Xen - Combine controlled or not



I think we need a proper debate here. Pae Mei has presented a good, but not infallilabel case imo, against the Combine controlling Xen. I personally believe they did control Xen.

X is the arguement for the Combine controlling Xen and Y is the arguement against the Combine controlling Xen. I am going to attempt to argue and counter argue each bit of evidence and see what conclusions i reach. Of course wi ill miss some arguements so when you see something you think i've missed or isn't justifiable simply quote that paticular section and write your objection to it underneathe. I'd appreciate it if we could keep this thread farily tight, on topic and easy to read so we can finally come to some conclusions. :cheers:

The Nihilanths Ass Jet

X - Obviously Combine technology.

Y - Could be Controller technology.

X - Occams razor can be used here. We see masses of evidence that the Combine use technology and very little if any that the controllers do.

X Wins

Y - The assjet bleeds when you shoot it so it must be organic.

X - Soldiers bleed when you shoot their metallic armour.


The Nihlianths Stitches

X - Clear and obvious evidence of medical engineering which we know the Combine do shitloads off.

Y - If the controllers contol Nihilanth and the vorts then they too perform bio engineering by creating the grunts.

X wins by needing the least debatable links in the chain of arguement.

**** this am gan to bed, lol, feel free to add but please do it in the same style :D i'll do some more tomorrow
Xen Factory || Citadel

Vortigaunts || Stalkers

Definately not a coincidence. After the G-man takes over Xen at the end of HL1, the combine simply took it back during (or before) the 7-hours war.
narc said:
Y - The assjet bleeds when you shoot it so it must be organic.

Could have been laziness on the modeller's part.
Theres a lot more to this argument than just the Nihilanth, which, in my opinion, contains the only evidence in support of the Combine control of Xen. There's really nothing else to support the Combine controlling Xen, is there? If there is let me know. The only thing that I really feel opposes my arguments in any way is the Nihilanth...

And, you may hold me to my word on this, but understand my intention, if the Nihilanth is proven beyond any doubt to be Combine, then that is all the evidence you need. If the Nihilanth is obviously Combine, every other seemingly inconsist piece of evidence with your theory would be irrelevent.

And yet, as you pointed out yourself, it is not entirely impossible that the Nihilanth was Combine Created.

The Nihlianth's Huge Stitches

Y - Combine leave no discernable stitches on their subjects. (I.e. Stalkers and all forms of Synth)

X - We've never seen anything controller-modified, so we can't make that comparison.


X - Soldiers bleed when you shoot their metallic armour.

Y - There is organic flesh beneathe the armor. For those that have none, like Striders (i.e. Combine metal), there is no bleeding.

X - There could be organic flesh beneathe the shell of the Assjet, which doesn't really mean anything.


I'll admit it. The Nihilanth does lean towards your argument. But it is not PROOF, the controllers could have done it. And I believe that all of the other evidence outweighs this.

Combine use of Xen Technology

Y - The Combine cannot teleport

X - The Combine never learned, as Teleporting was an innate ability of the Xen.

Y - The Xenians set up teleporting relays on Xen, why couldn't the Combine copy them?

X - The relays simply enhanced the Controller's innate abilities to teleport things.

Y - Humans learned to teleport using the same crystals and methods that the Xen do (notice the like-looking portals). The Combine, having been on Xen in your scenerio, messed with the Nihilanth who could obviously teleport things, should have learned to teleport using Xen. They did not.

Y Wins this one by a LONG SHOT. Again, it is possible that they were there but simply didn't learn, but still unlikely.

Y - I don't see any evidence of the Combine using Xen technology.

X - The uh... Vort collars

Y - Well if the Combine controlled Xen in the first place, they developed the collars themselves. Otherwise, they developed new collars since the Vorts have been to earth. Or, for a third argument, they found disused Vort collars on earth and copied them.

X - Uhm... Headcrab farms?

Y - Headcrabs were among the first wildlife teleported to Earth. Perhaps a Gonarch teleported to Earth and they took it. Or perhaps there are other methods of breeding Headcrabs. Either way, I don't think that headcrab breeding is a technology stolen from Xen.

X - Thumpers!

Y- Could have been learned through captured Vorts or even just a noticable effect. Does not prove Combine were on Xen.The Combine doesn't use Hivehands, Garg heat, Vortigaunt energy, controller energy, or healing chambers.

Y - The Garg Heat, Vortigaunt Energy, and Controller Energy are all innate abilities.

I think Y wins this one by a long shot, as well. Again, maybe the Combine just didn't like any of Xen's technology, but some of it (healing pools, organic energy) just seems too valuable to not assimilate.


Y - The Controllers wear no shackles.

X - Neither do the overwatch.

Y - The Overwatch suits are one BIG "shackle" as are its implants.

X - The controllers could have implants

Y - Well, then, they are not visible. They show no sign of experimentation, as do Stalkers and Overwatch.

X - The controllers do not need implants, they are so closely tied to the Nihilanth, that the mere controlling of him was enough to control them.

Y - Then why do the Slaves, grunts, and even Nihilanth himself have shackels?

X - Slaves and grunts need shackels as they are not as tied to the Nihilanth as the Controllers are. The Nihilanth's help shackle all of the controllers

Stalemate. Could be X's way, could be Y's way, no real evidence for or against either.
Xen Factory || Citadel

Vortigaunts || Stalkers

I know you're a moderator... so don't kick me off for disproving you, okay?

Similarities between Combine-controlled Earth and Xen

X - The Xen Factory models the Combine Citadel

Y - Since Citadels are Warped in from the Combine homeworld, and we see many Citadels on the Combine Homeworld through the portal that resember the Earth one, Citadels come in their metal, pre-made form. So either it is a true Citadel or it is not a citadel at all. While the factory may resemble a Citadel, it is not one. It is very "organic," has conveyer belts, barrels, elevator spinny platforms... lots of architecture differences from the Combine Citadel.

Y wins. Thank you. But while the factory may not be a Citadel, that does not mean that there is no Citadel somewhere in Xen.

X - Enslaved stalkers parallel enslaved Vortigaunts.

Y - Stalkers are heavilly, heavilly modified. They barely resemble humans anymore. Vortigaunts have not been altered at all.

X - They were both slaves, neither has the ability act freely anymore.

Y - By that logic, the Borg from Star Trek, too, must be Combine. Both being enslaved does not prove that they were enslaved by the same entity.

Stalemate. No evidence is made for or against either side.
pai-mei ching ching is just a pain in the ass about this. valve obviously is trying to convey the similarities as an attempt for us to put together the story, which is the combine took xen and moved onto earth. if they didn't take xen, how are we supposed to know they are the pillagers of planets? get over your arguments for "combine not in control of xen" because you're just being difficult and trying to prove valves on story wrong
pai-mei ching ching is just a pain in the ass about this. valve obviously is trying to convey the similarities as an attempt for us to put together the story, which is the combine took xen and moved onto earth. if they didn't take xen, how are we supposed to know they are the pillagers of planets? get over your arguments for "combine not in control of xen" because you're just being difficult and trying to prove valves on story wrong

Maybe Pai Mei will forgive me for apologising on his behalf, for presenting overwhelming evidence in favour of a theory that you find difficult to accept. He is not "just being difficult". It is in fact you "Combine-on-Xen" (we'll call it CoX, eh?) theorists that are being awkward.

In the other thread massive and comprehensive arguments were made for the Combine not being on Xen, in the first few posts. People who disagreed tended to disagree by presenting evidence like "well what about this: *vortigaunt quote/nihilanth quote/nihilanth's assjet*". These were subsequently considered, and then easily worked into the Independent Xen ("IX"?) theory. Opposers responded by saying "where's your evidence?" :|

There has been a plethora of evidence supplied. Some hard work and thought has gone into considering the points so that things remain consistent. Saying "bah, you're just being awkward" verges on pigheadedness and plain rudeness.

It is now time for the CoX advocates to state their case, should they so wish. Note: "it's obvious" and "you're being awkward" is not a case.

From what I can understand, the entire CoX theory hinges on the fact that Nihilanth had some metal on his arse. Someone in fact said that this has to be Combine since Controllers don't use tech. Incorrect - the whole penultimate level is a factory isn't it? It doesn't look like Combine either, since it isn't made of that strange alien metal that they brought to Earth.

Ignore that last paragraph. The whole Nihilanth's assjet argument is INVALID. Full stop. It has to be, because if there is strong evidence for the CoX or the IX theory then they HAVE TO come from *HL2!!!!* HAVE TO!! This is because the Combine weren't concieved in Valve's heads at the time of HL1, so if Valve intend to work them into the story retroactively then they have to show us how....in HL2. Enough with the theories that hang from Nihilanth's arse please.

IMO Valve don't imply that the Combine were on Xen at all. The aesthetic is TOTALLY utterly different. From RtB it's obvious that Valve spent ages refining the idea of the Combine as an enemy; their aesthetic, their behaviour, means of conquest, means of transport (which don't include local teleportation). Question: why would they do this when they could have grafted over a few modified designs from the Xen enemies of HL1? Surely that's what they would have done for at least some of the enemies if they intended us to understand we were fighting the same ultimate enemy. But we're not.

So apologies for making a post which is full of thrice-regurgitated arguments, but really there's nothing else that can be done when the only response that comes back is "give evidence" or "you're being awkward". We're practically swimming in evidence by now. It's hanging from the rafters.
pai-mei ching ching is just a pain in the ass about this.

*performs 5-point palm exploding heart technique on Defpotec22*

Maybe Pai Mei will forgive me for apologising on his behalf, for presenting overwhelming evidence in favour of a theory that you find difficult to accept. He is not "just being difficult". It is in fact you "Combine-on-Xen" (we'll call it CoX, eh?) theorists that are being awkward.

I think Laivasse hit the nail right on the head. Basically, everyone has argued their points time and time again and theres just no new evidence being brought up for either side.

Theres more then enough information out there, every little pixel of each game has been covered. I think I'm done arguing this...

Therefore, if you are interested in actually learning the truth, you have the option of looking through the hordes and hordes of evidence within the last thread, as well as a little bit in this one, and coming to the decision yourself. I promise you that you will find a good deal of evidence for my side and some interesting rebuttals for their side. Maybe you'll come out agreeing with me or maybe you'll come out feeling better about your own stance, but either way, I am sure that there is something in there that you haven't considered yet, something that will make you think.

If you are interested in just being a forum troll and don't wish to respect other people's theories and arguments for them, then go ahead and keep calling me "ching ching" (whatever the hell that means :) )
Just to say...
"The Xen Factory models the Combine Citadel"

Well, the Xen Factory also looks like a production line on Earth. Ever seen cars get manufactured? Same goes for the Citadel. Don't argue that the Combine own Toyota, though.

Oh, and another strange analogy. Kid sits in physics class, with a magnet, and a piece of metal. He drops the metal, and the Earth grabs it. There's an attractive force between the two. Kid puts the magnet near the metal. The metal jumps to the magnet. There's an attractive force between the two...

The kid incorrectly jumps to a conclusion that both are the same force. Which is wrong.
The Combine and Xen thing is similar, in my opinion.

(Well, actually, all forces come from the same unified force, so it is theorised, but if you want to apply that analogy to the Xen Combine thing, then it basically says that both races are...well, civilized races, and nothing past that).

Most of the arguments used to argue that there is a Combine presence on Xen can be used to say that there is a Combine presence on Real-Life Earth:

We both are greedy for resources, and fight others that aren't like us.
We're both organic.
At some time or another, some people have been enslaved. They've even had to wear collars.
We both create things in factories.
Both races use stitches in surgery.
Both races use mechanical augmentations on their peoples (Pacemakers, dialysis machines, etc)

Oh, and just because I like putting irrelevant pictures in my posts...

Tell me, where is the combine control in this production line?
Humans build production lines. So do Xenians. So do Combine.

Still, neither side can gain ground in this argument.

And it's a life support thing built into Nihilanth.

-Angry Lawyer
I might have missed it but I think you guys forgot:

X- You can draw a parallel between the alien grunts from HL1 with the hornet guns and the Overwatch in HL2. Both have implants and armor, both are "manufactured" in a factory-type area, and both have "breathing equipment" for offworld assignments. Overwatch soldiers have a gasmask type thing and alien grunts have organic breathing tubes added on the sides of their face. Also, if you look close you can see alot of similarities between the alien grunts and the vortigaunts. They have the same type of skin, they both have those little arms in the front of their stomach, their feet are similar, and they both have multiple red eyes.
The technology the Overwatch use in HL2 is similar to the stuff our current day millitary use. Our soldiers use gas masks in harsh breathing conditions. We also use flak jackets, and so do the Combine.
The Combine Gas-mask is also of Eastern European design - it's actually used by the Russian military, if I remember.

Alien grunts also don't have any implants. The Hive-Hand is a symbiotic creature that can be removed at will. Those 'breathing tubes' if you look at concept art, also exist on Vortigaunts.
And the Grunts' armour is extruded from their bodies - it's a natural carapace.

Alien Grunts and Vortigaunts are, however, from the same stock. But that doesn't neccesarily mean the Combine did it.

-Angry Lawyer
Democracy works people
The creator of this thread should have started with a simple poll
I think I agree that neither the CoX theorists or the IX theorists, can actually gain much, if any, ground on this matter. I think in the end it comes down to faith. much like religion. Maybe HL3 will shed some light on the matter, or the upcoming Alyx expansion pack.

I think I'm also going to stop posting in the 8 page thread ;).
Haven't seen if someone has mentioned this yet...but maybe the stiches and modifications are results of Xen trying to prevent themselves falling under combine control.

Although interloper || citadel and slave vortiguants || stalkers sways me.
The thing is...

interloper || citadel || car manufacturing plant

Yeah, it's more on faith than anything. Although, I think it's closer to the idea of UFOs:

Farmer sees eerie light in sky, and later finds one of his cows eviscerated. People could believe that Aliens landed from their UFO, and butchered a cow, or a weather balloon floated across the horizon and his cow was attacked by a wolf.

The only reason I question the Combine control theory so much is that it's founded on so little evidence. I'm perfectly open minded to it being true, but there's not enough evidence, and people shouldn't promote it as flawless truth.

Occam's Razor states something about the most simple theory wins. Which is simpler?

Combine controlled Xen and knew about everything.
Combine and Xen are completely seperate.

(I know half of you will state number 1, but from a scientific perspective, it's better to say 'no relation found' than to jump to a conclusion)

As for Stalkers and Vortigaunts... well, the Vortigaunts look pretty unchanged between the two games. The Combine pride themselves on efficiency. Wouldn't they have embalmed the Vorts like they did the Stalkers? And completely lobotomized them, rather than rely on a collar? They're not exactly efficient creatures.

One part of "Raising the Bar" actually includes an area where some Vortigaunts actually interact with the Combine. However, rather than act as menials, and 'Stalkers', they're kept in bottles, with their electricity drained from them, like a living battery.

-Angry Lawyer
Although interloper || citadel and slave vortiguants || stalkers sways me.

This is what gets me...

Hear ye nothing that I said, man?

Y - Citadels Warp into wherever they are placed. Although there may be some slight, differences among them, they all look the same and are built out of the same materials... (You see many through the Combine portal). They aren't built out of local materials, as the factory on Xen clearly was. Citadels are built out of that smooth metal which the Factory clearly was not. Therefore, it cannot a citadel. There's no argument here... its just not a Citadel. It may be Combine-built, it may combine-assimilated, and it may even be tofu-built, but it is not a Citadel.
Pai Mei, For God's sake, if the Combine cannot teleport, then what was Mossman talking about with that string-based crap?
"The Combine still use string-based yo-yos, ours use zero-point energy.

As for Stalkers and Vortigaunts... well, the Vortigaunts look pretty unchanged between the two games. The Combine pride themselves on efficiency. Wouldn't they have embalmed the Vorts like they did the Stalkers? And completely lobotomized them, rather than rely on a collar? They're not exactly efficient creatures.
Vortigaunts are extremly efficient as it is. They are strong and they have a powerful elecric attack and can weld, charge and do a lot of things with it and do the other stuff you see them do in Black Mesa East. If it's not broken why fix it?

narc said:
The reason for the Vorts collars being different should be bloody obvious. The collars were designed to be used in conjunction with the Nihilanth. He died. The collars were thus useless. So recaptured vorts had new collars put on because they are controlled using a different technique. Valve would have looked stupid and inconsistent if they'd kept them same.
Pai Mei, For God's sake, if the Combine cannot teleport, then what was Mossman talking about with that string-based crap?

I am sorry that you misunderstand me. I know that they can teleport... the entire ending seqence of Half-Life2 is trying to shut down a teleporter.

My point is that they cannot teleport in the same efficient manner that Xen can. We've seen them do it with their "yo-yos," but as we've also seen, this takes a very long time and a lot of energy. The Xen portals operate almost effortlessly, and the human portals that operate using Xen may be less efficient as well, but they are still vastly superior to Combine portals.

The reason for the Vorts collars being different should be bloody obvious. The collars were designed to be used in conjunction with the Nihilanth. He died. The collars were thus useless. So recaptured vorts had new collars put on because they are controlled using a different technique. Valve would have looked stupid and inconsistent if they'd kept them same.

Why are you so proud of this? How is this speculation even an argument for your side?

The original intent of this point was made in error as it is. Someone (Jandor, maybe?) cited the fact that the Combine assimilated Xen technology in the form of the collars. I basically said exactly what you are saying: the combine made the collars, not the Xen, so its not evidence of assimilated technology. As you've felt the need to point out many times, for reason, they are different collars and not the same technology anyway, made for different purposes.
Mossman was talking about the difference between our new way of teleporting (Xen slingshot - we swing around Xen. The original was gating to Xen, and then back to wherever we want to go) and the Combine way - drilling a hole straight through to the destination.

-Angry Lawyer
Combine drilling dosn't sound that bad. Would Human teleporters even work if you wanted to go to a place that dosn't border Xen?

The original intent of this point was made in error as it is. Someone (Jandor, maybe?) cited the fact that the Combine assimilated Xen technology in the form of the collars. I basically said exactly what you are saying: the combine made the collars, not the Xen, so its not evidence of assimilated technology. As you've felt the need to point out many times, for reason, they are different collars and not the same technology anyway, made for different purposes.

I'll admit it, I made an error with the Combine collars. However just because the Xenians didn't make them dosn't mean your right. :)

Occam's Razor states something about the most simple theory wins. Which is simpler?

Combine controlled Xen and knew about everything.
Combine and Xen are completely seperate.

(I know half of you will state number 1, but from a scientific perspective, it's better to say 'no relation found' than to jump to a conclusion)

I don't think it is simpler though, infact, Pai Mai uses its complexity as a defence in the other thread. (I think, it may have been someone else though)
It's probably safe to assume that Xen, like all other dimensions, borders everywhere. Just think. The X axis borders the Y axis at all points, which borders the Z axis, which borders however many extra dimensions you want to add. You need to be pretty knowledgeable in Physics/Maths to grasp what I'm on about, because I'm not truly sure what I'm on about. In every day physics, our dimensions touch each other at all points.

It boils down to simplicity. Pai's complexety is merely him bringing up the simple to combat the other opinions. He just goes over the top in explaining it.

I know what I'm trying to say, but I'm getting to a point where it's hard to express. Theory X - Combine Control - states that a connection exists. Theory Y states that it doesn't exist - or more accurately, doesn't state anything - it relies on the other theory's actual existance to exist itself. You wouldn't have a theory of Combine Non-Control if people hadn't come up with Combine Control, merely because it's expressing a void.

Another strange analogy. Think of your theory as a solid object. A piece of string. Think of the opposing theory as emptiness - a lack of string.
Now, at any given point in the universe, which is more likely - the string being there, or the empty space being there?

Woah, I've completety lost what I was trying to explain there. I've gone all stoic.

-Angry Lawyer
Combine drilling dosn't sound that bad.

Remember how long it takes Breen's portal to warm up at the end of HL? It's a long, slow, energy-expensive process. Xenians, however, teleport with almost no effort on their part.
Why do people even think that the 'assjet' is a jet?

The Nihilanth looks like a giant controller in most other respects, has all their teleporting abilities (and more), so why wouldn't he be able to float without some anti-gravity device?

What else could the "assjet" be for?
Off the top of my head: part of the collar-control system, life support, a built-in chair for when he wants to sit...
Off the top of my head: part of the collar-control system, life support, a built-in chair for when he wants to sit...

I have taken an Oath along with Roimhaire to no longer debate the CoX issue, as I believe all relevent evidence has been shown numerous times.

However, I can't help but laugh at the built in chair comment. :)

I imagine a lawnchair folding out of his ass and him sitting next to a grill throwing back a few beers. There is evidence to support this... all of the various spikes and tubes that come off of it suggest that it might be some form of beverage dispenser. One for Killians, one for Bud, etc. I guess you could also make the case that it might be a condiment dispenser, with things like mayonaise, relish, ketchup, mustard.
Pai-Mei said:
Remember how long it takes Breen's portal to warm up at the end of HL? It's a long, slow, energy-expensive process. Xenians, however, teleport with almost no effort on their part.

Its called travelling to another Universe, not travelling from A to B on the same planet.
"Remember how long it takes Breen's portal to warm up at the end of HL? It's a long, slow, energy-expensive process."

Compare and contrast with how the Humans in HL1 teleport.

Besides, if you've read theory on teleportation, you'll find that the ideas Valve are using make it so it makes no difference how far you're teleporting - you're just cutting a hole through some folded space, and walking through.
Oh yeah, and the Assjet looks like a life-support machine. Beer is pretty essential to life, so yes, I'd assume it dispenses that too :p

-Angry Lawyer

Microsoft is also a front for the Combine. That's how they found out our weaknesses, and we couldn't resist the invasion because they simply pulled the plug on all our computers when the Citadels were gated in.

Or something.

-Angry Lawyer
Btw - its not the lawyer who flips out usually, its the client.
Oh one more thing - im a lawyer too - do u find that whenever any1 asks you online what u do, and u say, im a lawyer, that they go ballistic and say bs! u r so FOS! Yeah and Im President Bush etc.....

I wonder why this is? I mean - it would not happen if I said i was a carpet salesman. And every1 hates lawyers, (or a lot of people, wrongly in my view) so why would som1 claim to be that which he is not? Its like claiming to be gay when straight? Bizarre.
People never believe anything said online. I could tell everyone that I smoke, take drugs and drink excessively. I also get into brawls outside the pub regularly. No-one is going to believe me though, which I suppose is for the best :).
Hmm - reminds me though of what Mark Twain said:

'There was never a truth I did not speak which some did not claim I was lying, and never a lie I told where someone did not believe it to be truth'

Im licensed to practice in the State of California, USA and New South Wales Australia. And im now studying to be a barrister (for those outside of UK and its former colonies, they are the dudes who wear the wigs and black gowns in court).

But people online always say 'Yeah and Im 'Napoleon', 'President Kennedy, Elvis, live in Alaska, 'lawyer!!! PSML!! ROFL!!!' have a bridge I can sell you, Im not that stupid you idiot Calanen, 'and yeah Im a merchant banker,'

In fact, they are that stupid, and I probably could sell them multiple bridges. But for good or bad, this is my profession. And I did not mean hear Angry Lawyer - gamers, especially Valve Gamers are eminently sensible. I mean, in the wider internet.
You're my new hero.

I'm, uh, more a lawyer at heart. The name 'Angry Lawyer' comes from an alter ego that I created when I was a child.
When I was young, I wanted to be a lawyer, but I came to a crossroads - either study law, or study programming. I chose the second one. Part of me wishes I chose the first; then again, I've ended up in a dead-end job that has nothing to do with either parts. Although, the company I work for gets lots of letters from lawyers.

-Angry Lawyer
k k my opnion on this matter is this,

if the combine controlled xen, they would have owned local transportation i.e. local teliportaion,

but who controls the nilithith then? sigh, i just wanna sleep till then next hl cums out.
Well, i just played the game again and got somthing that breaks my belif that the combine knew of and had been to,but didnt control xen.

The combine homeworld is in a seperate universe.
I hope they do not reveal or even hint about this in the next game.