X3 Reunion - Big and beautiful


May 29, 2003
Reaction score
Well, the game arrived yesterday and I was initially very dissapointed - extremely choppy framerates and some awful cache stuttering, combined with no joystick support were making the game very unplayable indeed. However, Egosoft quickly released the 1.2 patch and everything's pretty much fine. What can I say, from what (little) I've played so far, I must profess that I really enjoy it. From the instant you start, you're not pressured to enter the plotline at all - I've just been flying around different sectors, interacting with stations and talking to ships. It's all very immersive.

The game feels very 'alive'; each sector has a wide variety of activity - taxis, police vehicles, civilians and freighters to name a few, all going about their daily business. They're not just there for aesthetics. The combat feels very solid as well, and the flight physics feel incredibly genuine. The game is so huge that I simply can't decide what to do right now, I'm quite tempted to get a police liscence and hunt down pirates for money, but I'd also quite like to get into the heavy freighting business and rack some huge profits, hopefully leading to starting my own factory station empire. Oh, the possibilities!

A few screenshots of the eye-candy on offer (and believe me, it really does look good). They're not that good as I've had little opportunity to cap, just so much to take in.


Can you create your own character?
You can't, can you?
Just asking, I loved X-2 but this kinda bugged me.:p
so did they fix the no joystick support? I'm interested in hearing more impressions

also is the game in first person view or 3rd? the screens look awesome
What are the min. specs. for this thing? I hope I won't have to contact NASA to upgrade just to be able to run it.
CptStern said:
so did they fix the no joystick support? I'm interested in hearing more impressions

also is the game in first person view or 3rd? the screens look awesome
You can switch between both, but I'd guess it's unplayable in 3rd alone. It's not like Freelancer.

How's the new UI compared to X2's? I hated the UI where you had to scroll through all these lists and whatnot. Is it more mouse based?

How do you do things like targetting a station?
Gargantou said:
Can you create your own character?
You can't, can you?
Just asking, I loved X-2 but this kinda bugged me.:p
You can choose four different profiles. The default is Julian Brennan, and that's the main campaign. You can also start as an Explorer (Average), a Merchant (Easy) and an Assassin (Hard). There's a custom game option as well, but I don't know if you can setup a character on that - it skips the plotline completely on that, however.

CptStern said:
so did they fix the no joystick support? I'm interested in hearing more impressions

also is the game in first person view or 3rd? the screens look awesome
Yeah, the joystick problem's fixed now. Works beautifully on my Cyborg Evo. The game's primarily in 1st person, but you can swap to 3rd... you don't get a HUD, though, it really relies mostly on 1st.

Bait said:
What are the min. specs. for this thing? I hope I won't have to contact NASA to upgrade just to be able to run it.
Says in the manual that minimum is 1.7Ghz, 512Mb RAM, 128Mb graphics card with 1.3 PS. It runs fairly well at 1280*1024/2xAA/High settings on my 3Ghz, 1GB RAM, x800 Pro. ATi users definitely need to enable Adaptive AA if they're on Cat 5.9s though, otherwise the alpha masks on stations get terribly aliased.

StardogChampion said:
You can switch between both, but I'd guess it's unplayable in 3rd alone. It's not like Freelancer.

How's the new UI compared to X2's? I hated the UI where you had to scroll through all these lists and whatnot. Is it more mouse based?

How do you do things like targetting a station?
I never played X2, but the UI is really quite simple to navigate. RMB brings up a cursor so you can interact with the game - request dock, open communications etc. - and navigate through menus. You can either target through the game by resting your sights on the station and pressing 't' or the assigned joystick button, or you can go to the sector map and look up the station and target it from there. Comes in quite handy as there's generally around 50-100 smaller ships in each sector, and 5-15 stations.
Here's a stupid question I haven't found the answer to yet:

Are the planets just for looks ?
Bobcat said:
Here's a stupid question I haven't found the answer to yet:

Are the planets just for looks ?
Unfortunately yes, but they're really quite lovely to look at. They rotate on their axis as well, so you really feel like you're bloody miles away from them. This game is epic in terms of size.
/wets pants

I gotta have this. It looks ultra sweet. I love space games.

@Axyon How's the combat? How is the handling with the joystick, easy / hard?

Axyon said:
This game is epic in terms of size.

How epic is it compared to Freelancer?
I'm very excited to start playing this game. I've definitely been looking forward to it. The only problem, aside from not knowing how it'll play on my PC, is that Civ 4 got into my grubby hands first. It will probably be a few months before I get this one.

I like X2, but just couldn't get into it enough to keep playing over the long haul. Some of my concerns about the first one though sound like they've been addressed. One of these days I'll definitely be getting this.
Shakermaker said:
/wets pants

I gotta have this. It looks ultra sweet. I love space games.

@Axyon How's the combat? How is the handling with the joystick, easy / hard?

How epic is it compared to Freelancer?
The handling's really simple, takes only a few minutes to get a solid grip on the mechanics. I'd say it quite closely resembles Freespace 1/2, but then there's inertia and Newtonian physics to consider here as well.

Comparing the game to Freelancer's really quite hard, as they have different scales between them. In Freelancer, planets were really quite tiny and you could navigate around them in a matter of minutes. X3's planets are absolutely massive, and you apparently can navigate them if you have the patience. Believe me, it looks like it would take an hour or so at least. The advantage that Freelancer has still is that it had that free flowing movement in each system, using the trade lines. X3 still has warp gates. However, if I recall correctly Freelancer had about 30 planetary systems, right? X3's got 70+ sectors, and activity within them spans a 50km area at least. Nothing stopping you from going beyond that, either.
I wish AmbrosiaSW would make an MMO EV. That would be the best.

Faithful Escape Velocity since version 1. :D
I wanna play it to test it out, but I'm poor.. :(

and no torrent sites have it that I've found

Do you need to play any of the other X games to get this one?
MF-Boltress said:
I wish AmbrosiaSW would make an MMO EV. That would be the best.

Faithful Escape Velocity since version 1. :D

wow I thought I was the only one ...did it ever come out for PC? it was my only mac game for a long time
I played EVNova a lot last year. Simple but oh so addicting :P

EDIT: I played X2 at a buddy's place a while back. I started a new game and was told to go to some place and they didn't give me a waypoint or anything. There were like 5 jump gates and I wasn't familiar with how to play the game exactly so it took me a while to get the hang of actually flying and targeting.

Is X3 pretty much the same where they just throw you in the universe and give you a mission (with no indicators or anything) or is the game a little more story driven?
For your reference, a further 1.3 update will follow in mid-November. Along with various minor issues, this is planned to make a large further optimisation for memory usage that will again significantly improve performance over 1.2.

I'm glad they are doing post-support, but I was sort of hoping that they would have waited just an extra 2 weeks to get the game up to the current standard quality, and ship that as 1.0.... Oh well, the patch still makes things better I hear :)

Can't wait to get it in US!
Iced_Eagle said:
I'm glad they are doing post-support, but I was sort of hoping that they would have waited just an extra 2 weeks to get the game up to the current standard quality, and ship that as 1.0.... Oh well, the patch still makes things better I hear :)

Can't wait to get it in US!
Better? It makes the game playable. Seriously, I was thinking of refunds after playing for a short period with 1.0.

Anyway, I still can't get over one stupid design decision that made its way into the series. The main race of enemies are called the Khaak. Now, under normal voice-acting circumstances, they sound like a fearful bunch of aliens. There is however, at least one British voice-actress that pronounces it quite clearly as 'Cock'. I took a double-take upon hearing that there was a fleet of cock fighters heading towards me.
Axyon said:
Better? It makes the game playable. Seriously, I was thinking of refunds after playing for a short period with 1.0.

Anyway, I still can't get over one stupid design decision that made its way into the series. The main race of enemies are called the Khaak. Now, under normal voice-acting circumstances, they sound like a fearful bunch of aliens. There is however, at least one British voice-actress that pronounces it quite clearly as 'Cock'. I took a double-take upon hearing that there was a fleet of cock fighters heading towards me.

lol...that's just ridiculous. Things like that can totally take away from the experience even though they're funny.
Axyon said:
Better? It makes the game playable. Seriously, I was thinking of refunds after playing for a short period with 1.0.

Anyway, I still can't get over one stupid design decision that made its way into the series. The main race of enemies are called the Khaak. Now, under normal voice-acting circumstances, they sound like a fearful bunch of aliens. There is however, at least one British voice-actress that pronounces it quite clearly as 'Cock'. I took a double-take upon hearing that there was a fleet of cock fighters heading towards me.


"raise the shields!!"
Axyon, can show us more screenies, pretty please? And more impressions esp. of combat.
Shakermaker said:
Axyon, can show us more screenies, pretty please? And more impressions esp. of combat.
Yeah, I'll grab some more tomorrow. Something I really want to explore is the capturing ships aspect - profiting by scaring people into ejecting from their ships and nicking it from them, then selling it off. Ejecting's pretty cool anyway actually, just get out in your little spacesuit and bomb about, checking out your ship. I did it once and got too close to the exhaust, and toasted myself :/
Just out of curiousity where are you located Axyon? I was told that the game wouldn't be released here (California) until Nov. 3, according to EB Games anyway.
Axyon said:
Yeah, I'll grab some more tomorrow. Something I really want to explore is the capturing ships aspect - profiting by scaring people into ejecting from their ships and nicking it from them, then selling it off. Ejecting's pretty cool anyway actually, just get out in your little spacesuit and bomb about, checking out your ship. I did it once and got too close to the exhaust, and toasted myself :/

Cool, so you CAN pirate in this game. SWEET. That's definitely what I want to do.
StardogChampion said:
I think Egosoft are German, so that explains everything stupid such as the Khaak.

what are you trying to say? :(
Cooper said:
Just out of curiousity where are you located Axyon? I was told that the game wouldn't be released here (California) until Nov. 3, according to EB Games anyway.
I'm in the UK, ordered through Gameplay.com so it came a day early.

AmishSlayer said:
Cool, so you CAN pirate in this game. SWEET. That's definitely what I want to do.
Oh, absolutely. Smuggling illegal goods, ship stealing, ship looting... you name it.
Spicy Tuna said:
what are you trying to say? :(
I meant dodgy translations, not that Germans are stupid :P

Also Axyon, what are the cutscenes like with the character models? The ones in X2 were horrible.
I read on the forums that the character models are decent, with them making extremely exaggerated emotions and crap...

But Axyon actually has the game so he can give us more info ;)
StardogChampion said:
I meant dodgy translations, not that Germans are stupid :P

Also Axyon, what are the cutscenes like with the character models? The ones in X2 were horrible.
In-game PIP cutscenes are fine, the models look pretty alright but the lip-syncing is way out. The intro movie before getting to the main menu is horrendous though, but the 1.2 patch said something about fixing that though, I haven't checked it yet however.
CptStern said:
so did they fix the no joystick support? I'm interested in hearing more impressions

also is the game in first person view or 3rd? the screens look awesome

I would say they fixed pretty much everything in only the 1.2 patch.

I would ask people who haven't got internet support don't buy this game just yet. Wait till the next issues of PC mags come out, as its most likely they have the 1.2 patch on there, and believe me, it makes a hell of a difference

I finding it pretty hard to find any kind of work in the game, I'm unemployed (I want to be a bounty hunter) :(
CptStern said:
wow I thought I was the only one ...did it ever come out for PC? it was my only mac game for a long time

No it was a Mac only game. I did happen across a version that apparently did work with windows but since all I had was a Mac at the time I didn't bother to download it.
I sure wish that I had now though. That game is still one of my all time favorites.
I made quite a few plug-ins for it and one that was quite large with a decent plot and a somewhat changeable galaxy depending on what missions you did. I never did finish it though. I think it got corrupted or something.
Axyon said:
In-game PIP cutscenes are fine, the models look pretty alright but the lip-syncing is way out. The intro movie before getting to the main menu is horrendous though, but the 1.2 patch said something about fixing that though, I haven't checked it yet however.

Yup it said Lip Synching is fixed in patch... :) :cheers:
Yo Axyon, more screens!

I am gonna check in town if it's out over here in the Netherlands.
CrazyHarij said:
Found a load of screenshots at the official site. I had to pick my jaw back up from the floor after looking at these:

Holy shit.
Okay, okay. I've had so little time to play unfortunately, but here's a handful of shots:

The lovely Trading Station on Argon Prime:

My freighter:

My somewhat crappy Argon Buster, fairly nippy though:

Chillin' in the spacesuit:

Climbing aboard the freighter:

The post-process warpgate effect is rather lovely:

A solar energy station at The Wall, these things are beautiful:



One of the Colossuses. I hope to one day own one of these babies:

And finally an artistic nebula shot. Very dangerous places, as things only start appearing in front of you a few kilometres away:
Holy crap this looks nice.
Ok... i have questions...
1) Is it a single player game, or some MMORPG?
2) Do i need to play the first 2 games to understand the story, or could i pick the story up from this one... or could i just fly around space doing stuff and forget the story?
3) can i play it in windowed mode :P

This game looks awesome.