Wtf is going on!?


Nov 8, 2003
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Okay, Ive seen atleast a dozen aircraft today fly over Birmingham and deposite some kind of artificial cloud throughout the sky this late afternoon... the reason its weird is,, a normal aircraft creates contrails from the heat of the engine exhaust which then dissapates after about 2 - 5 minutes.

What im seeing are aircraft , seemingly without any markings when i look at them through my binocular's.. flying about 5 - 10'000 feet depositing some kind of artificial substance which hang's around for hours and hours,, and it gets weirder...

As they start to spread, there is a clear uniform rippling pattern, and certain geometry that looks totally unatural starts to appear... Im officially freaked, so I took some photo's to show you all. I understand its being reported all around the world. Mostley in the United states.

this ones been hanging up there for about 1 hour.

i watched the aircraft spray this one and then just stop spraying continued for about half a mile, then started spraying again

the trail spreads uniformly with clear fine rippling.

the lowest one i spotted

Insane, I saw this guy spray one and turn overhead watched him till he went over the horizon, the aircraft was white, and had no clear marking. looked like a 767 to me. There's an older one to the right spreading, uniform rippling is very obvious.

the after affect's of the spreading of the trail's reveal's odd activity in the upper atmosphere.

not looking natural to me, all sorts of strange rippling.

I live in York, near Leeds and I have to agree British planes are flying over every 30 minutes real low, I will take a look at the smoke they produce but they have never flew so low or frequent before!
Yeah, I saw one of those over my house the other week. :O
It must be aliens coming to get us clarky, quick, go get one of your zero point ray guns to defend the planet before its too late.
Well I think I actually know what's happening to some degree. That rippling is caused by artificial scalar EM signature's which effect a metalic compound in the trails dragging it out into the shape of the energy pulsing through the atmosphere, there being layed down to expose something called, 'the woodpecker grid'.
Its posinon.
The NWO is seizeing power,

This is not a joke.
You know that's just normal....right? Sometimes military/civilian jets that fly over my house produce those type of trails. It's nothing new.
clarky003 said:
Well I think I actually know what's happening to some degree. That rippling is caused by artificial scalar EM signature's which effect a metalic compound in the trails dragging it out into the shape of the energy pulsing through the atmosphere, there being layed down to expose something called, 'the woodpecker grid'.
i think you should see a doctor. and im not joking this time.
clarky003 said:
Well I think I actually know what's happening to some degree. That rippling is caused by artificial scalar EM signature's which effect a metalic compound in the trails dragging it out into the shape of the energy pulsing through the atmosphere, there being layed down to expose something called, 'the woodpecker grid'.

GOOD MOTHER OF GOD...clarky you never give up, do you?!

how old are you..christ!?

sorry, but you're really trying too much...really, go get yourself a cup of tea or something!
Tr0n if thats normal then Lemonking is intelligent.

lol I'll go see a doctor if i become mentally ill, but im deadly serious something odd is happening, if it was cloud seeding then why do it when it rained 2 days ago more importantly there not seeding clouds atall because cloud seeding requires depositing it inside an existing cloud, and even that dosnt explain the unifrom rippling and odd geometry..

its not harmful to human's if whoever's transmitting it doesnt want it to be.To get your head around the reality of it you really have to understand what scalar EM waves are all about, which requires some base understanding of Quantum vector's.
Those are perfectly normal. I've seen contrails like that for decades (christ, how old do I feel now?). I think you need a new tinfoil hat, clarky.
Thank you Pi!

Seriously're really starting to become paranoid. Like that one dude who came here before saying the CIA is after him and all that shit. God damn go the **** outside more.
na im not paranoid, just curious. that's all, besides it's still strange stuff. Pi probably sees them as normal cause he thinks there passenger jets, when there clearly not, and calling me paranoid is fairly ignorant considering there isnt actually any justified explaination for the uniform rippling coming from anyone.

and you dont ****in know me Tr0n, i go out plenty, i have a social life, I just enjoy studying stuff like this .. so pls stfu.
Tr0n said:
Thank you Pi!

Seriously're really starting to become paranoid. Like that one dude who came here before saying the CIA is after him and all that shit. God damn go the **** outside more.


clarky...really stop being so much time on the net!
clarky003 said:
na im not paranoid, just curious. that's all, besides it's still strange stuff. Pi probably sees them as normal cause he thinks there passenger jets, when there clearly not,

Clearly not? According to who? Only your opinion (and you even said one was a 767)

and calling me paranoid is fairly ignorant considering there isnt actually any justified explaination for the uniform rippling coming from anyone.
Because it doesn't require explanation. It's not abnormal.
These are the end times. It rained cheese last night. The black squirrel has been seen as far afield as Luton....
Tsk tsk clarky....those scalar EM waves are effecting your brain.
pilots view

people have caught better pictures than I have.

all sorts of EM phenomena

analysis of rippling

I could look up and go, oh yeh thats normal like you guys who probably dont have a clue when it comes to observing EM disturbances.. but like hell is it normal.

Chemtrails laid down with the intent of creating high clouds are often delivered at the edge of a sheer zone where the lateral movement of the scalar wave will hold onto the metal component of the chemical mixture then pull out and away perpendicularly a thin shield of cirrus. This cirrus, and the remaining chemtrail cloud, will then take on the shape of the underlying scalar vibrations present in the sky that would be invisible without the presence of this manmade cloud.
Those are some pretty odd pictures. Hey, maybe they're covering the earth in weird gas to block out the sunlight to stop the takeover of solar-powered machines.
Sulkdodds said:
Those are some pretty odd pictures. Hey, maybe they're covering the earth in weird gas to block out the sunlight to stop the takeover of solar-powered machines.

yeah so the Combine don't take over ;)
clarky003 said:
pilots view

people have caught better pictures than I have.

all sorts of EM phenomena

analysis of rippling

I could look up and go, oh yeh thats normal like you guys who probably dont have a clue when it comes to observing EM disturbances.. but like hell is it normal.

Right, so my lack of experience "when it comes to observing EM disturbances" obviously trumps my many, many years of seeing the damn things every day of my life in addition to living in proximity to major airports?

Maybe, just maybe, your entire viewpoint is tainted by your obsession with EM stuff.
and maybe just maybe its normal to you because you think that what im suggesting is percieved as impossible in your mind, These transmitters have been around since the 1960's.

As even announced by Khrushchev, reported on friday January 15th, 1960 - Here

If your so certain its 'normal' take on board increasing comment's from weather reporter's about the effect's..

As a television weatherman I first met this information with skepticism, who wouldn't? Almost completely rejecting the concept that weather modification outside of cloud seeding possible. Additional clues kept creeping in until I came across examples of scalar weather engineering on Tom Bearden's web site. Soon I began looking for my own examples in my own skies. Whoa! There they were! And not just occasionally, but all the time! Examples in highs clouds were the easiest to spot, much less convective turbulence to round out the edges. Mid level clouds. the alto cumulus are now frequently gridded and square. Odd, very odd I thought. Lower clouds, cumulus and stratus, especially in a marine layer environment seem to be the most difficult in which to see the active grid. But it is there. I must also admit living in the desert climate of the Northern Rockies, which does not afford me much opportunity to get practiced with that kind of marine air mass.
Not impossible, just highly, highly unlikely.
The sheer effort required to do such a thing and keep it secret from the public vastly surpasses the likelihood of it actually happening.

If your so certain its 'normal' take on board increasing comment's from weather reporter's about the effect's..
Yeah, I'm seeing them all over the place. Everywhere I look, increasing comments from weather reporters about it...

Interestinlgy, looking at the weatherwars site you linked, the site author believes that "Katrina was absolutely guided along the path that we all watched". What's that I hear? Credibility going down the toilet?
in your mind and alot of others, probably yes , because you clearly dont understand the engineering implication's of O(3) electrodynamic's, and Scalar longitudinal interferometry.
Yes, clearly I am very naive. Or maybe that's a website full of bullshit speculation and political posturing. I know where I stand.
But there is proof! It's on websites and everything!
OK guys, slowly back away and don't make any sudden movements......i'll go alert the men in white coats.

Seriously Clarky, you're certifiable. Do you actually say this stuff out loud? If so, how the hell have you not been sectioned yet?