Xbox users hate lesbians WUT?

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Party Escort Bot
Sep 16, 2003
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Teresa says that she was harassed by other players and later suspended from XBOX Live because she identified herself as a lesbian in her profile. When she appealed to Microsoft, she says they told her that other gamers found her sexual orientation "offensive."


Every male I know likes lesbians. Wtf is wrong with these people? Are they gay or something?
They followed me into the games and told all the other players to turn me in because they didn't want to see that crap or their kids to see that crap.

Think of the children!!
I blame jesus really he's indirectly responsible

They followed me into the games and told all the other players to turn me in because they didn't want to see that crap or their kids to see that crap.

only jesus freaks wouldnt want to see lesbians

but seriously people who do that sort of stuff (harrass people because of lifestyle choices) should be beaten to death with a lead pipe
X-Box Live is a pitiful homophobic ditch of internet gaming? Get out of town.
I blame jesus really he's indirectly responsible

only jesus freaks wouldnt want to see lesbians

but seriously people who do that sort of stuff (harrass people because of lifestyle choices) should be beaten to death with a lead pipe
Yeah i agree with you Stern
People like that piss me off
And then Microsoft and XBL doing shit about it
Did you know they banned a guy because of his last name?
His tag was RichardGaywood
His real name - Richard Gaywood
Xbrick fanboys are retards.

So, where's the news?
Did you know they banned a guy because of his last name?
His tag was RichardGaywood
His real name - Richard Gaywood
His parents should be banned from having children though. "Dick Gaywood"?

Though who uses their own, full name as their gamertag? Especially a name as easily rippable as that?
Xbrick fanboys are retards.

So, where's the news?
To be fair, the news is that Microsoft uphold this bullshit. The gaming industry hasn't evolved to the point where such complaints are just anecdotes at trade meetings about how utterly retarded the user base is. Microsoft actually seem to believe that they're the US Army or something. Their policy on homosexuality being "Don't ask, Don't tell".
A while ago Baserape was my GT, I was asked to change it so I changed it to a more fffffamily ffffffffffriendly GT....Basepillage. Which was fffffffffffffffffffffine. /ffffffffffffffffacepalm.

I am now known as DrSpankey. I'm male and can rape, marry and divorce women in 3.2 seconds. All I need is a photo or the very thought of a women and I'm offfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff!

Sorry my ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff key keeps sticking.
No kupo that would be "F-F-F-F-FACEPALM PALM palm palm..."

Edit : Oh yeah the story is stupid too yadda yadda yadda.

Give me a minute, I have to snipe this guy in the head.

I hate lesbians. There's nothing horny about them kissing each other.

I just see 2 less potential women for me and no penis penetration.
I hate lesbians. There's nothing horny about them kissing each other.

I just see 2 less potential women for me and no penis penetration.

you should watch 2 men go at it ..plenty of penis penetration

also you [strike]might[/strike] be gay
While everyone else in this thread is focusing on "Who doesn't like lesbians?" "Think of the children!" and "Blame Jesus!" there's another person at fault here: that woman's.

I don't give a fuck what your sexual orientation is, lady, and for you to put it up on a place where you're there to play VIDEO GAMES reeks of "Look at me, look at me, I'm a lesbian." I don't care. It's attentionwhorism. If you don't want to attract the negative opinions of other people, don't go around posting those things in places where they're likely to attract those kinds of comments.

And it isn't an issue of shoving people back in the closet, just to be clear in case someone replies, "But Darkside, they shouldn't have to hide their orientation to be accepted!" The point is, whether you're straight or a gaymer, it doesn't matter. Nobody cares. Play the games. I'm not interested in who you are as a person or who you like to have sex with, I'm just trying to shoot at you.
I stopped using Xbox live after a few days of the people on it, not to mention the inability to simply mute VOIP.
While everyone else in this thread is focusing on "Who doesn't like lesbians?" "Think of the children!" and "Blame Jesus!" there's another person at fault here: that woman's.

I don't give a fuck what your sexual orientation is, lady, and for you to put it up on a place where you're there to play VIDEO GAMES reeks of "Look at me, look at me, I'm a lesbian." I don't care. It's attentionwhorism. If you don't want to attract the negative opinions of other people, don't go around posting those things in places where they're likely to attract those kinds of comments.

And it isn't an issue of shoving people back in the closet, just to be clear in case someone replies, "But Darkside, they shouldn't have to hide their orientation to be accepted!" The point is, whether you're straight or a gaymer, it doesn't matter. Nobody cares. Play the games. I'm not interested in who you are as a person or who you like to have sex with, I'm just trying to shoot at you.

This, on the nail tbh. People raise their sexual orientation up in irrelevant places all the time, and this is definitely one of those occasions.
yet no one has a problem with people who put "christian" on their gamer profile, or atheist or any other thing that is descriptive of their lifestyle. It's HER fault for identifying herself by her lifestyle.

the next person who identifies themselves as anything but gamer, Darkside will be sure to harrass till they eventually drop out of Live altogether. HOW DARE SHE WANT ACCEPTANCE?

Darkside said:
The point is, whether you're straight or a gaymer, it doesn't matter. Nobody cares. Play the games. I'm not interested in who you are as a person or who you like to have sex with, I'm just trying to shoot at you.

right, people harrassing her is proof "no one gives a shit" know sooner or later you're going to realise that other people have differing opinions darkside.
yet no one has a problem with people who put "christian" on their gamer profile, or atheist or any other thing that is descriptive of their lifestyle. It's HER fault for identifying herself by her lifestyle..

Stern do you have empirical proof that no one has yet made an issue of people putting Atheist or Christian in the gamer profiles? Or are you modestly assuming to talk for the entire world once more? :dozey:
The point is, whether you're straight or a gaymer, it doesn't matter. Nobody cares. Play the games. I'm not interested in who you are as a person or who you like to have sex with, I'm just trying to shoot at you.

People who don't care can simply not read the profile page, no?
Stern do you have empirical proof that no one has yet made an issue of people putting Atheist or Christian in the gamer profiles? Or are you modestly assuming to talk for the entire world once more? :dozey:

wouldnt it have been easier to simply post news stories where atheists/christians/whatever are harrassed and subsequently banned for being atheists/christians/whatever?

oh right, that'd be a lot harder because THERE ARE NO EXAMPLES

in fact here's a christian gaming group on xbox ..notice these people havent been banned?


none of them have been banned for having jesus-friendly gamertags
You're so lame Stern, you can't even prove a negative!
wouldnt it have been easier to simply post news stories where atheists/christians/whatever are harrassed and subsequently banned for being atheists/christians/whatever?

oh right, that'd be a lot harder because THERE ARE NO EXAMPLES

So basically you have no proof to support you assertions (as usual), and your (attempted) get out is to more more pointless assertions, way to fail. :dozey:
You asked him to prove a negative Kadayi :dozey:
You're so lame Stern, you can't even prove a negative!

I admit I cant cant not prove it because there's nothing to prove except not proving it which would be proof that it's unproven
Things only exist if they are reported as News yes? No one anywhere in the world has ever taken exception to a gamer with a Christian tag, because it's not ever been reported anywhere. Tree falls over in a forest, but unless someone is there to witness it, there is no sound right? (Fish in a barrel..) :dozey:

Why haven't these Christian groups been banned? Probably because:-

a) No one with a life gives a shit :dozey:


b) The thing is putting your Religion or lack of in your gamer profile doesn't quite concern overly protective mothers and fathers who don't want to have to explain to Johnny 7 year old what a Lesbian/homosexual/furry is at a guess. :dozey:

Frankly gamer profiles are pretty much a waste of space imho. Personally I don't care what you believe in or not, nor to I care with whom you rub your genitals for mutual gratification. All I care about is you either do your job and help the team win, or rage quit because we kicked your sorry ass :naughty::dozey:
Things only exist if they are reported as News yes? No one anywhere in the world has ever taken exception to a gamer with a Christian tag, because it's not ever been reported anywhere. Tree falls over in a forest, but unless someone is there to witness it, there is no sound right? :dozey:

Why haven't these Christian groups been banned? Probably because:-

a) No one gives a shit :dozey:


b) The thing is putting your Religion or lack of in your gamer profile doesn't quite concern overly protective mothers and fathers who don't want to have to explain to Johnny 7 year old what a Lesbian/homosexual/furry is at a guess. :dozey:

Frankly gamer profiles are pretty much a waste of space imho. Personally I don't care what you believe in or not, nor to I care with whom you rub your genitals for mutual gratification. All I care about is you either do your job and help the team win, or rage quit because we kicked your sorry ass :naughty::dozey:

yada yada yada ..once again kadayi is afflicted with verbal diarrhea (not too mention smiley stuttering). you know all you have to do is post ONE story where MICROSOFT bans someone for being christian/atheist/whatever

Indeed you do. What's that like 20-0 to me by now surely :dozey:

Also, and for the record the account was 'suspended' not 'banned' as people have been harping on. I'd assume this is SOP where in someone logs your profile as offensive, and then MS investigate it accordingly.

Mountains out of molehills.
surly, delusional, border line sociopath and a liar to boot. hey no wonder you were stripped of your gnarly mod powers

so you're going to post an article to a story where microsoft banned someone for being a christian/atheist/whatever right? or will you just resort to name calling you silly little man
I hate lesbians. There's nothing horny about them kissing each other.

I just see 2 less potential women for me and no penis penetration.

It's about appreciating the feminine form, writhing all about in a tangled mess without any hairy man bodies in there.

The butch lesbians do not apply. They are equivalent to men.
surly, delusional, border line sociopath and a liar to boot. hey no wonder you were stripped of your gnarly mod powers

Hallucinate much? Or is the senility kicking in? :dozey:

so you're going to post an article to a story where microsoft banned someone for being a christian/atheist/whatever right? or will you just resort to name calling you silly little man

The only 'banning' that took place was in your overly excitable head (no doubt due to the medication at a guess) I'm afraid, old man :dozey:

Personally I'm not aware of any Christians accounts being suspended on Xbox Live, but then again I'm not at the same time going to presume that it's never happened as you do, simply because there's never been any gaming press about it. Given the general hostility of certain people towards people of religion (does a week go by on this forum without another 'let's bash Christianity' thread?). I'm quite sure a few peoples accounts have been tagged as 'offensive' so in all likelihood they might have been 'suspended' much like our carpet munching friend. :dozey:

Hell Stern, why aren't you online right now waging war against those evil Christian gamers and their offensive tags? Filthy mother****ers daring to exhibit their freedom of belief. :dozey:
Hallucinate much? Or is the senility kicking in? :dozey:

The only 'banning' that took place was in your overly excitable head (no doubt due to the other hallucinations) Old man :dozey:

lol you're so predictable's like poking the mentally disturbed with a stick; they get all pissy and ramble incoherently


you should ask your doctor to up your Risperdal dosage
I'm losing it...

In all seriousness though Stern I have never ever been a moderator on this forum (I don't have the time or the inclination). Maybe it truly is time to cut down on the aluminium juice boxes and go get yourself checked out. :dozey:
If a person wants to identify themselves as an 'aethiest' or a 'lesbian' or a 'moron' or a 'african-american' on XBox Live, then isn't it their right to do so without harrassment? : |
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