Yasser Arafat dies at age 75

Are u happy that arafat is dead?

  • yes

    Votes: 43 45.3%
  • no

    Votes: 52 54.7%

  • Total voters
What i find strange is that his wife is a christian.....
Well.....now let's hope that the fighting ends and Israel can take back what is theirs.
This is what Yasser Arafat had to say about Isreal "It's ours, it's ours, it's our" and "we need to push our enemy (meaning Israel) into the sea".
There wasn't any chance of peace while this guy was still alive, and there won't ever be peace in the area until the world ends.

Oh and by the way, the only way we get any news from overseas is by the media unless a family member is involved so we have to base all our opinions on what they have portrayed (unless we know someone who can tell us their version of the truth).
I don't particularly like taking joy in another human being's death.
I agree Neutrino. I'm never happy to see anyone died, no matter the life they lived.
This will make the whole israeli/palestine thing alot more violent...
The whole situation over there in israel can be blamed on christianity, without it, they would not fight over that land.
[[LuCkY]] said:
Do you even watch the news? He's only in a coma.

Apparently he is brain dead, he suffered a severe hemmaredge in the head that caused it.
Beazil said:
woah. I wonder what this will mean for Palestine?

what his leadership meant for the palastine ppl was death and destruction while his own bank account had over 200 million $ money he took from his ppl.

the terrorist is dead now i hope for the palastine ppl that there will be a leader who realy wants peace for the whole region
We aren't going to stop 1400 years of war with a little land deal in Israel. The middle east will be at war until some single power takes it decisively.

And yes I'm glad hes dead. He was a terrorist.
He was a fine man. He even received the Nobel Piece Prize.
The_Monkey said:
He was a fine man. He even received the Nobel Piece Prize.
ha.. hahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahhahaa. for backing out of the vaunted oslo accords? the guy didnt do shit, its all for show.
gh0st said:
maybe it should be. im not going to post my condolences for this asshat, why should i?
It's fine if you don't post your condolences, but that's no reason to post your uninformed, ignorantly biased view followed by a shoddy insult at someone's mum. What a great political debater you are "asshat".

Homer said:
We aren't going to stop 1400 years of war with a little land deal in Israel. The middle east will be at war until some single power takes it decisively.

And yes I'm glad hes dead. He was a terrorist.
You're wrong, he wasn't a terrorist. Hamas was a terrorist group and he wasn't part of that, but perhaps you're grouping him in with that because he's also from Palestine? How open-minded of you.
And that "single power" taking it decisively is the exact scary neo-Imperialist view that too many Americans adopt. It's sickening.

Glo said:
long last
dont put israel a bad name. we want to make peace with palestines, just some leaders get in our way.
Leaders like Ariel Sharon.
gh0st said:
ha.. hahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahhahaa. for backing out of the vaunted oslo accords? the guy didnt do shit, its all for show.

no, get your facts straight. The assination of Itzhak rabin in 95 by a right wing israeli was the downfall of the oslo accords. His successor Netanyahu (Peres lasted only a short while) kept pushing the israeli settlements into contested land (which were in direct violation of the accords, which further escalated the violence and undermined Arafat's work in getting the israelis and palestinians to the peace table ...exactly what the Israeli hardliners wanted) and eventually they fell out of favour
Ok I really need to watch the news more often, well I dont know much about him, but I have "heard" he promotes "terrorism". Palistine "terrorists" are probably the only terrorists I can actually agree with, they are resistance fighters, their country is occupied and Israil (spelling bad) ignores the U.N.
in the 90s (before and after oslo) i think it was obvious to anyone with a pulse that arafat was not committed to peace. he simply left camp david in 00, arafat would not say yes to the US/Israeli proposals and failed to offer his own, directly before he launched the intifada. is what what you call peaceful?

Clinton said: "What the hell is this? Why is she turning the mistakes we [ie, the US and Israel] made into the essence? The true story of Camp David was that for the first time in the history of the conflict the American president put on the table a proposal, based on UN Security Council resolutions 242 and 338, very close to the Palestinian demands, and Arafat refused even to accept it as a basis for negotiations, walked out of the room, and deliberately turned to terrorism."

Arafat said no. Enraged, Clinton banged on the table and said: "You are leading your people and the region to a catastrophe." A formal Palestinian rejection of the proposals reached the Americans the next day. The summit sputtered on for a few days more but to all intents and purposes it was over.


i know how you love to defend terror but read this and quit lying to people.
gh0st said:
ha.. hahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahhahaa. for backing out of the vaunted oslo accords? the guy didnt do shit, its all for show.

No, but he got it beacouse at that time (the mid 90s) he was thought to be a great leader and a peace-bringer to the mid-east. But remeber, we don't deal out the nobel peace-prize, the norwiegans do.
lol Im surprised to see you lot really give a shite, they could blow each other into oblivion for all I care.
jaguar_987 said:
lol Im surprised to see you lot really give a shite, they could blow each other into oblivion for all I care.
That's very sad that you care about the fate of so many other human beings so much. You do realise that the situation in Palestine is just one of the many causes of the problems with Islamic extremist terrorism that so much of the world is being forced to fear.
I'd say that's pretty f*cking important.
gh0st said:
in the 90s (before and after oslo) i think it was obvious to anyone with a pulse that arafat was not committed to peace. he simply left camp david in 00, arafat would not say yes to the US/Israeli proposals and failed to offer his own, directly before he launched the intifada. is what what you call peaceful?


i know how you love to defend terror but read this and quit lying to people.

no, you're using selective sources ..the accords negotiations began in 93, rabin was assinated in 95 and the accords crumbled from there. the camp david summit on the oslo accords had so canged the tenor of the accords that Arafat refused to sign. The agreement at the time was nothing like the one Rabin and arafat hammered out in 93

btw when Arafat was given the noble peace prize he said he was honoured but they shouldnt give the peace prize to people like him
el Chi said:
That's very sad that you care about the fate of so many other human beings so much. You do realise that the situation in Palestine is just one of the many causes of the problems with Islamic extremist terrorism that so much of the world is being forced to fear.
I'd say that's pretty f*cking important.

Shoot em all down, shouldn't have let em in the country.
jaguar_987 said:
Shoot em all down, shouldn't have let em in the country.
Well done! You're a racist! Have a cookie :hmph:
jaguar_987 said:
Shoot em all down, shouldn't have let em in the country.

By saying that you lose all your respect. You are no better than the terrorists you are blaming.
The bad thing, is that that Israel is taking over Palestine, I'd like to see what you do when some contry takes half of your country then kills your people and asks for more land....
jaguar_987 said:
Shoot em all down, shouldn't have let em in the country.

"It is better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you are a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt." -- Mark Twain

let who into what country? palestinians? they were there before the jews
lol Good luck in life boys ;) You take this crap way too seriously

EDIT: Love you guys too. Im glad you can call me all these big macho names online :)
CptStern said:
no, you're using selective sources ..the infantada was in 93, rabin was assinated in 95 and the accords crumbled from there. the camp david summit on the oslo accords had so canged the tenor of the accords that Arafat refused to sign. The agreement at the time was nothing like the one Rabin and arafat hammered out in 93

btw when Arafat was given the noble peace prize he said he was honoured but they shouldnt give the peace prize to people like him
im not using selective sources. clinton knew that the man was a buffoon, im not sure what the "infantada" is but the intifada started in 2000, im not sure where you're getting this 93 number. the whole thing was over by 92. arafat was directly responsible for the most deadly period of violence in israels history (outside all out warfare). how do you defend this idiot? he killed 427 civilians during this period in 6665 seperate attacks. how is that justifiable?

Palestinian Minister said:
In an article this week in the international Arab daily Al Hayat, Amer blasted the Palestinians for rejecting former U.S. president Bill Clinton's proposals, saying the Palestinians had lost everything they had achieved in the political process.

Entitled "An open letter to President Yasser Arafat," Amer accused Arafat of turning his back on both the government and partisan institutions and organizations such as Fatah and the Palestine Liberation Organization. Amer complained that in the last two years, the Palestinians had turned from a people with institutions and frameworks to "warrior groups in forests and climbing mountains."

jaguar_987 said:
lol Good luck in life boys ;) You take this crap way too seriously
you are hella dumb.
jaguar_987 said:
lol Good luck in life boys ;) You take this crap way too seriously
Good luck in life jaguar, you're clearly too ignorant to understand the workings of the world.
jaguar_987 said:
EASY, wouldn't wanna burst a blood vessel.

The arrogance, and the disrespect you show to other people, disgusts me.