WoW Stress test ..who's in?

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I lost my god damn key, **** sakes.

Took me 30-60 mins to download.
Okay... I admit I can now see how some people get addicted to these things. :p

Go level 6 Priest! :D That's me!
What server are all you guys on? I am on some PvP server...
I just noticed you guys are all a bunch of pussies and went to the carebear server lol, oh well.
Whoo, Just got back from playing it sind 12:30.
Amazing. Usually I cant stand MMORPGS, but as this is warcraft 3 themeed I thought "Why not". My friends all recomended it, but they like games that I dont pretty often. Its very streamlined in the controls vs alot of other games I've played. This may Be the first MMORPG ill buy and pay for. I plan On starting it back up tommaro right when I wake up, Might not shut it off till I go to sleep
GunFridge said:
Whoo, Just got back from playing it sind 12:30.
Amazing. Usually I cant stand MMORPGS, but as this is warcraft 3 themeed I thought "Why not". My friends all recomended it, but they like games that I dont pretty often. Its very streamlined in the controls vs alot of other games I've played. This may Be the first MMORPG ill buy and pay for. I plan On starting it back up tommaro right when I wake up, Might not shut it off till I go to sleep

Letters said:
Okay... I admit I can now see how some people get addicted to these things. :p

Thats me- totally addicted. ive got 20 mins before school and im gonna try and squeeze as much WOW in that time as possible! bring it on!
seriously though, what about that guild
uh, oops, just played WoW for 7 hours straight :) :D

I play on Aman`Thul. Level 7 NE Druid as of now. :)

Anyone, feel free to add me to your Friends list: Shuzer
callmer7432 said:
seriously though, what about that guild

Why? The stress test only lasts a week or so.
why?, so we can try out more of the game! thats why!
but only 6 days left :(
Damn you all....i'm all alone as a night elf ;(

Ah well, I guess ill meet up with you some day :D
take the griffen? there should be one in your main city
Lvl 10 Warlock Gnome. I'm badass. My pet has just about the same hp as a warrior 1 level below me. I kick ass...and until now...I was the highest lvl in my guild. I like being able to make 100hp potions :D

Server: Archimonde - PVP

This game kicks ass.

EDIT: Notice the extreme dropoff in posts since the opening of the beta... we've all been playing as much as possible :)
Priests are way overpowered I have been soloing things 3 levels above me without any trouble. I just use my smite spell and they die in 5 shots, and I can heal and buff myself. Oh and whoever thinks this is more user freindly or anything than other MMORPGs you are just a n00b :p this game is just like DAOC but funner.
Does anyone have a spare CdKey? my girlfriend really wants to try this game out too :)

just pm me if you have :)
simmo said:
Damn you all....i'm all alone as a night elf ;(

Ah well, I guess ill meet up with you some day :D

you can make more than one character, you know..
the best thing about this game/beta is the community.
you can meet loads of people and have good fun grouping.
unfortunatly the community is the one thing thats likely to be worse on release day :(
NEVER in all my life have I played a game this long in one go...WoW is just amazing :D

Anyways, I got to level 10 as a druid and now I can shapeshift! :D
wow cool.

i gave up playing. keeps resetting my VPU every 30 seconds (literally). just downloading cat 4.8s to see if they make any difference. if they don't, guess i'll just uninstall and not bother ;(
aww that sux dedalus :( hope you get it to work :) else my girlfriend wants your account heh :)

seriously i hope we see you in game :)
Oh I nearly forgot.

yay for baka-raven! and shuzer! for being night elfs :D hehe
Damn my realm is down :(. All realms will be back up at 8:10 PDT
tauren hunter level 11 with an Alpha-Wolf level 11.

we own.
Noooooo! Zee realm! I can't play! :flame: Not for over an hour?! I'm going to DIE!

I'm only level 8 (I thought I was doing good...), but I kick some major ass, dude.
my guy requires alot of clicking and work, gettin the perfect balance between me and my dog so the enemy doesn't know who to attack.
Okay, I just found out you can actually get DRUNK in this game! I remember gettin' some wine for a quest reward! I'm SO doing this once I can play again (one character is quite enough, thank you)! Party at the Goldshire inn! :D
im a lv. 9 paladin, and i have 25 points of mining and 20 points of blacksmithing. havent played it much as i have school now.

DOES ANYONE WANT TO BUY A COPPER SHIRT??? it has 36 armour and its <made by suicide> !!!! im selling them for one silver each, but if you bring be 4 copper bars ill give it to you for 30 copper.

if you want any of the following give me the ingredients...

copper pants > 4 copper bars / copper ore
copper armour > 4 copper bars / copper ore
copper wrist > 8 copper bars / copper ore
copper shoes > 8 copper bars / copper ore

copper pants and armour give around 30 armour (cant remember exactly) and the ohters provide about 20.

PM me!
im wearing the light mail armour. with harvesting pants and hood, lv 11 warrior now.
btw! new name! change your sig suicide!
eya :) my new name ingame is RavenWing cause my girlfriends uses my account heh.. got another cdkey yesterday :)
Funnies moment of all time!!!!

Me and these two others Night Elves were making out way to Stormwind when we came across a quest. We were looking for this spider queen thing and happened to come across a waterfall. We all stood on the cliff admiring it and one of the NE said "someone jump". I laughed and no sooner did I do that then I slipped and fell to my doom. They were histarical and about 3 seconds left the first guy to laugh was right next to me dead.

Classic moments, I couldnt stop rolling for a good 10 min.
Has that sipder queen quest been fixed yet ?

Cause when I was on it no one could do it because it was bugged cause it was stuck in a tree! :D rofl
I think its really gay that i have to subscribe to fileplanet to get into a beta...I tried many times to get in Wow never did.
I mean wtf im a huge consumer of the industry already ((I buy practicly every good title)) And now i have to pay 80 bucks more a year for demos, betas and wallpaper?!?!? Thats ridiculous. Really gamespy is gay.
Nevermind what i just said a friend got me in the beta ^^ im happy now.
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