worst game uve ever bought?

ElFuhrer said:
Halo. I can think of much worse games, but I never bought them. It's funny how people can complain about Doom 3 being repetitive and still not mind Halo. It's like Bungie made a fun demo but decided to repeat it over and over with some minor changes and try to pass it off as a game.

You're joking right?
ElFuhrer said:
Halo. I can think of much worse games, but I never bought them. It's funny how people can complain about Doom 3 being repetitive and still not mind Halo. It's like Bungie made a fun demo but decided to repeat it over and over with some minor changes and try to pass it off as a game.

Private Dancer. It's like Strip card games with 3d-model women stripping off whenever you win.

(But it was 99p and I only bought it for a laugh).
Dream Phone

The difference is that Halo actually offers a challenge and has great combat (which, unlike Doom3, requires skill and practise to master)

On the whole Halo is wondefully varied. The (few) instances of repitition are easily forgiven. Doom 3 has no such redeeming features, and the repeptiton is far more obvious as a result (imo, of course)

Co-op alone makes Halo great.

//back on topic

The worst game I purchased has to be Actraiser 2. It wasn't actually that bad, but paled in comparison to the original.
Blood 2 even though the main character's name is Caleb and so is mine.

Either Blood 2 or Vampire the Masquerade.
Glo-Boy said:
Blood 2 even though the main character's name is Caleb and so is mine.

Either Blood 2 or Vampire the Masquerade.

Hope you meant Redemption (although I haven't played it) cause Bloodlines was a great game.
Diablo 2, hated it for some odd reason.

LOVED the 1st one so much better.
Warbie said:
The difference is that Halo actually offers a challenge and has great combat (which, unlike Doom3, requires skill and practise to master)

On the whole Halo is wondefully varied. The (few) instances of repitition are easily forgiven. Doom 3 has no such redeeming features, and the repeptiton is far more obvious as a result (imo, of course)

Co-op alone makes Halo great.

//back on topic

The worst game I purchased has to be Actraiser 2. It wasn't actually that bad, but paled in comparison to the original.
Really? I thought completely the opposite when comparing Doom3 and Halo. I don't see how you can say that halo requires skill and practice to master when all you do is pickup a certain gun and hold down the buttn. The bullets on at least one of the guns is heat seaking. How is that skillfull to not even have to aim and still hit them repeatedly. (the needler) After a few hours with Halo I couldn't even talk myself into playing it ever again. Doom 3 wasn't perfect, but I love it, eventually it became one of my favorite games, and I've played a lot of games (I'm old school bitch). While the skeleton closets were pretty stupid, it's just a game. It could have been better but it would have taken another year at least. Except for the zombie commandos(chain gun and tentacle), and the maggots (two headed crawling creatures)I think all the monsters are fantastic and really fun. Unlike most FPS games you can actually be skilled at dodging and ducking to avoid damage. I did like some of the comments the NPC's made in Halo. They were like, "OMG WTF?!" or something :) The NPC's would be saying some funny ass shit and the surface vehicle was awesome at first too but didn't that just get really boring? I don't know something ruined this game for me and I can't place it.

I also bought Actraiser2 for the SNES, and I thought it was better than average. If thats the worst game you've ever bought you are really lucky. The graphics were some of the best I'd ever seen at the time, so I finished it once or twice and sold it.

Anway back on topic, the worst games I've ever bought were for the NES, and I was taught a valuable lesson. There were lots of just plain horrible games for that system (not as bad as the 2600 though) Since then, I haven't bought any horrible games, but I'd have to say Breakdown for Xbox was the worst game I've bought in recent years. Big disappointment.

some pictures here, and you can see from the pictures how awesome it looks but... NO. Not a good game.
Heh, props on the big thread revival.

My worst purchased game still has to be Doom 3.
Halo. I played it for a couple hours. Paid 40 bucks. Waste.
Probably Resident Evil 4. I know lots of people love it, but I struggled with the controls for well over half an hour before I even reached the village. Then when I did I got killed within a minute or so.

The worst game I ever bought was probably Finding Nemo for Gamecube, but that was for my sister's present and she wanted it. Then she realised it was cack too and we took it back and purchased Animal Crossing. XD
Path of Neo for the PC...
-Shit graphics
-Shit controls
-Shit story
-Utter shit.
Jak II, gos i hate it so much.
I'm thinking of downloading 50 cent bullet proof, just to proof to myself i can have more fun even with that game then jak II.
Probably True Crime: New York City. What a horrible, horrible game that was.
Black and White 2, probably... considering what I was expecting, it was shite.
Grey Fox said:
Jak II, gos i hate it so much.
I'm thinking of downloading 50 cent bullet proof, just to proof to myself i can have more fun even with that game then jak II.

...Trust me, You can't.

Besides, Jak II owns your face. :D
Brothers In Arms:RTH30, damn that game blew ass imo, 50 euros wasted :(
SixThree said:
PC: Battlefield Vietnam
N64: Harvest Moon 64 <--- what was I thinking

I have just discovered a game that is much more fast/fun than the whole 'Battlefield' series: Joint Operations Typhoon Rising. It is simply the most fun game I have ever played, supports up to 160 people (and I don't have an issue with lag at all) helicopters, chinooks, boats, trucks, tanks, hovercraft etc.. Google for the demo.

HM was fun for like a week.

JO:TR and Escalation is brilliant, I've played it loads.

My worst game would be C&C Renegade or Empire Earth.
Mutley said:
HM was fun for like a week.

Well, I wasn't playing HM64, but I must admit i got a bit obsessive about Harvest Moon for GBA.

I quite liked C&C Renegade, but then again i wasn't expecting much.
Crashday, because it tries to beat Track Mania by adding explosions and guns, plus there is a mission that I cannot beat. Track Mania is still my favourite game.
I have not really bought a bad game recently. I used to every now and then when I was little but I got in the habit of playing demos or reading tons of reviews before I buy something. I do remember a wrestling game for the gameboy I bought that was really horrible and this was at a time when I was obsessed with all things wrestling and wouldn't have known a good game if it hit me in the face.
I usually dont buy games on a whim but I picked up judge dread for the ps1 and absolutely hated it within the first 5 minutes ...3rd person shooter on rails wave after wave of uninspired bad guys, buggy (my only ps1 disk to constantly crash)

worst purchase for me was Ghost Recon + xbox live. What a waste of money. I bought both within a week of release and while I loved GR's sp the mp was completely broken for me and I could never find any games in the lobby (many people in my area had same problem with isp + GR ..every other xbox live game was fine). Xbox live was a poor choice because at the time there were only a few titles that supported it and were mostly pc ports (rtcw + xbox = horrible port) ..the headphone/mic was painful to wear longer that 30 mins and was poor quality, early games on xbox live lagged badly, the few games that did work were full of shrill voiced teenagers screaming in your ear
probably 'defcon 5' for the ps1. The game is the most boring piece of crap ive ever seen. When you FINALLY meet a bad guy you die after a few shots. And why does the guy shoot bullets out of his eyes?
Pokemon Snap


Good topic by the way, everyone can just think of what they believe is the worst game ever, but when you phrase it "worst game you've ever bought," more people may relate easier, and remember their experience.
Hmm....I've picked up a lot of bargain bin PC games I would have been better without, but I don't think I've every actually regretted it. At least I learned something. :D
The Bouncer for the Playstation 2, developed by Dream Factory and published by Square.

Laughable story, extremely slow and frustrating controls, feels like you’re controlling a giant baby, uninteresting and generic characters, never completed it either because I got stuck at a point in the game, not because it was hard (a little challenging though) but because it was so hilarious I couldn't stop laughing.
The only positive aspect about the game is the graphics.

xlucidx said:
...Trust me, You can't.

Besides, Jak II owns your face.

The only thing I hate, hate and hate about Jak 2 is the ****ing ridiculous difficulty. Some missions are easy to beat while others you struggle so much you just want to through it out of the window. The difficulty varies a lot, it's like a rollercoaster. Up and down, up and down, up and down etc. etc. Gosh...
I love the game though, Naughty Dog should've just had looked into the difficulty more and it should have been an even better game. :)
Yeah, I got frustrated with Jak II also. Had a much better time with Jak 3.
F.E.A.R, overhyped badly programmed, mediocre crap.
Baal said:
Pokemon Snap


Good topic by the way, everyone can just think of what they believe is the worst game ever, but when you phrase it "worst game you've ever bought," more people may relate easier, and remember their experience.

My gosh. Developers for that game should be put to death.
VictimOfScience said:
Grom. It was $2.99 and wasn't worth one penny of it. See a review here to see what others thought.

How dare you talk about the greatest game EVER MADE like that.
Battlefield: Vietnam
Tribes Vengeance.