Worst Game you've ever played.

people who play halo for the multiplayer part (2/3 of the game as you guys say) instead of playing unreal tournament are plain retarded and/or extremely ignorant. that's a decralarion. also would people please stop pretending that halo is a good game but some rebel people don't like it. halo is a bad game that biased people like, very probably due to lack of anything else half-appealing on xBox. and that's that. this time i'm NOT taking 10 minutes to enumerate what makes halo shitty; i'll brief it up by "everything".
I'm confident that Halo is the perfect exemplar of why you should never trust games reviews at the time of a console's launch. (though "Worst Game you've ever played" it is not, by any stretch of the imagination).
worst game... hmmm.. toughie.. paintbrawl? no, no... any madden game they ever made... yeah, that would definitely be it. any Madden game they ever made.. or Postal 2.
Doom 3
Disappointed doesn't come close to summing it up
baxter said:
Doom 3
Disappointed doesn't come close to summing it up

You must play really good games all the time if Doom 3 is the worst of the worst.
aw shit yeah, Jedi Academy was really poor... really poor. damn that should be on the list.
kupoartist said:
I'm confident that Halo is the perfect exemplar of why you should never trust games reviews at the time of a console's launch. (though "Worst Game you've ever played" it is not, by any stretch of the imagination).
Yeah i totally agree. I think the hype of the console gets swept up into the score of the launch title and the editors become so overwhelmed with this new technology that they see past the obvious flaws any game thats on launch might have (and in Halo's case, it has/had quite a bit).

Can't blame them though. The first time i sat down and played Halo in mid 2002 was when my lil bro got the Xbox for his birthday. I must say the graphics completely blew me away. But after finishing the game i was kinda underwhelmed by the length.

2002 was around about the start of the decline of lengthy games....man how i miss 30 hour adventure games....
Sparta said:
Yeah i totally agree. I think the hype of the console gets swept up into the score of the launch title and the editors become so overwhelmed with this new technology that they see past the obvious flaws any game thats on launch might have (and in Halo's case, it has/had quite a bit).
I'm thinking more along the lines of the fact that console launches are make or break times for console manufacturers. The editors were no overwhelmed by the technology. We don't give them enough credit: these guys review games for a living, they can't be flaberghasted by something that is simply so repeatative. What these guys were actually flaberghasted by, were the sweetners that the console manufacturers put in, or the thinly veiled threats.

Nearly all Magazines have a symbiotic relationship with the industry. Men and Women's lifestyle magazines occasionally put out "don't be obessed with your body!" articles and claim that they're social activists, but their content is governed by the very advertisers who make the body obsession problem in the first place. It's a similar case with Games Mags (and sites for that matter). The Industry uses the Magazines for publicity. The Magazine uses the industry for previews and reviews and the like. The last thing your magazine wants to be doing in the first few months of console release is to be handing out rubbishy scores. The Manufacturers will get pissed off at you - they need to sell consoles and games that much more at the beginning of a consoles life. And if you dent those sales with a bad review, they'll dent your sales by restricting your access to preview and review content.

Halo was X-Box's console shifter. I don't think I know of anyone who got an X-Box because of any other game but Halo. Without Halo, X-Box's sales would likely have been considerably less than they were. Yet Halo is such a deeply average game that the reviews it universally recieved never made sense. M$ wanted it to sell. The Journalist wanted to be able to continue to review X-Box games. Halo got very shining reviews.

When it comes to the next-gen of consoles, everyone should do themselves a favour: read sensible people's opinions. The Mags and big news sites are obligated to lie through their teeth simply because they have the desire to stay in existence.
I tend to wait a year before buying some of the really hyped games for newer systems, to give lots of other people time to play it and then voice their opinions on how they felt, then I go out and buy the game or don't buy it, based on everything I hear. I find that some people in this thread are only posting the first bad game that comes to mind, but this is for the worst ever in existance.

After playing some games over a friend's house, I've come to a new conclusion for my pick as the worst game ever:
Crash Nitro Kart for the Playstation2. Loading screens for the loading screens WTF?!?! And the gameplay was a lot better in Crash Team Racing from the PS1... Crash Nitro Kart plain sucks!
I really hate Grand Turismo 3.
Edit: Halo was a brilliant game. Halo 2 was crap and had a crap story but I'd love to see Halo re-done with dual weilding and Halo 2 vehicles.
Somone is going to kick my ass for this: Metal Gear Solid series.

I mean, come on, lets get a working camera angle for a stealth game.
superjuanchango said:
Somone is going to kick my ass for this: Metal Gear Solid series.

I mean, come on, lets get a working camera angle for a stealth game.

Buy your Free of flaming package today! *insert dodgy salesman music*

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Dues Ex: Invisible War.

I was really looking forward to this after playing Deus Ex. This game was disaapointing and lagged on my computer. Hl2 turned up ultra-high everything does not lag my system, but this somehow managed too. During fights i would get about 10 fps. I didn't like the inventory system, or the controls that much. Melee weapons were pretty much useless. The list goes on and on.

Pokemon Picture game. It was so bad can't even remember the title.
superjuanchango said:
Somone is going to kick my ass for this: Metal Gear Solid series.

I mean, come on, lets get a working camera angle for a stealth game.
Totally agree. Played both 1 and 2 and they suck in comparison to the Splinter Cell series.
xlucidx said:
Star Wars Galaxies.
It was so god damn BORING!
Walk around...oh look a thing with spikes on its back! Let's go attack it...-punch- pause -counter-scratch- pause -punch- etc...
And the people were so snobby and unhelpful.
Got attacked by someone every chance they got...
It was boring and annoying.

This one gets my vote too. What a waste of thirty quid. Didn't even play this sucka for a week before I un-installed it. Opportunity totally missed with that game.
Sparta said:
Totally agree. Played both 1 and 2 and they suck in comparison to the Splinter Cell series.

Do you want a flame proof kit to?

I think the idea of the camera is to come off as a more cinematic approach.
Mr. Redundant said:
there have been some real stinkers but the latest one I can think of is...

Timesplitters: Future Perfect. man that game just... phewy, ick.

heck no! i love that game.

anyways, worst game for me, probbably an old game called carnivores, it was not really even playable, bought it for 10 bucks...
Samon said:
I think the idea of the camera is to come off as a more cinematic approach.

Then make a ****ing movie, not a game. In some games odd cameras work for effect (see: Resident Evil), not a game where you are supposed to be trying to see your surroundings.

In other words: YOU LOSE! GOOD DAY SIR!
Fable as most dissapointing - there was some real potential there, too bad they didn;t spend more time on it

Worst game I've PLAYED is the Daikatana demo
i tend to avoid shit games, but I had to try it to see if it really was that bad, and guess what, it is, and i got to save myself money, but i'll never get those 10 mins. back sadly
superjuanchango said:
Then make a ****ing movie, not a game. In some games odd cameras work for effect (see: Resident Evil), not a game where you are supposed to be trying to see your surroundings.

In other words: YOU LOSE! GOOD DAY SIR!

Nope, camera works absolutley fine for me. It isn't just a stealth game anyway, it isn't meant to be like Splinter cell where your always sneaking around and action is your last option.

They are two different games. Simple.
superjuanchango said:
Somone is going to kick my ass for this: Metal Gear Solid series.

I mean, come on, lets get a working camera angle for a stealth game.

In the second you did have irritating angles, but in the first the camera was on top. Now you probably don't like that to, but see that makes it easier to pull of soem manouvres that you can't do in sc+ you have to use th radar. MGs was not designed to be realistic it was just arcade fun+ if it was like sc you couldn't have the awsome bossfights. The thing is with teh camera overhead you can pull of a lot of timed stuff, and do some wacky stuf. The thing is it's best not to expect soemthing like SC or you will get dissapointed.
Kebean PFC said:
Pokemon Picture game. It was so bad can't even remember the title.

How about every pokemon game ever made period!
worst games ever?


super mario 64
perfect dark
resident evil 4
all zelda titles
and definately anything ever released on the pc
I never said I was a fan of Splinter Cell, because I am not. I didn't do that comparison, I just thought that a camera should not be preset in a stealth game.
superjuanchango said:
I never said I was a fan of Splinter Cell, because I am not. I didn't do that comparison, I just thought that a camera should not be preset in a stealth game.

But it isn't just a stealth game
Kyo said:
How about every pokemon game ever made period!
Pokemon games were only bad because of the hype. Just the games themselves though were surprisingly fun. I was actually just playing Pokemon silver a couple months ago via emulator.
Sparta said:
Totally agree. Played both 1 and 2 and they suck in comparison to the Splinter Cell series.

I have no idea how you can say that about MGS 1 , that game was just soooo goood.
i think too many people have posted games that were generally well-made, but a person's taste didn't mesh with the game. For instance, Halo. I don't like Halo really at all (pc demo shite, xbox version not much better imo), but it's not the worst game I've ever played. Same with doom3. Well-made game. but kinda disappointing to some. I think a lot of people have listed games as the worst they've ever played when they should be placed in a category: "Most Overhyped Game Ever" which i think places halo and doom3 in there. Personally i think games like Halo have taken gaming to a more accepted place in society.

jedi academy worst game you've ever played? hardly.

honestly i can't think of horrible games I have played.
X2: The Threat was the worst I played, I thought it was too slow and too overrated (most likely because its one of the first space games to include pixel shading)
A game can be made much worse by hype, this making it the biggest dissapointment. Dissapointment can lead to me having a really bad time, thus making it the worst game.
superjuanchango said:
A game can be made much worse by hype, this making it the biggest dissapointment. Dissapointment can lead to me having a really bad time, thus making it the worst game.
As a Comp Sci major, I see "worst game" partly from a programming standpoint. Sure story is a factor and gameplay is a factor, but when game is full of glitches that seriously distract from the experience, or it's otherwise evident that the game was slapped together at the last second in an effort to make money, I can't respect those games.

Truth is, hype machines aside (which by the way, the world would be a much better place if people didn't buy into), both Halo's, Doom 3, the Half-Lifes, Far Cry were all above-average games. From where I stand, I cannot believe that people call any of these games "the shittiest shit that was ever shit from a butt." Not as long as games like Superman 64 exist.
GoJan said:
I have no idea how you can say that about MGS 1 , that game was just soooo goood.
Yes, backtracking halfway through the game to get a sniper rifle at the start of the game was awesome. So was backtracking at the END of the game to force some card to heat up and cool down were awesome too. So were the respawning enemies, the camera angle, the 20 minute long cutscenes, the pointless Mei Ling babbling sequences and those stupid, stupid cutscenes after you've killed the bosses. And lets not forget how the game tries so very very hard to pull you into its atmosphere with its many long and tedious cutscenes, just to pull you back out of it again with sequences like the PsychoMantis boss fight and the torture scene.

Bah, terrible game if you ask me. And Hideo Kojima seriously needs to pull his head out of his ass.