Xbox users hate lesbians WUT?

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What utter nonsense, comparable how exactly? No where have Microsoft stated that Lesbians, gays, or even furries aren't allowed to play on Live.
How can anyone 'be' something when they cannot even claim to have that identity without temporary suspension? It's exactly the same thing.
It's only ill advised sensationalists (the sort who lack the intelligence to understand the difference between a ban Vs suspension) who've been making a fuss about this.
You're so very full of yourself today.
I propose that all online gaming is made completely anonymous:

1. No one has a username, but is instead assigned a random number ID each time they join a server.

2. If you use voice chat, your voice is electronically distorted.

3. An advanced algorithm will search for anything that might be a proper noun or personal identifiers(nationality, sexuality, etc.) in text or speech and censor it.

Only then can we game in peace.

So, China?
How can anyone 'be' something when they cannot even claim to have that identity without temporary suspension? It's exactly the same thing.

If Xbox live were a country where people were born, lived and died and had no means to escape such tyranny, you might remotely have a point. But given it's in essence a private computer network that people engage with temporarily, the claims fall down somewhat.

Also if some ones position on their sexuality is wholly dependant upon their ability to constantly inform others that they in fact a 'lesbian' 'homosexual' 'furrie' or 'Straight as an arrow' it seems to me they can't actually be all that confident about their position in the first place.

You're so very full of yourself today.

What I may, or may not be bears no relevance to the point of discussion.
Also if some ones position on their sexuality is wholly dependant upon their ability to constantly inform others that they in fact a 'lesbian' 'homosexual' 'furrie' or 'Straight as an arrow' it seems to me they can't actually be all that confident about their position in the first place.
Exactly. Close thread.
Children have the impression that it is cool to hate minorities, and with XBOX Live being populated by the little shits... Well.

You actually thought a person capable of rational thou.. **** it.
I blame jesus really he's indirectly responsible

only jesus freaks wouldnt want to see lesbians

but seriously people who do that sort of stuff (harrass people because of lifestyle choices) should be beaten to death with a lead pipe

I'm a Jesus Freak, and I like lesbians...
Even Jesus tells us that everything has a time and place!
I'm a Jesus Freak, and I like lesbians...
Even Jesus tells us that everything has a time and place!

Blasphemer! A man who loves Jesus would not love homosexuals, and even more importantly, he would not be a necromancer.
I know I'll cop hate for this, but:
Of course they're gay, they're Xbox users.
I'm finding it very hard to care about this, it's like wearing a T-Shirt with a belief on it then having a cry when people disagree with you. She should be allowed to be a lesbian..... and no one is stopping her. She needs to realize that people are going to disagree and that Microsoft cbf dealing with all of them when she can fix the problem by changing her info.
So by that logic it's also okay for people to get kicked out of places for wearing a shirt with a belief?
So by that logic it's also okay for people to get kicked out of places for wearing a shirt with a belief?

Some beliefs yes. But I never said it was right for her to be suspended just that it would make easier if she would accept that people are going to have a problem with her being a lesbian and not put it in an xbox live gamer profile... It's one of those life's not fair so get over it moments
People can give her enough shit on a personal level. She doesn't need even more trouble from people trying to prevent those people from giving her shit by removing her right to expose herself to that shit.

That's a mouthful, but I hope you get what I'm saying.

In short, if she wants to choose to display that part of her, she is willing to accept the consequences, and nobody should interfere with her choice of doing that.
People can give her enough shit on a personal level. She doesn't need even more trouble from people trying to prevent those people from giving her shit by removing her right to expose herself to that shit.

That's a mouthful, but I hope you get what I'm saying.

In short, if she wants to choose to display that part of her, she is willing to accept the consequences, and nobody should interfere with her choice of doing that.

I thought she was suspended because she was complaining, which yes is a terrible thing, but can be easily fixed by removing her info. If she was suspended for having a lesbian name then that makes Microsoft the fox news of internet gaming. So she should accept that she doesn't want to be part of that organisation and buy a PC.
Holy mother of god, did not read the date of this thread.

My bad for contributing to the thread necromancy :eek:
Some beliefs yes. But I never said it was right for her to be suspended just that it would make easier if she would accept that people are going to have a problem with her being a lesbian and not put it in an xbox live gamer profile... It's one of those life's not fair so get over it moments

I don't think anybody should ever put black on their profile. It would be way easier if those people would accept that people are going to have a problem with them being black and not put it in an xbox live gamer profile... It's one of those life's not fair so get over it moments.
I don't think anybody should ever put black on their profile. It would be way easier if those people would accept that people are going to have a problem with them being black and not put it in an xbox live gamer profile... It's one of those life's not fair so get over it moments.

So theres a group of people following you around on xbox live harassing you for being black. Change your stupid profile and keep gaming.... which is what your there for.... isn't it?
So theres a group of people following you around on xbox live harassing you for being black. Change your stupid profile and keep gaming.... which is what your there for.... isn't it?

My point wasn't that people will harass you for stupid shit, my point was that you should be allowed to declare your own identity and not be given shit about it on any given public forum. Apparently that's not the message that you took away from it though. Why should people have to hide who they are, especially in an environment where that stuff doesn't even matter?

Yes I know this thread is old, but I love a good arguement
My point wasn't that people will harass you for stupid shit, my point was that you should be allowed to declare your own identity and not be given shit about it on any given public forum. Apparently that's not the message that you took away from it though. Why should people have to hide who they are, especially in an environment where that stuff doesn't even matter?

Yes I know this thread is old, but I love a good arguement

yeaaaahhh and I never argued that they should have to hide who they are and no people shouldn't harass them. But in reality there are lots of simple people about. A) if you're there to make a point then don't cry when people disagree with your point. or B) if your there for gaming then 'hide' who you are and play the games.

I never said that people should hide who they are just that I can see why the xbox live people took the easy way out on this. I also would like to note the difference between the internet and real life. If this was rl then we should be fighting for freedom of expression. However people are always bigger aholes on the net so why not play the game rather than making stands.
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