Wwwaaaaahhh Its Almost Here!!! Party In Here (Explode when it releases here)

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Told ya we needed one of these YYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :thumbs::thumbs::thumbs::thumbs::thumbs::thumbs::thumbs::thumbs::thumbs:
I wonder if, at the minute of release, the forums will explode with people posting going "YAYYY ITS HERE" or whether it will be silent with people actually playing the game ;)
00 Days, 02 Hours, 31 Minutes, 02 Seconds left!!!!!! :D
How do i increase the size of my letters I WANT TO SHOW MY ENPHUSIASM FOR HALF LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
go In Advanced And You Wont Miss It......whooo Ep 1!!!!!!!!!
AHA-Lambda said:
How do i increase the size of my letters I WANT TO SHOW MY ENPHUSIASM FOR HALF LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Slaps lambda* Your not cool enough.... j/k....
First the HL2.net boards will overflow with traffic, crash the server, and will remain quite for the next 4-6 hours.
Aaaaaaaghhhhhhhhhhhhh Nnnnooooooooo

Stupid Ebgames!!!!!!

You Bastards Get It On The Second!!
like this? LETS PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cheers:
Sscsrew being spoiled, im gunna read these forums today. <-- See if you can spot the Gman esque typing
nope plus we need 1 minute of exploding and spontaeously combusting after it is unlocked before we play it. ALRIGHT!!! It is moments like this make me proud to be a geek especially a half life geek *cries*
"The suppression field is down, and Kleiner is urging everyone outside the City to start breeding." Quote from Samon. Theres a spoiler.
The reason Samon PM'd me and you was not to spread spoilers CodeFire.
CodeFire said:
"The suppression field is down, and Kleiner is urging everyone outside the City to start breeding." Quote from Samon. Theres a spoiler.

Gordon and *nudge* somebody going to go outside City 17 aren't they? *nudge nudge* eh?
I wouldn't be surprised, there are like 15 posts per minute :p
You have not heard of hitman??? NOO!!!!! Both it and half life are my favourite games of all time!!!!!!!!
I think I had a dream playing Hitman..And I don't remember ever actually playing it..
AHA-Lambda said:
You have not heard of hitman??? NOO!!!!! Both it and half life are my favourite games of all time!!!!!!!!

How dare you mention Hitman in Half Life! :|
2 hours 13 minutes 32 seconds WWAHHH!!!!!

I wouldn't be surprised, there are like 15 posts per minute

I wouldn't be surprised, there are like 15 posts per second *FIXED*
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