as professionally as you can and work with your issue. I'm sorry to hear it fell south on you. Got a plan up your sleeve, another uni?
Weird. In my experience, most institutions are extremely laid back when it comes to expelling and stuff. Because there's really nothing in it for them: they don't get to see any more monies from you and it's probably bad for their statistics too. I think over here it's even so that until you leave with a diploma, they don't see a dime of your money.

I've been a slacker with school all my life, but I've always gotten "special assignments" to pass. Like when my average for Spanish magically went from a 2 (out of 10) to 6 by making one test that I think I didn't even pass.
University is overrated. The most successful people either dropped out of Uni or never went in the first place. Go against the flow, stick it to the man. The system is not there to help you, the cake is a lie.

You should be glad Uni kicked you out. Now you're free to be whatever you want to be. Chances are, you'll just sit in a darkened room talking on interweb forums though :angel:
For every "self made man" there's 20 people in unemployment or welfare.

Sound advice..
Well yeah, you can't sit on your arse all day and expect to get rich. Lifes not about money anyway, only this crappy system forces that notion on you. Go to a desert island and hunt antelope for dinner. We got by for a few million years doing it, never hurt anyone.
Well yeah, you can't sit on your arse all day and expect to get rich. Lifes not about money anyway, only this crappy system forces that notion on you. Go to a desert island and hunt antelope for dinner. We got by for a few million years doing it, never hurt anyone.

Never hurt anyone, no. Not until they died at the age of 35.

And I'd like to live without my life consisting entirely of surviving until tomorrow, and would like to engage in activities other than "gathering tomorrow's food".
Never hurt anyone, no. Not until they died at the age of 35.

And I'd like to live without my life consisting entirely of surviving until tomorrow, and would like to engage in activities other than "gathering tomorrow's food".
Lol, well I guess we're all different. I obviously don't aspire to much :LOL:
And I'd like to live without my life consisting entirely of surviving until tomorrow, and would like to engage in activities other than "gathering tomorrow's food".

Yeah, like surfing the intraweb for pron.
Well....a few days ago i went over to Brock to fill out an academic withdrawal form for comp sci for the hell of it even tho it most likely wouldn't get through...so as im walking back to my car I see the Dean walking the opposite direction of me.

I'm thinking to myself "just keep walking, don't make eye contact, you don't want an awkward conversation"...so then we pass eachother, and 2 seconds later he calls out my name.

I go over and he tells me he thinks he found a way to let me back in and to meet with him tuesday(today).

So i'm in his office just a few hours ago and he tells me he can write off my comp sci mark, thus lifting the suspension. So now i'm back in!!!

He told me that he was going to leave the suspension but since I was so determined and have been fighting this for nearly 2 months he decided to let me in, but I need to get at least a 70% avg next year so i'm not going to **** around at all and this time take school seriously.

:D :D
:) Good to hear it worked out for ya mate. Your dean sounds like a good bloke.