WoW Stress test ..who's in?

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can some please put up a link that they got in the e-mail???!!!!!
Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Plase Please!!!!
FYO my name will be Substatic ill be a rouge troll or rouge human

dont know which server is good
can people of differente teams either Alliance or HORDE team up in parties?
PLEASE POST YOUR LINK YOU GOT IN YOUR MAIL!!!!! please my e-mail is not here!!!
Everyone Go In The Realm Named Amon'thel, It Has Less Lag And Its Not Pvp
Suicide42 said:
Everyone Go In The Realm Named Amon'thel, It Has Less Lag And Its Not Pvp

roger roger!

seeya there mateys! yarrr
PLEASE POST YOUR LINK YOU GOT IN YOUR MAIL!!!!! please my e-mail is not here!!!
less lag? for uk peeps or north american ...I'm confused...are there european servers running?
No, People of different factions (horde and alliance) Cannot group
look at the second post in THIS thread For the link (For all those without the email yet, like me)
its US only u dummy :p

and im a night elf btw.. A HUNTER
what's everyone's name?

mine is just Dedalus. there's a friends list ingame, so add everyone!

i've ended up in someplace called the northshire.

i'm a rogue :p
Ill add anyone who /w's me. mine is Egdirfug. I think Ive already spotted ghost, as he said something about
damn you!!! you're already in? I cant play till tommorrow night for 2 hours at most ..then I'm away till tuesaday ARGHHH I'll only get to play 3 out of 7 days!!!!!!!!!
I'm just plain' ol' Letters... somebody come find me, I'm confuzzled. ;(
every one i know is in the stupid forest, and im stuck behind a montain range :p
I got Ghost, Dedalus, Suicide and Gunfrigde on my friend list now :) my game crapped so i had to restart n so on .. will be in a bit later :)

Have fun ingame guys
I'm a night elf druid on Amon'thel, level 3 at the mo, but i'm gonna go bed cause i'm to tired :p

edit: could everyone please add "simmo" to thier friends list ?, i'm lonley

im a level 4 paladin, i have 17 gold- but i have bought a hammer with 4-7 attack and i bought devotion aura and a spell to make me invulnrable.


its really crap though, my first key didnt work :( lucky i have two :)
update on my epic journy to the forests, after battling monsters that kill me in one hit, i finally make it too the edges of the forests, i climb over a rise and....

edit: i just made it, and found a spirtual healer. then when i used it i appeared back in the badlands... im making a new char
weee pretty fun!

pretty standard affair and it keeps resetting my VPU but it's definitely gone up a couple of notches on my 'games to play' list.
definately gonna buy this game.

anyone who even slightly likes SWG of any other MMORPG will definately think this is 99999 times better. seriously, in comparison SWG is a pile of SHIT. the gae just plays so well, there are no bugs, everything is solid, the graphics are luscios... and obove all, everythining is so satisfying.

from gaining your first level, to completing a new quest... collecting some loot, selling your items... killing a monster, helping a player... everything is done so incredibly well, the whole game is superb, it really is sublime. whenever you do ANYTHING in world of warcraft you are satisfied... theres a luscious, calming feeling about it. everythings so solid... OOOHH I LOVE IT

worth paying for by far.

btw... i got the name Suicide.. out af 100,000 people i bet at least 100 try and use the name suicide. its such a common gaming name.. AND I GOT IT FIRST! IN YOUR FACE!
Ok guys, I'm downloading the beta now off a torrent, because fileplanet hates my firefox, or my firefox hates me, whichever.

Where should I play? I want to find some guys.
The Realm Named Amon'thel

most of us chose to be human, so we ended up on the same continent. poor simmo chose to be an elf and he ended up by himself :(
Dedalus said:
The Realm Named Amon'thel

most of us chose to be human, so we ended up on the same continent. poor simmo chose to be an elf and he ended up by himself :(

I guess I'll be a human then.
Subz said:
hunter is very very fun

i was gonna be hunter, but im guessing they take a while to kick off as you need to find a creature worth making your pet, and the hunter has cool skills..

so i went with a paladin, coz he has spells, but seeing as a week isnt enough time to get many skills / spells he also can hit very hard with his hammer, which means hes perfectly suited for a weeks play.
nw909 said:
I'm thinking of being a rouge, I like the strong melee combat.

being a rogue is awesome. just got enough money to train in some new skills. bought Stealth and Backstab. Stealth is awesome. you can sneak past almost anyone undetected. awesome! Backstab is even better. you maneuver yourself into position using Stealth, then take them down with one strike using Backstab :D

can't wait to get some of the more interesting looking skills.
Dedalus said:
being a rogue is awesome. just got enough money to train in some new skills. bought Stealth and Backstab. Stealth is awesome. you can sneak past almost anyone undetected. awesome! Backstab is even better. you maneuver yourself into position using Stealth, then take them down with one strike using Backstab :D

can't wait to get some of the more interesting looking skills.

Awesome, I have to find you once I get on this game.
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