Would you pay over $100 for Half Life 2?

Which version? The collectors edition is gonna be around that anyway. But I probably would, because I'm an impatient SoB.
A benji for half-life 2? No way :D well... if it releases right now I would buy it for sure.
i guess any edition. I know I am going to fail out of college because of all these amazing games coming out.
No doubt I would buy it. I have all the hl games so I need this 2 add 2 my collection. :D
If I could get my hands on it at this very moment, you bet your ass I would :bounce: But if I have to wait another two months or whatever...then hell no. :rolling:
100$ equal to £70...hmmmmm the price is a bit high for the CE version of HL2. NO I cannot pay that much money for CE,,,,:|

maximum I would pay is £55 that is $79.99
hell no. it's looks like it's going to be a great game, but I'm not going to pay $100 for it.
$100 yea. just looking ahead to all the mods coming out for years, it will be worth it.
Yes. But then I'd get a CD-crack or something, take it back and spend the £70-odd on scotch eggs or something.
I already paid $80 for the CE, whats $20 more dollars?
if it was $100 i would warez and and then buy cs:source
I would, because all the mods that will be released will make the game worth it
no......I'd wait until it was out on budget for £9.99 or something. That way I still get to play the game of the century without breaking the bank.
CE yes...but vanilla HL2...nup.

I still reckon that Steam is the best way to go. Cheaper in the long run AND you support Valve (and their addictions) by way of an extra x2.5 more than if you bought the box. (or something like that).

PS: "Benji"....wtf?
hell yeah i would pay $100 for this game! but thanks to my ati graphics card, i get it for free :D
id pay 100 bucks canadian for the collector's edition
$100 dollars? What's that in pounds? It doesn't seem very much :/
$100 AUD :p for collectors edition? Hell yeah! Only $10 more from normal HL2 :p
I'm going to have to go with no. I don't even think Doom 3 is worse $60 (okay, maybe that's not saying much).

I don't think any specific software as intellectual property is worthy to be sold at over $70 (US). Anymore and you're adding bells and whistles no one would really need at the time (as technology advances the price doesn't inflate much, so it all evens out eventually - who paid $50 for Mario 3? heh [or $60 for True Lies (not me)]).

I don't care how stellar of a game it is, Valve will get plenty from releases of seperate versions of CS:C, HL2, old HL (until HL comes around, at least), mods and other games. I'm sure they'll make plenty more than what's invested at a $50 price tag.
I would pay 100$ to get the fully finished game right now. I would not pay the price during the acutal release though.
Crusader said:
$100 dollars? What's that in pounds? It doesn't seem very much :/

It is twice the price. In real life the regular HL2 will be $50USD (all non-budget games start at this price)
This is why they make CD-Key Gens. If they or any company overprices any software. People use them to screw the company because they tried to screw us.
Not in a million years. No GAME is worth that to me.

I'd probably wait for it to drop in price.
no..abosolutly no unless I could get it right now free first day shipping and collectors edition
Kouler said:
$100 AUD :p for collectors edition? Hell yeah! Only $10 more from normal HL2 :p
Exactly, $100 AUD is probably the price of Doom 3 retail. :cheers:
No, I would not pay $100 for HL2. Maybe a year ago, but not now..
i would never pay that much money for a computer game ,i would wait until the price got dropped.
I think I would because a 100 dollars is nothing. For a start it's far less than I already paid just to have the rig to play this game.

Although I have to say I would be pissed if valve tried to screw that much money out of us...
For a hundred dollars, AMERICAN mind you.

i would want the following.

the game/manual/essentials
perferably a DVD version with special behind the scenes features. Other special goodies, outtakes, original voice recordings,
a plush Headcrab
Half-Life 2 keychain
a nice looking box to package it in.
Poster,Autographed by All the producers directors and Main people persons.
Sneak preview of HL 3

ONLY THEN would i pay a hundred dollars for the game... american dollars.
Wow I can see you guys are spoiled for getting everything so cheap, come to london and see if you can get a sandwich for 100 dollars :p
well , i guess exactly that will be in the collectors edition (and some other stuff too)
hmm i dunno but it sounds cool :) maybe i buy the collectors edition :D

aaah and hl2 standart package will cost around 40$ and collectors edition around 80$ i read it somewhere !!
if valve was smart they would raise the price to like 65$ and everyone would buy it, and the little amount of profit earned would make them millions richer!