WoW Stress test ..who's in?

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-JeZ- said:
Right, how the funk did you EU smeggers get into the stress test? Hmmm? I'd like to play but AFAIK it's only open to north american peeps.

we sneaknsied in :p
-JeZ- said:
Right, how the funk did you EU smeggers get into the stress test? Hmmm? I'd like to play but AFAIK it's only open to north american peeps.

How many of you smegging americans signed up for the EU closed beta?

How many smegging EU signed up for the american closed better.

How many smegging EU signed for for the stress test.

Etc etc etc. Who cares.
I spend most of my time dying and looking for my body

played for about 2 hours yesterday, seriously lost. I'm so freaking weak, I cant even kill a deer and get killed by boar

what's the fastest way to level up? I've only completed 2 quests because I keep dying before I can make it to the next one
CptStern said:
I spend most of my time dying and looking for my body

played for about 2 hours yesterday, seriously lost. I'm so freaking weak, I cant even kill a deer and get killed by boar

what's the fastest way to level up? I've only completed 2 quests because I keep dying before I can make it to the next one

keep doing quests! you get loads of xp just for walking around collecting things/talking to people.

add all of us to your friends list. we're playing on the Amun'Thul server.
Update since the servers went down:

Server: Archimonde
Gnome Warlock lvl 15 in Westfall

I could've been one of the highest warlocks had I not been out of town this weekend. :(
Dedalus said:
keep doing quests! you get loads of xp just for walking around collecting things/talking to people.

add all of us to your friends list. we're playing on the Amun'Thul server.

dont forget the piles of money they give you! somtimes though its better to solo, try both and compare leveling speed.

and i quit :p you wont see me on WoW untill retail.

edit: actually ill pop in for the last hour to say bye to peoples
-=jt=- said:
dont forget the piles of money they give you! somtimes though its better to solo, try both and compare leveling speed.

and i quit :p you wont see me on WoW untill retail.

edit: actually ill pop in for the last hour to say bye to peoples

wait wait wait! i keep forgetting who you are?! remllac right? or Dedric? i'm confused :rolling:

EDIT: i'm now a level 17 Human Rogue :D
yah im remllac the drunken brawling dwarf
dedric was a friend i met in my guild, we had group for a bit and got whupped by the stinking miners of death.
AmishSlayer said:
Update since the servers went down:

Server: Archimonde
Gnome Warlock lvl 15 in Westfall

I could've been one of the highest warlocks had I not been out of town this weekend. :(
I have a level 17 Troll Hunter on that server.
Currently a LVL 11 Human Warrior, I have Leather/Skinning/Fishing. I like to make light leather kits that add +8 to armour, very fun game..
hey wait,
suicide you read all the docs right? why are the horde siding with the undead? and why do you never see a undead orc?
from the WoW FAQ on the Blizzard website. said:
Why are the Undead allied with the Horde?

Led by the banshee-queen Sylvanas, the Forsaken are an Undead faction that split violently with the Scourge during the Third War. Knowing that no Human agency would ever give them shelter or aid against the Scourge, now their hated enemy, they turned to the savage Horde, based across the sea in the distant land of Kalimdor, for assistance. To convince the Horde to allow the Forsaken into their alliance, the Undead ambassadors claimed that they merely sought a cure for their degenerative condition, which they believed that only the powers of shamanism and the life-giving energies of the earth could provide. In exchange for the shamans' healing aid, the Forsaken vowed to support the Horde in all of its ventures throughout Lordaeron and Azeroth.

Having done battle with the Undead on many occasions, Orc warchief Thrall and Tauren chieftain Cairne Bloodhoof of the Horde were immediately suspicious of the Forsaken's motives. However, due to growing political tensions, the warriors acquiesced to a council of sages known as The Earthen Ring. The council argued that it was the Horde's duty to aid the Forsaken, who wrestled with inner demons just as the Orcs had for generations.

Though Thrall and Cairne secretly suspect the worst, it remains to be seen what Sylvanas and her fanatical Forsaken have planned....
-=jt=- said:
hey wait,
suicide you read all the docs right? why are the horde siding with the undead? and why do you never see a undead orc?

Dedalus said it. While Playing as sylvanas in the frozen throne, i can belive that she herself may want a cure- after all, she hates her new form of rotting flesh and when the lick king's influence is diminished, she vows to rid herself of the burden to her body and get revenge on arthas.

But thats the point- the old sylvannas that arthus turned into a banshee in warcaft 3 wouldn't have acted so hastily. sure- she was protecting the elves' homeland with her life, but she would have never gone out of her way for something as trivial as revenge.

basically what im saying is that she has been mentally changed by all this... and while it is true that she longs to be an elf again, her anger and hatred will break her off that path, and it is most likely that she and her undead banshee sisters have no intention of curing themselves and will use theire newfound immortality to go after arthas.

of course im only guessing here, but now she has lost her elven charm (that wasnt very pure anyway seeing as the high elves are actually night elves that worshipped magic and became corrupt) along with all her sanity. Sylvanas is not an elf anymore- she is undead, and even without a leader they will never be accepted by anyone.

As a prediction for the future... as for the undead, i suspect that either Arthus (who is the new lich king) may outstrech his influence again and take them over, or they will simply detach themselves completely and rot in their destroyed lorderon untill they are attacked or they wage war.

but thats just my opinion- if you want more info go play warcraft 3 and frozen throne. they have great stories and amazing gameplay- if you complete them you wont be disaoppointed. Or just read the history on the official site- a good read. not everything is explained in that though- OH just go out and buy the game! i dare you!
lvl 20 Orc Warrior here

woot !

I have been lvling with Grrath, and yes he is lvl 30 now :dozey:

real fun game, but there is no way im paying monthy for it :p
skater4evr5 said:
real fun game, but there is no way im paying monthy for it :p

why not? it'll be dirt cheap. probably no more than $10/£5 per month.

lets say there's 30 days in a month. and lets say you spend 2 hours a day playing WoW. that's 60 hours in the 30 day period right? at $10 p/month, that means you're paying a whopping $0.16 per hour. naturally, the more you play in one month, the less you pay for it.

say if i'm hardcore and i spend about 25 hours per week on this game, that's 100 hours per month. that works out to $0.10 per hour of play. think about it. the more you play, the cheaper it gets.

and on top of that, by paying the monthly fee, you're ensuring they keep udpating the game, and adding new stuff. it'll be worth it.

but not everyone is into the idea of paying for stuff. so it's a shame we won't be seeing you in retail :)
what ill probally do is subscribe for a couple of months... then cancel the subscription but keep the character and game, probally when im doing GCSEs... then ill pick it up again in the months before colledge. either way i wont be playing it all the time im not at school like i have been in the beta :)

and can anyone be bothered to read what i wrote? please make an effort, i write so hard instead of doing homeowrk ;(
WTF...seriously...Archimonde has been down for hours. It goes down more than any other server out there...this is lame as hell. said:
Stress Test Competition Expanded! - Nebu on 09/07/04

In recognition of our stress testers’ dedication, we are increasing the number of closed beta slots that will be awarded for the World of Warcraft stress test competition! Whereas the rules previously stated that we would choose the top 48 characters in the overall stress test, we have now decided to expand the contest to include the same number of winners for each server. The top three players for each Horde class and the top three players for each Alliance class on each server will now win entry into the World of Warcraft closed beta test. That increases our total number of winners to 576! Thanks again to all our testers and good luck!

gogogo! get grinding to those top levels!

it's a shame, cos i'll be at work all day tomorrow and thursday so i'll miss out on the chance to level :(

good luck everyone else!
HaHa! Letters didn't make it before they turned the servers off! HaHa. Told you I was going to mock you.
Suicide42 said:
what ill probally do is subscribe for a couple of months... then cancel the subscription but keep the character and game, probally when im doing GCSEs... then ill pick it up again in the months before colledge. either way i wont be playing it all the time im not at school like i have been in the beta :)

and can anyone be bothered to read what i wrote? please make an effort, i write so hard instead of doing homeowrk ;(
You might want to read into that a bit, because a lot of MMORPGs will delete your character a short while after you stop paying.
Abom said:
You might want to read into that a bit, because a lot of MMORPGs will delete your character a short while after you stop paying.

isnt that a bit stupid? i mean it cant take much memory to store a character.. and people are hardly likely to start subscribing to a game after their level 50 paladin had been deleted. I mean what if you have to stop for a few months, then you want to come back? the developers would lose out on money because no matter how good a game is, poeple are going to be put off by the fact that theyll have to start over again.

and no-one will pay monthly for a game they never play just to reserve their character? IMO thats rather stupid... it may encorage people to keep subscribing, but that means if they stop subscribing they probally wont come back.
Anyone here gonna win the contest to get into the Closed Beta?

I have a friend who's been playing it almost nonstop and he will probably make it in.

Sidenote: ahhh crap...I just spilled salsa on my mouse.
im in

Name : Digital
Server : i forgot :p
A lvl 11 Orc Warrior
Stress test has been extended to Sunday! not that I've had much time to play but I'm sure some of you will appreciate it
I wish I could get in on it, but it's only available to North Americans. I'm still waiting for the European Closed Beta test though, starting later this month :)
CB | Para said:
I wish I could get in on it, but it's only available to North Americans. I'm still waiting for the European Closed Beta test though, starting later this month :)

look through this thread, there are more than a few europeans who snuck into the north american stress test
Montana, Korea that is. And no, that does not say Montana, USA, he just sucks at spelling.
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