Xbox users hate lesbians WUT?

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If a person wants to identify themselves as an 'aethiest' or a 'lesbian' or a 'moron' or a 'african-american' on XBox Live, then isn't it their right to do so without harrassment? : |

If you put a sign on your back that says 'Don't kick me' and walked through a busy City do you think somone wouldn't kick you?

Plain truth of the matter is, when you identify yourself in some manner beyond simply being a human being, you are making a (tribal) statement, and tribes have natural enemies who they have discord with:-

Feminists Vs Sexists, Athiests Vs Creationists, African Americans Vs White Supremicists, Homosexuals Vs Bigots, Irish Vs English, English Vs French, Blur Vs Oasis, etc etc pretty much all of which are irrelevant when it comes to playing games

Harassment might not be 'right' but it most certainly 'is', deal with the is when setting up your profile.
It's probably an automated system that bans people? Just like Youtube is completely automated, so if enough people complain about a video they can get it removed even if there's nothing wrong with it.
I identify myself as a Milkman on xbox live. I claim that I have the best product in town. :eek::O
People should be allowed to express as much or as little of who they are in their gamer profile. Yeah, I don't really give a shit about what anyone expresses in their profile, but you should just not be able to suppress perfectly legal lifestyle choices that people feel the need to disclose because someone writes a pissy letter to the editor in offence.

If people honestly want to meet people of the same orientation through X-Box Live, they've failed. But they have every right to fail on their own terms.

Kotaku posts that MS may be reassessing the situation.
hey no wonder you were stripped of your gnarly mod powers

Ahahaha, Stern is losing his memory, he can't even troll correctly. Kadayi I applaud your performance in this thread.

"... then isn't it their right to do so without harrassment? : |"

Since when do people have the right to not be harassed on xbox live? That's why you have the ability to block people. It's ridiculous to complain about being harassed because of something you put in your profile. That's just the way some people are going to treat you, get over it. If you really want to tell people you're a lesbian, you can do so in the company of people you think will not harass you for it.

I find it hilarious how people give sympathy toward her, just because of the reason she is being harassed.

Why is her harassment more harsh than someone else's? If my 'lifestyle choice' was to sit in my room and play video games all day, and people harassed me for it, and I went and bitched about it, nobody would give a shit.
So basically we have free licence to wail on you for being Wapanese?

I mean, obviously unless a moderator infractions you for harassing me. But that's just the rules of this forum.

You picked a bad example though because I don't take offense to any harassment regarding who I am.
People should be allowed to express as much or as little of who they are in their gamer profile. Yeah, I don't really give a shit about what anyone expresses in their profile, but you should just not be able to suppress perfectly legal lifestyle choices that people feel the need to disclose because someone writes a pissy letter to the editor in offence.

If people honestly want to meet people of the same orientation through X-Box Live, they've failed. But they have every right to fail on their own terms.

Kotaku posts that MS may be reassessing the situation.

'Should' is one of those words that is up there with 'fair'. Existence is not 'fair' and situations such as this are just another example of people being unable to accept (re: grow up) and acknowledge that universal truth (everyone gets shat upon somehow, somewhere down the line). Generally in my experience people who demand 'fair' are often the ones least likely to every feel they have to compromise to achieve a 'fair' balance. If one wants to be truly treated as equal then one has to accept monotony not exclusivity.

Give me a minute, I have to snipe this guy in the head.


Pretty accurate description of what I was thinking.
I fail to see how they differ in this situation.

I don't have the time or inclination to manually mute, block, or purge their filthy existence and cleanse the soil their foul little minds used to occupy, every time I join a game.

I would however happily flip an option to do a universal mute of all VOIP from my console.
Muting is very often a matter of simply pressing a button next to someones name whilst looking at a scoreboard (or similar) in-game. It's very simple.

That and, y'know, its pretty dumb to go out and claim that EVERYONE playing online games is not to your tastes. I see where you're coming from about the odd annoying folk - I know, I usually mute two or three people per session (a session of onling gaming being about three hours or so across a few titles) but never have I come across a majority of assholes. Except in Battlefield with VOIP and CS text input spammers.
Muting is very often a matter of simply pressing a button next to someones name whilst looking at a scoreboard (or similar) in-game. It's very simple.

That and, y'know, its pretty dumb to go out and claim that EVERYONE playing online games is not to your tastes. I see where you're coming from about the odd annoying folk - I know, I usually mute two or three people per session (a session of onling gaming being about three hours or so across a few titles) but never have I come across a majority of assholes. Except in Battlefield with VOIP and CS text input spammers.

Perhaps, and its a reasonable position, but if having to choose between playing on Live at all and having to manually mute people every single game, I'de rather just drop Live. :LOL:
Perhaps, and its a reasonable position, but if having to choose between playing on Live at all and having to manually mute people every single game, I'de rather just drop Live. :LOL:

That's fine by me, bud. You go ahead and drop 40 quids worth of Live play for something so petty. Don't bother with the simple work arounds like pressing the A or X button to mute (****ING STUPID THUMBS WHY DON'T YOU WORK? FSGHDGDHD!!) or, as Emp said, unplugging your mic.

Why even bother purchasing Live if all you're going to do is baw and haw about silly things and then storm off from the service if you can't get your own way?
'Should' is one of those words that is up there with 'fair'. Existence is not 'fair' and situations such as this are just another example of people being unable to accept (re: grow up) and acknowledge that universal truth (everyone gets shat upon somehow, somewhere down the line). Generally in my experience people who demand 'fair' are often the ones least likely to every feel they have to compromise to achieve a 'fair' balance. If one wants to be truly treated as equal then one has to accept monotony not exclusivity.
But 'should' and 'fair' are here being defined by a company providing a service that is siding with people expressing a homophobic sentiment. It's not the irrational hatred of those who complain at issue, but the fact that Microsoft choose to uphold those tattlings and say what users can and can't declare about themselves based upon their supposed offence...
It's ridiculous to complain about being harassed because of something you put in your profile.
Again, that's only half of what the news article is about, and none of what makes it actually newsworthy. Microsoft simply will not allow this person to enable themselves to be harrased in the first place.
I would also like to point out that no one ever actually reads the bios.
I don't know how someone managed to follow her from game to game, don't most of those games use random matchmaking?

Also, who the **** reads profiles?

I smell bullshit with bullshit on top
What most of you are missing is that the problem isn't the lesbo being harrassed, but that the service provider see fit to suspend her account because identifying one's sexuality as anything other than straight is deemed offensive.
What's the purpose in pointing out your sexual orientation in such a thing anyways? Not that she deserves any of this crap regardless.
Yeah god forbid anyone puts personal information in their profile meant to contain personal information.
That's what I'm saying.

I've set my location to Sydney, Australia. If some idiot comes in and decides that he's going to verbally abuse everybody who lives in Australia, is it my fault for putting my location in the profile information or is it his fault for being an offensive douche?

yes, that's the point

What most of you are missing is that the problem isn't the lesbo being harrassed, but that the service provider see fit to suspend her account because identifying one's sexuality as anything other than straight is deemed offensive.


microsoft in essence sided with the people doing the harrassing rather than the person who was being harrassed.
That's fine by me, bud. You go ahead and drop 40 quids worth of Live play for something so petty. Don't bother with the simple work arounds like pressing the A or X button to mute (****ING STUPID THUMBS WHY DON'T YOU WORK? FSGHDGDHD!!) or, as Emp said, unplugging your mic.

Why even bother purchasing Live if all you're going to do is baw and haw about silly things and then storm off from the service if you can't get your own way?

Awfully defensive over something that doesn't concern you in the slightest aren't you?.

Really pal, learn to separate other people's motivations and feelings from your own personal sense of insult when their actions and opinions don't effect you or concern you at all.

I never said I stormed off, what I did was not buy any more Live time (I dislike subscription based services anyway) I weighed up the fact I don't like people on Live and the fact I already have an internet connection which in my mind at least provides much more interesting multiplayer experience through my PC. Xbox is great for banter with friends, but in that case I prefer coop modes where we are in the same room anyway.

I choose not to waste my time on Xbox live and the bulk of bottom feeders who inhabit it, end of discussion. Surely your grown up enough to know people don't share your world view.

Back on topic:
I've set my location to Sydney, Australia. If some idiot comes in and decides that he's going to verbally abuse everybody who lives in Australia, is it my fault for putting my location in the profile information or is it his fault for being an offensive douche?

Kadayi I applaud your performance in this thread.

*bows modestly

Always on the point not the person. Sadly few comprehend this it seems, or are able to do the same.

But 'should' and 'fair' are here being defined by a company providing a service that is siding with people expressing a homophobic sentiment. It's not the irrational hatred of those who complain at issue, but the fact that Microsoft choose to uphold those tattlings and say what users can and can't declare about themselves based upon their supposed offence...

Here's what MS had to say on the issue:-

The rules are pretty clear, she's in violation of them, once she has changed her Tag/profile accordingly her account will be unsuspended (Note: suspended not banned). It's their service, they make the rules and in their mind there is nothing advantageous in being able to disseminate such information, 'should' and 'fair' have nothing to do with it. Live is not a democracy.

What's the purpose in pointing out your sexual orientation in such a thing anyways? Not that she deserves any of this crap regardless.

no doubt for the co-op play ;)

microsoft in essence sided with the people doing the harrassing rather than the person who was being harrassed.

She broke the Live TOS, she hasn't a leg to stand on.
It's their service, they make the rules and in their mind there is nothing advantageous in being able to disseminate such information, 'should' and 'fair' have nothing to do with it. Live is not a democracy.
I really do not care. Services aren't above criticism for their idiotic policies, and if I think so, I'm going to say so. "Should" and "fair" are perfectly legitimate ways of expressing that criticism, and I've found your tone in specifically anchoring onto them puzzlingly condescending if I'm honest.
I really do not care. Services aren't above criticism for their idiotic policies, and if I think so, I'm going to say so. "Should" and "fair" are perfectly legitimate ways of expressing that criticism, and I've found your tone in specifically anchoring onto them puzzlingly condescending if I'm honest.

I if say 'don't smoke in my house', would you think it unfair for me to ask you to leave if you spark up a cigarette?

They set the rules, you elect to abide by them when you accept the service. That you don't care is your weakness.
it really doesnt matter what the rules are. the perception of discrimination is still there. it also sends a message that anyone being harrassed had better be careful so as to not get banned themselves for reporting harrassment. Either way microsoft gets the shitty end of the stick. they could have easily deflated the issue by handling it in a more delicate manner. PR is king, regardless if you want to admit it or not it does affect Microsoft's public perception
I if say 'don't smoke in my house', would you think it unfair for me to ask you to leave if you spark up a cigarette?
Smoking a cigarette isn't an expression of anything (unless you mean to compare sexual orientation to "sticking it to the man", a kind of adolescent rebellion. Which would be interesting). It's completely incomparable. Surely a more comparable scenario would be you stipulating that all black people must leave your home because you've said you don't want them in there.

And they can come back in if they stop being black.
That you don't care is your weakness.
You sound like you're announcing an Oxfam appeal or trying to show me the path to light side of the force. You're the prophet of an enlightened ethic. About Terms of Service.

To a service I don't use.

... and wouldn't use regardless of whether Sharon Shenanigan wants to call herself 'DykeRoadsterOfTribadism' or not. That's the other side of why I really do not care. Or something.
If a person wants to identify themselves as an 'aethiest' or a 'lesbian' or a 'moron' or a 'african-american' on XBox Live, then isn't it their right to do so without harrassment? : |

Sure, it's their right. But, people who do it have to ask themselves why they add those lifestyle descriptive words in their profile name to begin with (for XBL). One would have to ask himself, why is my name John316? Am I just trying show myself off to the public that I'm a Christian? Surely, when someone insults me because of my name, I'll just play the persecution card. After all, it's not my fault they hate Christians. The burden of tolerance is on them! Give me a break.

I don't remember, does XBL even ask about sexual orientation? If it does then there's no problem.

Make no mistake, I have absolutely nothing against homosexuals, and I do agree that it should be their right to declare themselves as such unashamed (provided its in a decent manner), but I do consider it to be parading your homosexuality to the public if you share your orientation for the sake of people knowing that you're a homosexual on your Xbox profile. As Darkside stated, just play the game.
Or maybe this chick was just looking to meet other lesbians who enjoyed videogames? Just like all you nerds arguing against her are looking to meet some females on xbox live (or 9 year old boys with photoshop)

Gee, it's like, people try to connect with others like them. Who would have thought that someone would use a social service to meet other people?! I mean, it's not like you have customizable avatars, audio, and text messaging, and all other kinds of social features at your disposal on Xbox Live.

I find religion in general offensive, does that mean that MS will ban christian gamertags? What's so offensive about other beliefs, and so wonderful about christianity? I mean, we all know the bible is fun of wholesome family stories, and that we should ALL live by it's teachings! Death? Not in the bible! Horrific stories about "good christian families" giving their daughters to angry townspeople to rape? Wholesome! It's far easier to explain how Jesus was brutally killed than to tell your kids about lesbians.
it really doesnt matter what the rules are. the perception of discrimination is still there. it also sends a message that anyone being harrassed had better be careful so as to not get banned themselves for reporting harrassment. Either way microsoft gets the shitty end of the stick. they could have easily deflated the issue by handling it in a more delicate manner. PR is king, regardless if you want to admit it or not it does affect Microsoft's public perception

They handed it perfectly well, they've point to their Terms of service and the expressions within. It's only ill advised sensationalists (the sort who lack the intelligence to understand the difference between a ban Vs suspension) who've been making a fuss about this.

Smoking a cigarette isn't an expression of anything (unless you mean to compare sexual orientation to "sticking it to the man", a kind of adolescent rebellion. Which would be interesting). It's completely incomparable.

The relevance of smoking a cigarette being an expression or not is wholly irrelevant to the point. If the house rule in no smoking inside and you agree to that condition before entering the house, then you only have yourself to blame if you are shown the door for trying to smoke in the bathroom. You agree to the rules you abide by them.

Surely a more comparable scenario would be you stipulating that all black people must leave your home because you've said you don't want them in there.

And they can come back in if they stop being black.

What utter nonsense, comparable how exactly? No where have Microsoft stated that Lesbians, gays, or even furries aren't allowed to play on Live. That would be the only scenario that fits your analogy. They have merely drawn a line in the sand regarding sexual identification in Tags and profiles, nothing more. The woman in question knowingly or unknowingly breached the terms of service she agreed to, that is why her account was suspended. When she changes the information her account will be unsuspended it seems. Much like the monkey with it's hand caught in the trap, she will be free once she let's go of the peanut. Simple really.
Make no mistake, I have absolutely nothing against homosexuals, and I do agree that it should be their right to declare themselves as such unashamed (provided its in a decent manner), but I do consider it to be parading your homosexuality to the public if you share your orientation for the sake of people knowing that you're a homosexual on your Xbox profile. As Darkside stated, just play the game.

After reading Microsoft's actual TOS, she did break the TOS, so legally and whatnot it's all legit. I guess their TOS is meant to prevent this sort of stuff happening in the first place. It still bugs me though, but yeah - play the game, i guess. It's not so much saying "Don't self-identify as a lesbian", it's more saying "This sort of shit might stir stuff up, so don't do it, because a lot of retards use our systems."
But really, if you're going to be playing games it's not really the time to want a lesbian or two. You want manly testosterone asplosions exploding! Not some bitch yelling over the mic 'I'M A LESBIAN, YOU MEN ARE SO DISGUSTING'.
I propose that all online gaming is made completely anonymous:

1. No one has a username, but is instead assigned a random number ID each time they join a server.

2. If you use voice chat, your voice is electronically distorted.

3. An advanced algorithm will search for anything that might be a proper noun or personal identifiers(nationality, sexuality, etc.) in text or speech and censor it.

Only then can we game in peace.
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