Worst Game you've ever played.


May 13, 2004
Reaction score
Idea stolen from "Worst Movie you've ever seen" thread.

Simple question! Mine would have to be....

...The Matrix Online, why? The game has very little servers, and thus makes making a low populated one impossable, so whats that lead too? Lag, and plenty of it, not somthing that should be around with a 2mb connection. The graphics engine doesnt help and is not very forgiving, giving you repeated textures galore, why sure, every building (pretty much) you can get into, but what the game fails to say is theres only about 2 types of buildings, making missions very, very boring.
ummmm, there are too many crappy games to list here...
all exept Counter Strike Source :p

So over-hyped and the gameplay is just...slow and repeating.
Star Wars Galaxies.
It was so god damn BORING!
Walk around...oh look a thing with spikes on its back! Let's go attack it...-punch- pause -counter-scratch- pause -punch- etc...
And the people were so snobby and unhelpful.
Got attacked by someone every chance they got...
It was boring and annoying.

Oh or Pariah.
Pretty game, shitty everything else.
Runescape. Unless you mean the worst PROPER game that i played. In that case, it would have to be WH40K Fire Warrior
Kouler said:
Runescape. Unless you mean the worst PROPER game that i played. In that case, it would have to be WH40K Fire Warrior

Friend of mine is a big warhammer fan, he brought the game, and as a warhammer fan he hated it, and as someone who knows nothing about warhammer, I also hated it. Just seemed bland, couldnt stand the weapons either.
Oh and any RPG...forgot to add that. ;)
Tr0n said:

So over-hyped and the gameplay is just...slow and repeating.

Man you're dumb! Get yo ass over to gamerankings.com and check out what game that lies above hl2!!!!!!!
Yeah i wouldn't say Halo is the worst game ever, i think its actually pretty good.

Far Cry gets points on my list because of its horrible, horrible B-movie storyline. Man, i dont care if it is deliberately corny its still sucks. NOLF 1 & 2 were deliberately corny and B-movie but damn were they some of the best games ever.

Superman 64 is probably one of the worst i've ever played. And i remember that getting TV ads too :(
Sparta said:
Superman 64 is probably one of the worst i've ever played. And i remember that getting TV ads too :(
you almost got :flame: there, i thought you said supermario 64 :LOL:
wakkywheel said:
Man you're dumb! Get yo ass over to gamerankings.com and check out what game that lies above hl2!!!!!!!

Yeah, and Ocarina of Time is number 1. What was your point again?
Pi Mu Rho said:
Yeah, and Ocarina of Time is number 1. What was your point again?

Eerrrr... OOT is better than both Halo and HL2. What's your point?
The point was that it's entirely subjective and that the position on an arbitrary game ranking page generally means absolutely bugger all.

wakkywheel said:
Man you're dumb! Get yo ass over to gamerankings.com and check out what game that lies above hl2!!!!!!!

NFL 2k1 is in the top 10 on game rankings, and Tekken 3 lies above both Halo & Half-Life 2. I mean I liked Tekken 3 but It's not one of the greatest games ever created.

I didn't find OOT that good in all honesty.
Halo (Need I say more?),
Rugrats' Trasure Hunt (Basically Mario Party without the mini-games. So it's a glorified board game :p),
Star Wars Galaxies (Great premise, but poorly executed)
Simpsons Wrestling (i dont know why i bought it)
Nuclear Strike (crap helicopter game with not enough fuel to get anywhere)
Lost World Jurassic Park (just shite tbh)
The Bouncer (poor beat-em up on the ps2 overal)
Lego Knights Kingdom (some moron bought me this, they have eaten it since)
The Sims (unless everything is on fire this sucks everywhere)
All fifa games (just rubbish)

The king of the worst is called Dark Vengence...crap graphics, awful sound, appauling characters, no story, glitchy as hell (a door killed me once) and THE worst game i've ever seen being sold, check it out! :thumbs:
Pi Mu Rho said:
The point was that it's entirely subjective and that the position on an arbitrary game ranking page generally means absolutely bugger all.

Why thank you pi.
wakkywheel said:
Man you're dumb! Get yo ass over to gamerankings.com and check out what game that lies above hl2!!!!!!!
Me dumb?For one, it's your not yo...and two I haven't even played hl2 yet...I'm not some hl fanboy.
Sparta said:
Yeah i wouldn't say Halo is the worst game ever, i think its actually pretty good.
You wouldn't, but I ain't you.

So again, yes halo does suck ass.
wakkywheel said:
Man you're dumb! Get yo ass over to gamerankings.com and check out what game that lies above hl2!!!!!!!
**Halo Fanboy alert**
Yeah, it's above half life 2 becuase console gamers outnumber pc gamers 3 to 1.

I think the worst game has to be 18 wheeler on the Gamecube.
Vigilante said:
**Halo Fanboy alert**
Yeah, it's above half life 2 becuase console gamers outnumber pc gamers 3 to 1.

I think the worst game has to be 18 wheeler on the Gamecube.

If you want to drive around in fatass 18 wheelers, get Big Mother Truckers for GC. It's superb and it's coming to DS.
Vigilante said:
I think the worst game has to be 18 wheeler on the Gamecube.
This man be right, i played the demo it was shit
Reginald said:
If you want to drive around in fatass 18 wheelers, get Big Mother Truckers for GC. It's superb and it's coming to DS.
My brother bought it for $2...I had to give it a try.
I'd also like to echo the opinion that Halo does, indeed, suck.

Generic FPS play? Check.
Uninspired level design? Check.
Repeat the same levels, but backwards? Check.

Reason for popularity: first semi-decent console FPS since GoldenEye. Cue hordes of dribbling console fanboys proclaiming BESTGAMEEVAROMGLOLZ! when, in reality, it's exactly the kind of game that we've been playing on the PC for the past 5 years.
You pretty much ripped it to pieces there Pi, ouch. I have don't care for Halo myself, i enjoyed knocking people over in those little buggy things for about 5 minutes, then got bored. They can keep Halo, i don't want it.
Pi Mu Rho said:
I'd also like to echo the opinion that Halo does, indeed, suck.

Generic FPS play? Check.
Uninspired level design? Check.
Repeat the same levels, but backwards? Check.

Reason for popularity: first semi-decent console FPS since GoldenEye. Cue hordes of dribbling console fanboys proclaiming BESTGAMEEVAROMGLOLZ! when, in reality, it's exactly the kind of game that we've been playing on the PC for the past 5 years.

Don't forget Perfet Dark! Halo actually ripped off Perfect Dark too. Play them both simultaneously and you'll see what I mean.
Can't remember the name of it, I think it was "Lone Soldier" or something, for the Playstation. It was absolutely atrocious.

Oh, and any one of the "Army Men" games.

-Angry Lawyer
Earth: 2150. Boring, slow paced generic RTS- plus it was WAY too complicated.
The only saving features were the customizable units and the nuclear missles. :E
there have been some real stinkers but the latest one I can think of is...

Timesplitters: Future Perfect. man that game just... phewy, ick.

and I will give Halo props, but only because of the Coop, that is what made both Halo one and Halo2 (to a lesser extent) such brilliant games. the fact that I could play through the game in full, with my bro-in law (big time gaming buddies/rivals :p )

otherwise I wouldn't have cared about the series at all.

the PC NEEDS more Co-op games!!!!!!!!
then again if the Pc did have more co-op games, I wouldn't spend any cash on consoles.
There's quite a few shitty hockey and F1 racing games out there, too many to name.

The pokemon game where you take pictures is retarded, it took like 1 hour to beat it...Vigilante 8 was an alright game but just had low replay value