Worst Game you've ever played.

Half-Life 2. ****ing ridiculous. I mean, you can actually pick up objects and throw them, who the **** wants to do that?
Samon said:

Care to elaborate?

Personally I think it has the worst community and as an online game that does affect it. I rarely play it now, but thats because of that PLUS I have a shitty computer.
Natural Selection ftw!
Worst game I ever played was probably Crazy Taxi on the Gamecube. Got real boring, real fast. Although the music was cool.
Some Marvel vs Capcom game on the PS2. It was basically slamming all the buttons repeatedly, and the most violent button-presser would win.
Excuse me? That's almost every fighting game ever created. Buttonmashing, that is.
Well, since I've been old enough to pay for them with my own money and to read up on them first, I don't tend to really bad games, so the worst games I've ever played are pretty ancient:
Asterix, Sonic 2 and Ghostbusters on the Master System

otherwise, some dodgy choices have been
Star Trek TNG: Birth Of The Federation... just boring, and too slow for my attention span
Unreal 2 was pretty poor. Dull missions and a stupid difficulty curve.

Hmmm I guess I must blank out the bad games...
halo sucks, it is terrible, i am sorry i ever spent my money on it, i like the physics engine*cough*cough* terrible, and omfg the servers are so fast*cough*. other than that i would say sof2.
Pi Mu Rho said:
I'd also like to echo the opinion that Halo does, indeed, suck.

Generic FPS play? Check.
Uninspired level design? Check.
Repeat the same levels, but backwards? Check.

Reason for popularity: first semi-decent console FPS since GoldenEye. Cue hordes of dribbling console fanboys proclaiming BESTGAMEEVAROMGLOLZ! when, in reality, it's exactly the kind of game that we've been playing on the PC for the past 5 years.
Actually you're wrong. Halo doesnt suck. Maybe the reason Halo is so popular is that its actually a good game, and that YOUR opinion doesnt mean it sucks. I <3 your hypocricy, but I like how hostile you are, given his only crime is that he liked the game :laugh: Its fine if you dont like it, frankly I dont give a shit - whats ironic is that clearly you do. If you think its got "generic" fps gameplay (which must be like, walking around and shooting), thats great too. I'm curious as to when you play any level in halo backwards, maybe I was just lolled into docility by its uninspiring levels and generic fps gameplay :rolleyes: I dont mean to get hot and bothered over a video game argument but your arrogance is embarassing to me.

By the way, this fat kid I knew once said that his burger king french fries were "uninspiring". I dont play games to get inspired, I play to have fun with friends at a lan party. If you want to get inspired go paint a picture.

mikeandike22 said:
halo sucks, it is terrible, i am sorry i ever spent my money on it, i like the physics engine*cough*cough* terrible, and omfg the servers are so fast*cough*. other than that i would say sof2.
Yeah if you got the horrendous gearbox port you deserve the disappointment you got. The xbox version is much better.

Worst game? Any paintball game so far.
gh0st said:
I'm curious as to when you play any level in halo backwards, maybe I was just lolled into docility by its uninspiring levels and generic fps gameplay :rolleyes:
... you honestly didn't notice that you were playing the same missions backwards? Perhaps you were asleep.

A Repeatative Synopsis of how repeatatively repeatative Halo's Repeatative Level "Design" is Repeatatively Repeatative.

1. The Pillar of Autumn: Fairly interesting and well designed spaceship.

2. Halo: Interesting outdoors level where you get to try out the vehicles.

3. Truth and Reconciliation: dull "attack the enemy starship" mission, marred even more by the fact that every corridor in said ship looks the same: it's the same shape with few distingushing details, and it looks like it belongs in a Matel accessories catalogue.

4. The Silent Cartographer: Interesting beach assault level. Requires you to fight you way out again though, stretching the game out for a little bit longer.

5. Assault on the Control Room. Minus Ctrl+C + Ctrl+V level design, this level is about half as long as you actually play through. Experience the joy of walking into the same segmented, two level, vaguely circular room over and over again.

6. 343 Guilty Spark: Fight into a facilitiy and err... out again. Looks dull and similar to most places you've already been, only, the flood get released and you must fight them. Though they suck 40 times more than the Fruit Pastells you were already fighting. Oh, and you have to fight your way back out again... or do you? it's really hard to tell in a level that looks so samey.

7. The Library: In the immortal words of Dom Jolley: "HELLO? YEAH, I'M THE LIBRARY! NO, IT'S CRAP!". Argueably the single worst level in FPS history since UEDNewbMapper#1270 said "Lo, I shall subtract a cube and fill it with all manner of bounteous things. Like 40 redeemers and a single player start. It's at this point that even if you haven't been getting the feeling that the game should be subtitled: "Halo: Combat Repeated", you really should be. The same two or three rooms, repeated ad Nauseaum with little variation in their spawning patterns. Filth.

8. Two Betrayals: Minus Ctrl+C + Ctrl+V level design, this level is about half as long as you actually play through. Experience the joy of walking into the same segmented, two level, vaguely circular room over and... wait a minute... this is just Mission 4, except we start in the map room and go the opposite way? "Don't follow the arrows kid, they point the way you went last time."

9. Keyes: Eww... it's that shitty shinny starship level all over again with the order of the corridors mixed up a little. You end up in the same place anyway. Ingenious.

10. It's Mission 1 again! To be fair, on the basis that Mission 1 didn't suck in the first place (whereas 3 and 4 were absolute arse chocolate), I'm actually enjoying this level somewhat. That said, it is just Mission 1 backwards, starting from the escape pod hatches, going to the bridge. Major new bit on the end. Shame the game just ends there, because it was in danger of actually getting good.

In summary, Halo 1 is actually only half a game, flipped, rotated, reversed copied and pasted to give you the other half. Shame most of the stuff they copied and pasted was the crap stuff in the first place...

frankly I dont give a shit - whats ironic is that clearly you do.
Actually, Pu is working on a game. Anyone in the industry has a right to be annoyed at how much acclaim such a run off the mill game got from the gaming press. And how is it Ironic at all? I guess it just feels nice to use that words once in a while :)
/me suddenly realises that mission 10 WAS mission 1 again.

Damn, i got distracted by the burnt crunchy bits.
gh0st said:
I'm curious as to when you play any level in halo backwards, maybe I was just lolled into docility by its uninspiring levels and generic fps gameplay :rolleyes:

I'm unsure as to whether to reply to this with a :| or :laugh:

Or both.

:laugh: :|

I didn't mind Halo, twas ok, but it, in every aspect of its creation does not deserve the amount of credit it recieved. You didn't notice the backtracking levels? I cannot believe this....

Kupo, as usual speaks words of absolute wisdom. Best quote it again.

kupoartist said:
... you honestly didn't notice that you were playing the same missions backwards? Perhaps you were asleep.

A Repeatative Synopsis of how repeatatively repeatative Halo's Repeatative Level "Design" is Repeatatively Repeatative.

1. The Pillar of Autumn: Fairly interesting and well designed spaceship.

2. Halo: Interesting outdoors level where you get to try out the vehicles.

3. Truth and Reconciliation: dull "attack the enemy starship" mission, marred even more by the fact that every corridor in said ship looks the same: it's the same shape with few distingushing details, and it looks like it belongs in a Matel accessories catalogue.

4. The Silent Cartographer: Interesting beach assault level. Requires you to fight you way out again though, stretching the game out for a little bit longer.

5. Assault on the Control Room. Minus Ctrl+C + Ctrl+V level design, this level is about half as long as you actually play through. Experience the joy of walking into the same segmented, two level, vaguely circular room over and over again.

6. 343 Guilty Spark: Fight into a facilitiy and err... out again. Looks dull and similar to most places you've already been, only, the flood get released and you must fight them. Though they suck 40 times more than the Fruit Pastells you were already fighting. Oh, and you have to fight your way back out again... or do you? it's really hard to tell in a level that looks so samey.

7. The Library: In the immortal words of Dom Jolley: "HELLO? YEAH, I'M THE LIBRARY! NO, IT'S CRAP!". Argueably the single worst level in FPS history since UEDNewbMapper#1270 said "Lo, I shall subtract a cube and fill it with all manner of bounteous things. Like 40 redeemers and a single player start. It's at this point that even if you haven't been getting the feeling that the game should be subtitled: "Halo: Combat Repeated", you really should be. The same two or three rooms, repeated ad Nauseaum with little variation in their spawning patterns. Filth.

8. Two Betrayals: Minus Ctrl+C + Ctrl+V level design, this level is about half as long as you actually play through. Experience the joy of walking into the same segmented, two level, vaguely circular room over and... wait a minute... this is just Mission 4, except we start in the map room and go the opposite way? "Don't follow the arrows kid, they point the way you went last time."

9. Keyes: Eww... it's that shitty shinny starship level all over again with the order of the corridors mixed up a little. You end up in the same place anyway. Ingenious.

10. It's Mission 1 again! To be fair, on the basis that Mission 1 didn't suck in the first place (whereas 3 and 4 were absolute arse chocolate), I'm actually enjoying this level somewhat. That said, it is just Mission 1 backwards, starting from the escape pod hatches, going to the bridge. Major new bit on the end. Shame the game just ends there, because it was in danger of actually getting good.

In summary, Halo 1 is actually only half a game, flipped, rotated, reversed copied and pasted to give you the other half. Shame most of the stuff they copied and pasted was the crap stuff in the first place...

Actually, Pu is working on a game. Anyone in the industry has a right to be annoyed at how much acclaim such a run off the mill game got from the gaming press. And how is it Ironic at all? I guess it just feels nice to use that words once in a while :)
The worst game I've ever played...
Unlimited Saga for the Playstation 2. It's got horrible sound, bad voice acting, horrible graphics, and I couldn't even find a storyline anywhere before my eyes started bleeding. I'm sure the game can appeal to some people... and those people should be shot.
RandomX said:
The worst game I've ever played...
Unlimited Saga for the Playstation 2. It's got horrible sound, bad voice acting, horrible graphics, and I couldn't even find a storyline anywhere before my eyes started bleeding. I'm sure the game can appeal to some people... and those people should be shot.
Ouch... I did get curious over this game at one point. For much the same reason as in this Penny Arcade strip (Square + a really nice looking box. It was also low-priced and I liked SaGa Frontier 2). Thankfully, I think the reviews warded me off the thing. And the Final Fantasy X-2 preview that they bundled with it...

Actually, I'm quite sure that Final Fantasy X-2 is one of the worst games I've played. I sat through a cringe-worthy opening, fought some new enemy duo that I didn't care about and went to Besaid Island to solve an hour-long mystery and find a "sphere". For which I was rewarded with an in-engine cutscene showing a waterfall and a treasure chest. I never put it back in the disc drive, but my friend informs me that most of the game is like that. Which sounds to me like Square took the already heavily spoiled meat of FFX, cut the choice piece of meat off... and made FFX-2 from the bits with the Maggots still crawling in them.

Like Yuna's voice actress.
kupoartist said:
... you honestly didn't notice that you were playing the same missions backwards? Perhaps you were asleep.

A Repeatative Synopsis of how repeatatively repeatative Halo's Repeatative Level "Design" is Repeatatively Repeatative.

1. The Pillar of Autumn: Fairly interesting and well designed spaceship.

2. Halo: Interesting outdoors level where you get to try out the vehicles.

3. Truth and Reconciliation: dull "attack the enemy starship" mission, marred even more by the fact that every corridor in said ship looks the same: it's the same shape with few distingushing details, and it looks like it belongs in a Matel accessories catalogue.

4. The Silent Cartographer: Interesting beach assault level. Requires you to fight you way out again though, stretching the game out for a little bit longer.

5. Assault on the Control Room. Minus Ctrl+C + Ctrl+V level design, this level is about half as long as you actually play through. Experience the joy of walking into the same segmented, two level, vaguely circular room over and over again.

6. 343 Guilty Spark: Fight into a facilitiy and err... out again. Looks dull and similar to most places you've already been, only, the flood get released and you must fight them. Though they suck 40 times more than the Fruit Pastells you were already fighting. Oh, and you have to fight your way back out again... or do you? it's really hard to tell in a level that looks so samey.

7. The Library: In the immortal words of Dom Jolley: "HELLO? YEAH, I'M THE LIBRARY! NO, IT'S CRAP!". Argueably the single worst level in FPS history since UEDNewbMapper#1270 said "Lo, I shall subtract a cube and fill it with all manner of bounteous things. Like 40 redeemers and a single player start. It's at this point that even if you haven't been getting the feeling that the game should be subtitled: "Halo: Combat Repeated", you really should be. The same two or three rooms, repeated ad Nauseaum with little variation in their spawning patterns. Filth.

8. Two Betrayals: Minus Ctrl+C + Ctrl+V level design, this level is about half as long as you actually play through. Experience the joy of walking into the same segmented, two level, vaguely circular room over and... wait a minute... this is just Mission 4, except we start in the map room and go the opposite way? "Don't follow the arrows kid, they point the way you went last time."

9. Keyes: Eww... it's that shitty shinny starship level all over again with the order of the corridors mixed up a little. You end up in the same place anyway. Ingenious.

10. It's Mission 1 again! To be fair, on the basis that Mission 1 didn't suck in the first place (whereas 3 and 4 were absolute arse chocolate), I'm actually enjoying this level somewhat. That said, it is just Mission 1 backwards, starting from the escape pod hatches, going to the bridge. Major new bit on the end. Shame the game just ends there, because it was in danger of actually getting good.

In summary, Halo 1 is actually only half a game, flipped, rotated, reversed copied and pasted to give you the other half. Shame most of the stuff they copied and pasted was the crap stuff in the first place...
Wait we're talking about halo 1? Well yeah its levels are recycled, who cares? Its still fun. SP is only 1/3 of the fun anyway, I havent played SP for a long time, I just play MP at lan parties. except now with halo 2.
FFX-2 would get my vote, if I hadn't played Unlimited Saga. FFX-2 is better than that game. I actually had fun for 2 minutes in FFX-2! Not the case with U.S. ...wait, U.S.?
gh0st said:
Wait we're talking about halo 1? Well yeah its levels are recycled, who cares? Its still fun. SP is only 1/3 of the fun anyway, I havent played SP for a long time, I just play MP at lan parties. except now with halo 2.

Ah no wonder you said that... :cheers:

I liked Halo 2. Its SP was a disapointment but still a fun game - did NOT deserve all the credit though. Again.
I don't understand why Counter-Strike: Source, Halo, etc are getting votes for the worst game ever. They may not be your opinion of a great game, but even kupoartist must have played Halo all the way through to come up with that list. This is a thread for the worst game you've ever played. Saying something is "uninspired" or hell, even just “dull” does not make it a really shit game. Just average. I mean come on; you’ve never played game that’s worse than just average in all your gaming life?

How many of you who have stated a really popular game as being the worst don’t just mean that it just didn’t live up to the hype? (i.e. a game that everybody thinks is great but you just think is just average.)
They just want attention for saying a popular game is the worst, that or they can't tell the difference from bad and worst.

In any case, I have played many many games, but there is this one jap game where you hit a furry person like thing with a bike and it flies through the air. It keeps bouncing around and if it hits a girl it slows and you can get "specials" where flying bikes also hit you or they chop you up with a sword which makes you fly faster. It is one of the dumbest things I have ever played.
PickledGecko said:
I don't understand why Counter-Strike: Source, Halo, etc are getting votes for the worst game ever. They may not be your opinion of a great game, but even kupoartist must have played Halo all the way through to come up with that list. This is a thread for the worst game you've ever played. Saying something is "uninspired" or hell, even just “dull” does not make it a really shit game. Just average. I mean come on; you’ve never played game that’s worse than just average in all your gaming life?

How many of you who have stated a really popular game as being the worst don’t just mean that it just didn’t live up to the hype? (i.e. a game that everybody thinks is great but you just think is just average.)
Maybe them, like myself, think the game is actually bad? I dunno, it seems so out there it's impossible. Pfft.
Mr. Redundant said:
there have been some real stinkers but the latest one I can think of is...

Timesplitters: Future Perfect. man that game just... phewy, ick.


Mr. Redundant said:
the PC NEEDS more Co-op games!!!!!!!!


I haven't really gotten any bad games, I enjoy all of them to some extent.

Vorac1ous said:
Maybe them, like myself, think the game is actually bad? I dunno, it seems so out there it's impossible. Pfft.
You can think the game is bad, but there are TONS of games out there that are far worse, and chances are very high that you played one of them.
PickledGecko said:
I don't understand why Counter-Strike: Source, Halo, etc are getting votes for the worst game ever. They may not be your opinion of a great game, but even kupoartist must have played Halo all the way through to come up with that list. This is a thread for the worst game you've ever played. Saying something is "uninspired" or hell, even just “dull” does not make it a really shit game. Just average. I mean come on; you’ve never played game that’s worse than just average in all your gaming life?

How many of you who have stated a really popular game as being the worst don’t just mean that it just didn’t live up to the hype? (i.e. a game that everybody thinks is great but you just think is just average.)
Quoted for truth. Finally. I mean, goddamn. People be acting like classic forumtards in here.

Worst game, huh? Well I've seen TechTV's XPlay's list of worst games of all time and yeah, those are all the worst games I've ever seen. We're talking, cranked out in a month, bugs in the final console release that keep you from beating the game in any way shape or form (Atari E.T., anyone?), graphics appearing and disappearing, braindead AI ...
But the worst games that I've ever gotten my hands on? That might be:

Dynowarz (NES)
Godzilla (NES)
Earthworm Jim 3D
Enter the Matrix
Zero Wing (Yes, as a result of All Your Base I had to check this one out, but between the difficulty and the sheer crappiness of it I gave up, even with save states)

I've usually avoided the games that had the stink of bad all over them, and most games I've played to death because that's my style, and I can't really add any of those played-to-death games to the list because then I'd be a dirty hypocrite.
Foxtrot said:
You can think the game is bad, but there are TONS of games out there that are far worse, and chances are very high that you played one of them.
I smell opinion...and nobody gives a shit about opinions :|

I don't play CS\Halo anymore...infact Q3A, Doom3, and RoE are the only games installed on my computer nowadays. CS\Halo is far worse then Q3A\Doom3 in my opinion. In this case, I am more than 110% sure you've played a game I think that's bad.
Vorac1ous said:
I smell opinion...and nobody gives a shit about opinions :|

I don't play CS\Halo anymore...infact Q3A, Doom3, and RoE are the only games installed on my computer nowadays. CS\Halo is far worse then Q3A\Doom3 in my opinion. In this case, I am more than 110% sure you've played a game I think that's bad.
Ya but there is no way that you could enjoy a game like Deer Hunter more than CS.
Vorac1ous said:
I don't play CS\Halo anymore...infact Q3A, Doom3, and RoE are the only games installed on my computer nowadays. CS\Halo is far worse then Q3A\Doom3 in my opinion. In this case, I am more than 110% sure you've played a game I think that's bad.

To quote yourself

Vorac1ous said:
I smell opinion...and nobody gives a shit about opinions :|
Hunting Games
Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (or whatever the videogame was called.... uhh...)
A random American trucking game with no AI, the ability to go 1,000,000,000km/h, no clipping whatsoever, and, if you win (not a challenge with no AI), says on the screen 'You'r Winner!'
Raziel-Jcd said:
Evil Genius

Oh, c'mon! By no means was that a great game, but worst ever? Hardly.

I'd have to say my worst game is fighter for the Sega Genesis called "Ballz."

gh0st said:
Actually you're wrong. Halo doesnt suck. Maybe the reason Halo is so popular is that its actually a good game, and that YOUR opinion doesnt mean it sucks. I <3 your hypocricy, but I like how hostile you are, given his only crime is that he liked the game :laugh: Its fine if you dont like it, frankly I dont give a shit - whats ironic is that clearly you do. If you think its got "generic" fps gameplay (which must be like, walking around and shooting), thats great too. I'm curious as to when you play any level in halo backwards, maybe I was just lolled into docility by its uninspiring levels and generic fps gameplay :rolleyes: I dont mean to get hot and bothered over a video game argument but your arrogance is embarassing to me.

By the way, this fat kid I knew once said that his burger king french fries were "uninspiring". I dont play games to get inspired, I play to have fun with friends at a lan party. If you want to get inspired go paint a picture.

Yeah if you got the horrendous gearbox port you deserve the disappointment you got. The xbox version is much better.

Worst game? Any paintball game so far.

Go away you console boy! :hmph:
This entire topic is based on opinion, and with games popping up left and right this is all going to end up changing in the long run. This is where we come to say our opinion on the worst -games- ever, not bash the consoles.
Sparta said:
To quote yourself
Doesn't mean I can't say what's on my mind. Nobody cares, but I'm allowed to talk aren't I? Or am I not?

And Foxtrot did I ever say I liked Deer Hunter? No, I said "D3\Roe And Q3A is what's installed on my computer because they are the most fun to me."
Sparta said:
Superman 64 is probably one of the worst i've ever played. And i remember that getting TV ads too :(

I got to see this, do you know where to find the trailer?
Hectic Glenn said:
Lost World Jurassic Park (just shite tbh)
Why?? :(
I love this game!! Mayby because Im hardcore Jurassic Park fan...