Worst man Addiction EVER!

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pat_thetic said:
I will probably be flamed to kingdom come for this.. buuut... Here is a quote from a forum I go to(this isn't my post)

"If you want to talk about jerking off go get a mirror and talk to yourself"

This thread is disgusting....
This post maybe :hmph:
longest i every lasted was about a week, i'm not even sure why but it was hard stuff haha (no pun intended) But i do have alternate sources. It was valentines day yesterday :naughty: so my hand got to take a break.

Pat, u seem to find anything sexual oriented disgusting and inappropriate. I remember u being against the porn thread too, and i see theres some nipple references going on here too.
pat_theic hasnt said much really, its true this thread is discusting, but interesting lol
Fat Tony! said:
pat_theic hasnt said much really, its true this thread is discusting, but interesting lol

ya but it kinda shows how open community can be. I guess its disgusting but its pretty funny. Sometimes disgusting thigns r best sources of humour.
pat_thetic said:
I will probably be flamed to kingdom come for this.. buuut... Here is a quote from a forum I go to(this isn't my post)

"If you want to talk about jerking off go get a mirror and talk to yourself"

This thread is disgusting....

/me shakes hands with pat

JonTheCanuck said:
longest i every lasted was about a week, i'm not even sure why but it was hard stuff haha (no pun intended) But i do have alternate sources. It was valentines day yesterday :naughty: so my hand got to take a break.

Pat, u seem to find anything sexual oriented disgusting and inappropriate. I remember u being against the porn thread too, and i see theres some nipple references going on here too.

No, I just don't like talking about that kind of stuff on a gaming forum, kids can easily see this stuff and go download porn. Go to some porn forum if you want to talk about that crap...
pat_thetic said:
No, I just don't like talking about that kind of stuff on a gaming forum, kids can easily see this stuff and go download porn. Go to some porn forum if you want to talk about that crap...

This is OT. It's just community members talking about random stuff with other community members. This topic just goes to show (as said before) how open we can be with one another.
pat i don't get it...haven't you ever brought yourself to squirt out some man-goo juice? i mean come on! it's not like we're talking about murdering people or torture..sheesh..
qckbeam said:
This is OT. It's just community members talking about random stuff with other community members. This topic just goes to show (as said before) how open we can be with one another.

I guess you just love hearing about 13 year old boys sexual habits don't you?
Dedalus said:
pat i don't get it...haven't you ever brought yourself to squirt out some man-goo juice? i mean come on! it's not like we're talking about murdering people or torture..sheesh..

Who said that? I'm pretty sure I didn't....
Yea and since when were u the one to decide whats good, if you dont like this thread stay out of it
Whatever, I'm out of this thread, I guess I knew I would be flamed but... bleh whatever.
pat_thetic said:
I guess you just love hearing about 13 year old boys sexual habits don't you?

Well, my friend, I guess you misunderstood my post. It's no matter, you don't like it, leave. Pretty simple eh?
oh yay, now the thread will probably get closed cos one guy decides to whine, :( that sucks
Do you guys think I should market my keyboard jizz protector?

(Its so your keyboard doesnt get pregnant)
I happen to take offence to people insinuating members are peadophiles. The thread about porn didn't give information about it etc.. I seem to remember you turning it into a flame war about how immoral oral sex was. I also closed that thread.
mrBadger said:
I happen to take offence to people insinuating members are peadophiles. The thread about porn didn't give information about it etc.. I seem to remember you turning it into a flame war about how immoral oral sex was. I also closed that thread.

Wo, I never called him a peadophile and I wasn't in anyway trying to give that perception... I guess I did, but I'm sorry for that, I didn't mean it that way.
hhahha pat your post was closed..lol... pat is pat thetic like his avaotr...hehrhehhehee
Post party? O man u missed out a great one when the HDR vid was about to be released.................good times
HDR? What's that?

EDIT: I think Badger is just mad at me so decided to close it... He threatened to reset my post count heh.
pat_thetic said:
EDIT: I think Badger is just mad at me so decided to close it... He threatened to reset my post count heh.

maybe SPAM had something to do with it? Ever think of that? Badger doesn't abuse his power Pat, don't accuse him of that.
qckbeam said:
maybe SPAM had something to do with it? Ever think of that? Badger doesn't abuse his power Pat, don't accuse him of that.

I consider this spam, does that make it spam?
EDIT: heh, a mod posted how many posts he had on it...
pat...yea thats spam and if u want to stay as a member id stop now
pat_thetic said:
I consider this spam, does that make it spam?

You don't make the rules Pat. This thread isn't spam, it has a topic. Your thread on the other hand has none. You have now, of course, brought this thread way off course.
Pat...your avator is going to look like you when i ban u
!ban pat_thetic
qckbeam said:
You don't make the rules Pat. This thread isn't spam, it has a topic. Your thread on the other hand has none. You have now, of course, brought this thread way off course.

Bleh, I wasn't the only one who brought it off course, and ya I'm gunna stop now, I'm scared of badger.
Pat. this is a warning. Heed it.

I don't abuse my power. Threads like 'Post Party' are against our rules.
mrBadger said:
Pat. this is a warning. Heed it.

I don't abuse my power. Threads like 'Post Party' are against our rules.

I have heeded your warning, and I don't think your abusing your powers, I would have done the same thing.
back on topic eh? o bugger this thread's lost its momentum i cant even remember whats it's about :(
I brought it off topic so I shall bring it back:

Okay, masturbation is so addiciting that
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