WoW Stress test ..who's in?

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A note to people who have "simmo" on thier friends list as a level 10 NE druid.

I'm switching over to the humans as "simmons":D
I played until 3:30 AM last night... somehow, I ended up in the mountains where it's all snowy and midgets everywhere. :O But, hey, I got 1050 experience for that journey! :D
:thumbs: Subatomic gave me a WoW Beta CD-Key(is there even use for it?). Anyways, anybody have an extra account that I can use, because I can't or I can't find a way to make one.
im in i just lost my cd key so im a bit screwed im willing to give my spot away to someone with a cd key if they pm me. ps they would have to explain how to do it for I am lazy and require instructions on the simplest of tasks =D
I've heard a few things about this, but is it possible to go into the other lands to fight off the opposing factions? IE: Can an undead (me!) go over to the human castles and kick their butt? I've heard there's some sort of guardians "guardians of blizzard" that won't let you past the borders to the other lands. That really kind of sucks to tell the truth... I wanted to go pvp some humans.
A bunch of humans invaded my hunting grounds, and I killed some guy then laughed at him. I now have a level 8 Troll Hunter, I gave up on my level 11 Night Elf preist, preists suck and Hunters level way faster.
well did you kill him as a NE or as a troll?

as NE humans can access your lands as you are allied, my question is, did blizzard block off the boundary between horde/alliance?
Rico said:
well did you kill him as a NE or as a troll?

as NE humans can access your lands as you are allied, my question is, did blizzard block off the boundary between horde/alliance?
I killed a human with my Troll.
the system is down, y'all
theres invasions of the human lands quite freqently now. but when it happens a automated message gets sent out so you have all the players in the area deceding to kick butt

edit: just got 9.9 dps sword! also i have loads of cool screenies from the game... il post later
i cant get in :(. It always stays in the retreiving charatcers. Are the server down?
-=jt=- said:
the system is down, y'all
theres invasions of the human lands quite freqently now. but when it happens a automated message gets sent out so you have all the players in the area deceding to kick butt
Whoa, I wanna see that! :O

And yeah, the servers are down... dammit...
Letters said:
Whoa, I wanna see that! :O

And yeah, the servers are down... dammit...

hah, a single moron Orc NC kept attacking the NE Darkshore.. it was funny, as he'd die to the first guard he saw in about 3 hits :LOL:
they went down at 3 thismorning... i was still awake playing :( suddenly nothing would work... at first i thought my blacksmith hammer was broken, but then wehn all the NPCs went "poof" i knew something was wrong.... and, of course, when the game crashed to the desktop :/

hope its back up soon, im almost lv. 13 :p
oh i just got a sweet raptor(yes the dinosaur :D :D) and a huge axe :D
Deadline said:
Yay For Charecter Deletion!!! W000000t!!!!!


don't tell me they've deleted everyone's characters! ;(

i was wondering why the servers went down. poo! was about 500 xp away from level 15 ;(
Well i got back on my server and my lvl 13 NE hunter, lvl 9 undead Figher, lvl 5 Human Mage were gone... lol so maybe its just me?!
I was waiting for this anyhow. Its a beta.
buggering blasted fireballs of hell!!! :flame:

oh well..start again i suppose..
lol yea I think im gonna lay off for a while... been playing it too much *goes off to play tribes 2 beta*
Ive made 3 seperate Charecters. I am too addicted to this game, every day its been out I've got outta bed, started it up, played it, then turned it off only to go to bed. The only reason I'm Posting now is the servers are down.

I need It to be turned off. ;)
Need to level more... need to kill things!

Dammit get those servers back up Blizzard... this game is like crack .

Anyone else playing on Sargetas? I'm Rico on there, lvl 11 undead rogue (I own!)
OK nm its just their charecter server is down... checked the wow forums. oh well :p
That is good, the whole time I was at work I was planning out exactly what I was going to do. When will they be back up?
No clue... this wasnt expected so it may take a while... ill post when i find out.
This sucks, I am so addicted to this game...even more then I ever was to Everquest....damn...
Yea its a great game... just wish my char didnt get deleted at the end... so I think im gonna stop putting so much time into it... seeing nothing will come of it.
Deadline said:
Yea its a great game... just wish my char didnt get deleted at the end... so I think im gonna stop putting so much time into it... seeing nothing will come of it.
It is still fun though isn't it? Even if it goes away, still lots of fun. The only thing I don't like about this game is how much the groups suck. There is almost no need for a healer, and any combination of classes will work. But no one ever wants to group because you get so much more exp soloing.
it's fun grouping with fellow members!

but yeah, if you just want to grind to get to the next level, you can solo all the way. i'm glad they made it flexible like that though, because there are some mobs you just can't kill while soloing.
but you can do hard quests in groups, ive never had trouble finding one and i think its good that the group aint crippled when you dont have certain members.

that said, deadline is right, ive just done every quest in westfall and i dont feel much like continueing to level. im gonna mess around, socialise and help n00bs next time i play.(although i do that anyway, im the most n00b friendly guy on the server :p)
When I was a preist I would buff and heal everyone I saw, because it costs so little mana...strange how no one ever does the same for me. But trying to play a preist in this game is suicide, no one ever wants to group, just solo and level as fast as possible, they don't want some healer leaching their exp. So I try to solo on my own, which I thought worked pretty well as I could take on things 2 levels higher than me pretty easily. But once I saw other people soloing they just tore through everything, almost no downtime and they killed everything faster...I think EQ2 will be better, mainly because of group dynamics.
well a lot of that might be down to the fact that this is a limited 7 day beta, so everyone is chasing that high level character.

i'm sure it'll be better in the full release.
solo is for leveling.
groups are for questing.
both give you decent xp, but questing gives you fun items and gold.
ive never seen any priests struggle for a group or soloing, healers are a very usefull thing to have. I know no 'watcher slayin groups would turn you down, try doing quests like that until your pc is buff.
Another reason healers are almost useless is because of all the healing potions and everything, the little downtime there is can but cut down by 2/3s with food.
potions suck... the cooldown rate is far too long to be that usefull. and food? if you have time to eat the food then the battles already over.

if anyone needs help on a quest around the forest and westplace send a tell to "remllac", ill sort ya
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