Yep, it is (only) a 90! (PC Gameplay) scans included.

how does multiplayer detract from the score, why don;t they rate the game as it stands instead of how it could stand, they're dumb, ignorant mofos
StardogChampion said:
It's more of lack of ANY multiplayer mode than a SPECIAL one.

not true, the got to play css, thats the mp
Glo said:
not true, the got to play css, thats the mp

Yeah, but CSS is a totally different game. Nothing at all to do with HL2.

It's like Splinter Cell 2's multiplayer being some WW2 capture the flag game.
StardogChampion said:
Yeah, but CSS is a totally different game. Nothing at all to do with HL2.

It's like Splinter Cell 2's multiplayer being some WW2 capture the flag game.

so basicly i was right.
because they expected to have a different mp mode, they give it some sit score
Why didn't valve add a SIMPLE MP to half life 2?

i mean how hard is it for them to get the CITY 17 map and edit it to an mp level.
then do same with Ravenholm and a coast level!

then make some random other levels. 9-12-15 mp levels.

with DM/TDM maybe even Round based/ search and destroy.

this would up the 96 = 98 simple
Glo said:
so basicly i was right.
because they expected to have a different mp mode, they give it some sit score

Probably, which is reasonable in my opinion.
PlayingMantis said:
Why Tha F*ck Can't I Edit My Own Fu*king Post?

theres a time limit.

also i dont care too much about hl2dm, css is good enough for me plus im still not entirely sure whether or not valve released info on their "multiplayer" which they were trying to keep secret, maybe its not css afterall? we shall see.
Wraith said:
theres a time limit.

also i dont care too much about hl2dm, css is good enough for me plus im still not entirely sure whether or not valve released info on their "multiplayer" which they were trying to keep secret, maybe its not css afterall? we shall see.

hmmm but it has been reviewed?
commando said:
hmmm but it has been reviewed?

yes but valve could be like "guys, we will let you review our game IF you dont talk at all about the multiplayer, its a big big secret and will make the fans jism in their shorts"
valve are starting to make me mad
why didnt they port hldm ? it really would have been so simple.
wont mention it took them 6 years
commando said:
hmmm but it has been reviewed?
Valve may be planning on releasing DM over Steam at some point after release. Reviewers can't take that into account.
get over the MP already. it takes a loooong time to make.

really truly.

not a few weeks.


they spent the time making better SP.

get over it.
Hmm i do feel a bit dissapointed with the 19 hour gameplay time, I was really expecting more from valve.
fragShader said:
get over the MP already. it takes a loooong time to make.

really truly.

not a few weeks.


they spent the time making better SP.

get over it.

dont f off about spending time on better mp while they post "tests" and get fans exited over nothing
fragShader said:
get over the MP already. it takes a loooong time to make.

really truly.

not a few weeks.


they spent the time making better SP.

get over it.
Actually it probably won't take that long, all the content is already there for using, its really just designing maps that people will have to do.

Even that amount of time can be shortened by taking old HL1 DM maps and porting them over, then just do alot of editing to them to make them fun for HL2.
Wraith said:
yes but valve could be like "guys, we will let you review our game IF you dont talk at all about the multiplayer, its a big big secret and will make the fans jism in their shorts"

Hahahhaa nice one man!

made me laugh with the "jism in thier shorts" bit...

i so hope your right man but hmmm.... that will mean all the PCgamer/pcgameplay and all them mags will be laughed at and then thier resources would be wrong because thier cons are (NO MP) when there would be.
What happened to that 36-48 hours anyway? Not that I was expecting that in the first place - that's just TOO long for a game.

I figure that with exploration and redoing certain parts, you could easily get 25 hours out of the normal mode.

And for those of us that will play on hard, upwards of 25 to 30 hours.
To The Mods!

To The Mods!

Please change the text of my original threadstarter with the corrected text that follows:

(you really thought so?) :cheese:

PWNED! :cheese:

But seriously, a few hours ago I hastily got myself a copy of the Belgian magazine PC GAMEPLAY 103 to find out if Half-life 2 is the second coming mankind was waiting for...

...well it is according to these guys.

I shall paraphrase the review so all of you who have been dying for (new) information can now know what has been said (with some minor spoilers, you’ve been warned!).

And for you dumb f**ks out there: Don't even consider flaming me, because I am only reflecting what PC GAMEPLAY has written. It has little or nothing to do with my own opinion!

Ok here we go:

They first start lamenting the fact that HL2 does not have a "proper" HL2 MP deathmach. They would have liked to play MP games within the HL2 world...

That is the "bad" part about the game.

So what's good, you ask?

Well everything else really. Read on.

(start of minor spoiler)

It seems that Gordon is working for G-man, but is teaming up with the Allience. Dr Breem seems to be a former collegue of Gordon from Black Mesa. He has teamed up with Xen aliens and is now controlling the world in nazi-fashion.

(end of minor spoiler)

HL2 is THE next gen FPShooter. Believe the hype! The BINK videos have functioned as a distracting mechanism, since the actual game seems to, on occasions, differ from the content showed in the BINKS.

The strongest attribute of the game seems to be the ingenious use of technology (Source) within the leveldesign. They praise VALVE for its genious. The puzzles are very intelligently devised. BUT,
it seems that no matter how big the levels are, and there a 15 of them in the game, they are all fairly linear in nature. There is a start and there is an end. The gameplay is not as openended as, say, FAR CRY.

City 17 = total war

Ravenholm = gore fest, fear and tension (reminiscing DOOM 3 in ambience)

The hovercraft level is extremely impressive and fun and warrants a separate game!

There are headcrabs, headhunters (venom has a paralysing effect?), zombiedogs (which are fast mofos), zombies (which are very impertinent it seems).

And then there are the combine. They will try to intelligently ambush by surrounding you, always taking cover when possible, they will flush you out when necessary (a la HL 1). The enemy AI is thus great. And opposing the combine is the Alliance with which you do battle, against the combine. You can "summon"(with "v") up to 4 allies, that will follow and do battle along with you (You can summon the because Gordon seems to have a Messianic reputation among the Allies). Sometimes they tend to get in your line of fire, temporarily obstructing your offence, but they seem to be able to reposition themselves once this occurs, thank Valve (so no Daikatana flaws here). They will also run for cover if overwhelm (sometimes they will even run away, which is considered to be another downer by PC GAMEPLAY).

Many impressive enemies (awe inspiring) like tanks, gunships, dropships(!) and of course the Striders...(which ARE destructible!). All guns from HL1 seem to have returned, plus the pheropods and the GRAVITY GUN: a pulse rifle with a "thermal grenade" as secondary fire! You can now use (tripod)turrets for your own purposes too...

All gunfights are intense. And playing on HARD is a real challenge.They finished the game in 19 hours on NORMAL. But they didn't want it to end so they will play it again. There is definitely a replay value! They want HL3!!!!

Gameplay 55/60
Graphics 18/20
Sound 17/20


P.S.: There is no mention whatsoever of Half-life: Source, which is a pity really.

A few observations fo my own:

(start of potential spoilers)

D.O.G is able to pick up car and has an anthropomorphic anatomy!

Sometime down the line Both Eli and Alyx seem to get kidnapped by Dr. Breem.

Barney finally admits he is gay and has only joined the Alliance in order to be close to Gordon declaring his silent “admiration” for Gordon while in battle… …well not really, but you never know.

(end potential of spoilers)
Well it depends - Far cry was also 15-20 hours. It's a reasonable ammount of time, but I'm sure it's quality over quantity, and valve has done that.

I also think that the reviewers tend to hurry up with reviews - so I'm sure if you take your time it's a good 20-25 hours.
brisck1 said:
Hmm i do feel a bit dissapointed with the 19 hour gameplay time, I was really expecting more from valve.

19 hours on normal!

"Barney finally admits he is gay and has only joined the Alliance in order to be close to Gordon declaring his silent “admiration” for Gordon while in battle… …well not really, but you never know."

hahahha nice one man! that made me laugh

Another magazine review that dosnt understand the plot of the game they are playing
reviewers do play the game fast!

i mean the reviewers want to be the FIRST to review the game! first to get it in thier mags...

then put it on the front cover and BAM "be first to read the review in our mag"
commando said:
hmmm 19hours. ok sounds wierd for a Half-Life game! i mean when half life came out it was a long game.

so half life 2 should be a long game!

Im sooo going to take my time on this game. im not going to rush through it then quick come on this forum and say i have completed it!

i hate it when people come on this forum and say i have completed it *in less then one-two days*
(dont get me wrong i complete all the games i get in 1-5days)
But this game.... im going to take it so slow. take in the beauty of the graphics. play with the phsics. enjoy the story. visit everywhere i can. shame that there wasn't a MP.


half life does have an MP and that is CS:S so i dont see what the problem is.

Cant wait for this game. i know im going to end up rating it sooo higher then the scores i have seen.

Quoted for emphasis, I feel the same, one year waiting, no point rushing, I'll take as long as I can, load battles and all.

I'm kind of desapointed, I was expecting something HUGE , let's hope we see Adrian in it.

BTW, 20 for them, as they had to review the game, they rushed.
To The Mods!


There is something wrong with my internet connection.
playing said the above twice now why post it twice?
i mean if you all go to a page before u will see the exact same post said before...why post it again?
I was hoping for more since it was stated somewhere that HL2 would take 40 hours, but as said they did play it on normal and probably tried to finish the game as fast as pos.
If HL2 is as good as i think it is ill probably play it again on hard, 50 hours on SP, im happy with that :smoking:
The Mullinator said:
Actually it probably won't take that long, all the content is already there for using, its really just designing maps that people will have to do.

um - extra code and playtesting. plenty.

Even that amount of time can be shortened by taking old HL1 DM maps and porting them over, then just do alot of editing to them to make them fun for HL2.

sure - amazing HL2 world in SP and MP has rehashed HL1 maps. they get flamed for rehashed CS:S

if VALVe released something that only took a few weeks, we would all flame them for releasing crappy MP.

if u think it is so easy, make it urself when they release the SDK. let me know if i was wrong when u finish. (i'd like to be)
Some nice facts:

Your HEV suit can now hold up to 200 armor (according to screenshots) and it may be possible to lift dead enemies with the manipulator (also seen in a screenshot).

Minimum requirements state an internet connection, most likely that HL2 will require online verification/registration.

Make no mistake about it, PCGP is as thrilled about the SP as PC Gamer is, but they saw HL as a multiplayer aimed game, whereas PC Gamer probably saw HL as a game aimed towards singeplayer. A matter of opinions and preferences I guess.
lans said:
Well it depends - Far cry was also 15-20 hours. It's a reasonable ammount of time, but I'm sure it's quality over quantity, and valve has done that.

I also think that the reviewers tend to hurry up with reviews - so I'm sure if you take your time it's a good 20-25 hours.

Heh, you beat me to it!

Quality > Quantity guys.

Who wants an unpolished 40 hours with a few cool ideas here and there when they could have a well polished 20 hours with imagination all over...I know I don't.

If they reviewed CSS too, does that mean they added marks for CSS (since that would apply as they took them away for no DM) so are we really looking, with the extremely positive review in mind, at a <90% game?
To The Mods!

To The Mods AGAIN!

Please change the text of my original threadstarter with the corrected text as follows:

(did you really think so?)


But seriously, a few hours ago I hastily got myself a copy of the Belgian magazine PC GAMEPLAY 103 to find out if Half-life 2 is the second coming mankind was waiting for...

...well it is according to these guys.

I shall paraphrase the review so all of you who have been dying for (new) information can now know what has been said (with some minor spoilers, you’ve been warned!).

And for you dumb f**ks out there: Don't even consider flaming me, because I am only reflecting what PC GAMEPLAY has written. It has little or nothing to do with my own opinion!

Ok here we go:

They first start lamenting the fact that HL2 does not have a "proper" HL2 MP deathmach. They would have liked to play MP games within the HL2 world...

That is the "bad" part about the game.

So what's good, you ask?

Well everything else really. Read on.

(start of minor spoiler)

It seems that Gordon is working for G-man, but is teaming up with the Allience. Dr Breem seems to be a former collegue of Gordon from Black Mesa. He has teamed up with Xen aliens and is now controlling the world in nazi-fashion.

(end of minor spoiler)

HL2 is THE next gen FPShooter. Believe the hype! The BINK videos have functioned as a distracting mechanism, since the actual game seems to, on occasions, differ from the content showed in the BINKS.

The strongest attribute of the game seems to be the ingenious use of technology (Source) within the leveldesign. They praise VALVE for its genious. The puzzles are very intelligently devised. BUT,
it seems that no matter how big the levels are, and there a 15 of them in the game, they are all fairly linear in nature. There is a start and there is an end. The gameplay is not as openended as, say, FAR CRY.

City 17 = total war

Ravenholm = gore fest, fear and tension (reminiscing DOOM 3 in ambience)

The hovercraft level is extremely impressive and fun and warrants a separate game!

There are headcrabs, headhunters (venom has a paralysing effect?), zombiedogs (which are fast mofos), zombies (which are very impertinent it seems).

And then there are the combine. They will try to intelligently ambush by surrounding you, always taking cover when possible, they will flush you out when necessary (a la HL 1). The enemy AI is thus great. And opposing the combine is the Alliance with which you do battle, against the combine. You can "summon" up to 4 allies (with "v") , that will follow and do battle along with you (You can summon the because Gordon seems to have a Messianic reputation among the Allies). Sometimes they tend to get in your line of fire, temporarily obstructing your offence, but they seem to be able to reposition themselves once this occurs, thank Valve (so no Daikatana flaws here). They will also run for cover if overwhelm (sometimes they will even run away, which is considered to be another downer by PC GAMEPLAY).

Many impressive enemies (awe inspiring) like tanks, gunships, dropships(!) and of course the Striders...(which ARE destructible!). All guns from HL1 seem to have returned, plus the pheropods and the GRAVITY GUN: a pulse rifle with a "thermal grenade" as secondary fire! You can now use (tripod)turrets for your own purposes too...

All gunfights are intense. And playing on HARD is a real challenge.They finished the game in 19 hours on NORMAL. But they didn't want it to end so they will play it again. There is definitely a replay value! They want HL3!!!!

Gameplay 55/60
Graphics 18/20
Sound 17/20


P.S.: There is no mention whatsoever of Half-life: Source, which is a pity really.

A few observations of my own:

(start of potential spoilers)

-D.O.G is able to pick up cars and has an anthropomorphic anatomy (and is big)!

-Sometime down the line Both Eli and Alyx seem to get kidnapped by Dr. Breem.

-Barney finally admits he is gay and has only joined the Alliance in order to be close to Gordon declaring his silent “admiration” for Gordon while in battle… …well not really, but you never know.

(end potential of spoilers)
Raidea said:
If they reviewed CSS too, does that mean they added marks for CSS (since that would apply as they took them away for no DM) so are we really looking, with the extremely positive review in mind, at a <90% game?

They thought CS: S was nothing more than CS with ragdoll physics. If anything, it lowered the rating. But most likely they didn't count it, because they stated that Valve said it was a free extra, and you don't rate free stuff. That's why they say there is no multiplayer, because CS:S is really just a seperate extra free game.
PM a mod, stop posting the instructions in your topic.
argh damn cs, i wish it didnt exist, we dont all love it more than we love our family
PlayingMantis said:
To The Mods AGAIN!

-D.O.G is able to pick up cars and has an anthropomorphic anatomy (and is big)!

Turkey and mashed cheese! wOOzers! Slap a pancake on me noggin and call me Mr. Bob!

That is so wicked! Does it say anything about D.O.G being controlled and can he pick up combines and also can he beat up striders. How tall is he (compared to, say, a car?) :afro:
CatBOne said:
Turkey and mashed cheese! wOOzers! Slap a pancake on me noggin and call me Mr. Bob!

That is so wicked! Does it say anything about D.O.G being controlled and can he pick up combines and also can he beat up striders. How tall is he (compared to, say, a car?) :afro:

Seemly somewhere between 2.5 and 3 m in height. They don't mention it, but in one screenshot he is seen being sided by Barney and (picking up a van), so I don't know if can control him (directly).
The PC Gamer says that DOG is one of the coolest aspects of HL2