Yet another reason to dislike religion


Companion Cube
Jan 11, 2005
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Or, at the very least, nutjob cultist religion.

This is related to: -I'm really glad that I didn't join that cult.

EDIT: Cult website:
I read today on the police website:

----------------Translation (and simplification)-------------------------
The Daesoonjinrigyo (Church of the Great Cycle of Truth) Incident
Report uploaded via (? Don't know word) 2004-10-24


SWAT-1 building storm failure.

Now, the cultists had taken control of a building, whilst throwing molotovs at the police. They had been conerned in, and SWAT-1 went in via ladder cars. However, the cultists knocked down the ladder car, and the entire team crashed 7 floors below. As if that was not enough, the cultists POURED GASOLINE ON THE FALLEN SWAT-1 TEAM AND LIT A MATCH, SETTING THE GAS ON FIRE. SWAT-2, seeing this absolute lack of humanity, charged in with their batons and dragged all the cultists out. However, the cult leader, escaped, due to the other cultists making a human shield to prevent his capture. 7 of the SWAT-1 was hospitalized with severe injuries. None dead.

Manmingyodo's (Universal Church) attack on MBC (Munwha Broadcasting Corporation) Building.

SWAT arresting cultist


Basically, the church tried to take control of the Corporate building, but failed. But they were chased by police into a construction site, which was a trap. Then ensued a 3 hour long battle that caused 55 casulties on the police side.
What is your government's policy on freedom of speech, religion, protest, etc, 13537?

You always post about these intensely extreme, violent protests, and I can't help but wonder if it's an error your government has made, rather than the people.
what I'm wondering - why the **** don't they have guns!?!?!?!?!? They should SHOOT these crazy bastards!
Ladder car = phail. Always, always, always, always.
What is your government's policy on freedom of speech, religion, protest, etc, 13537?

You always post about these intensely extreme, violent protests, and I can't help but wonder if it's an error your government has made, rather than the people.

Well, only communism (and related) is banned. I've never heard of anyone getting arrested for religious reasons.

what I'm wondering - why the **** don't they have guns!?!?!?!?!? They should SHOOT these crazy bastards!

Our police, unlike the US police, aren't really trigger happy. It has been the policy of the police to never kill.
So instead of killing the people who are causing the problems, 55 police officers die.
Nonono, you misunderstood me. 55 hospitalized.
Perhaps they should use some more force, I'm not a fan of trigger-happy cops, but looking at the retarded clashes that happen there regularly (or is it just the media loving it so much i don't know).
If such a thing would happen here in Europe it would be a huge scandal, it "seems" as though its a normal everymonth matter over there.

Kill the leader and the rest won't know what to do.
Perhaps they should use some more force, I'm not a fan of trigger-happy cops, but looking at the retarded clashes that happen there regularly (or is it just the media loving it so much i don't know).
If such a thing would happen here in Europe it would be a huge scandal, it "seems" as though its a normal everymonth matter over there.

Yeah, I don't know why they continue to not use guns or even tazers.


Kill the leader and the rest won't know what to do.

I agree.
Well, only communism (and related) is banned. I've never heard of anyone getting arrested for religious reasons.

I imagine that "and related" addendum is the source of a lot of the problems
Perhaps, but not this time.
(The Daesoonjinrigyo's founders, Daesoonjinrihoe)

Kang Jeung-san, Sangje, the owner of the supreme wisdom, the infinite grace and the great authority and the founder of the great religion, governing the three realms as the supreme God who creates and harmonizes all things of the universe in the ninth heaven, itinerated and surveyed the whole world, and then descended to the human world. HE rearranged the deviated order of universal system and conducted the great Work of opening an eternal earthly paradise while travelling so as to save spirits and humans in calamities. On the basis of ?Integrated virtue of Yin and Yang?, ?Harmony between spirits and humans? and ?Resolution of bitterness and grief and Mutual life-giving?, HE settled the work of renewing heaven and earth by ?Repayment of obligations? with focusing on ?Resolution of bitterness and grief?. Thus, all bitterness and grief accumulated since early times will be resolved in time and the whole world will be changed into an earthly paradise without any mutual conflict through the two principles of Do(道), ?Resolution of bitterness and grief? and ?Repayment of obligations?.This is the very truth of Daesoon(大巡;vastly itinerating).
I must admit, I kind of chuckled at the first picture...reminded me of a cartoon.

But anyway, what is a ladder car? Is it..well, a ladder on a vehicle?

All in all, cultists suck. They always take the matter way to far, and just don't know when to give up. :(
I must admit, I kind of chuckled at the first picture...reminded me of a cartoon.

But anyway, what is a ladder car? Is it..well, a ladder on a vehicle?

All in all, cultists suck. They always take the matter way to far, and just don't know when to give up. :(

Like a fire engine with the ladder.

btw, this is the cult that thinks raping young girls is ok. D:
bleh :S . Well at least you guys didn't have an official political party fighting for pedo-rights = wanting to lower the age of legit sex to 8 years old.
They're banned now, but that was kinda embarrassing to say the least :P .
Or, at the very least, nutjob cultist religion.

This is related to: -I'm really glad that I didn't join that cult.

EDIT: Cult website:
I read today on the police website:

----------------Translation (and simplification)-------------------------
The Daesoonjinrigyo (Church of the Great Cycle of Truth) Incident
Report uploaded via (? Don't know word) 2004-10-24


SWAT-1 building storm failure.

Now, the cultists had taken control of a building, whilst throwing molotovs at the police. They had been conerned in, and SWAT-1 went in via ladder cars. However, the cultists knocked down the ladder car, and the entire team crashed 7 floors below. As if that was not enough, the cultists POURED GASOLINE ON THE FALLEN SWAT-1 TEAM AND LIT A MATCH, SETTING THE GAS ON FIRE. SWAT-2, seeing this absolute lack of humanity, charged in with their batons and dragged all the cultists out. However, the cult leader, escaped, due to the other cultists making a human shield to prevent his capture. 7 of the SWAT-1 was hospitalized with severe injuries. None dead.

Manmingyodo's (Universal Church) attack on MBC (Munwha Broadcasting Corporation) Building.

SWAT arresting cultist


Basically, the church tried to take control of the Corporate building, but failed. But they were chased by police into a construction site, which was a trap. Then ensued a 3 hour long battle that caused 55 casulties on the police side.

why does this only happen in south korea offense but just going by the photos you've posted over the last year or so I've almost come to the conclusion that your police force is not only inept but bordering on the ludicrously retarded ..they sure as hell fall down a lot ...get beaten, set on fire, their fists pummeled by the faces of protestors etc ...either you have very smart criminals or very dumb police officers
why does this only happen in south korea offense but just going by the photos you've posted over the last year or so I've almost come to the conclusion that your police force is not only inept but bordering on the ludicrously retarded ..they sure as hell fall down a lot ...get beaten, set on fire, their fists pummeled by the faces of protestors etc ...either you have very smart criminals or very dumb police officers

We have few criminals, but very violent ones. Besides, getting beaten doesn't mean you're retarded. It just means that you lack the authority to beat people into a pulp.
oh come on, police in the 80's opened fired/beat to a pulp unarmed students killing 2000 ..they're certainly capable
oh come on, police in the 80's opened fired on unarmed students killing quite a few of them ..they're certainly capable

That was only in the Gwangju Riots, and the administration has changed, as well as the Constitution. Oh, and it was actually the paratrooper divisions.
That was only in the Gwangju Riots, and the administration has changed, as well as the Constitution. Oh, and it was actually the paratrooper divisions.

so you were more competant back then?
well they werent falling down/being burned/beaten by clubs so yes more competant

and lol you certainly are brainwashed

"violent protestors"

It was the sheer, open brutality of the response of Korean paratroops which proved decisive.

The paratroops charged crowds with batons and bayonets, stripped students and other citizens down to their underwear in the streets before beating them, and fired indiscriminately into crowds.
Well, yes, mostly due to the extreme widespread use of CS (tear) gas.
heh, Stern's got a point there lol
Anyways, get back those Paratroopers, and let real life CS begin.
Nonono, you misunderstood me. 55 hospitalized.

The South Korean Government could always send criminals in aircraft (flying below the radar) into North Korea, then drop them by parachute.
WTF is with you guys and ladder cars? I was just watching a show last night where South Korean police in a ladder car tipped over and they all fell out, and it wasn't this incident either.
South Korea....WHY so many damn protests!
Things sure are crazy in Korea.

Even communist ruled china thinks you're crazy. You know you're doing something wrong when the CCP thinks you're crazy.
Usually I agree with stern... but for some reason I cant grasp how he suddenly thinks that police killing people makes them more competent.

Isnt he usually against that sort of thing?
Usually I agree with stern... but for some reason I cant grasp how he suddenly thinks that police killing people makes them more competent.

Isnt he usually against that sort of thing?
When protestors are better armed than the police units, you know the government is slacking a bit tbh :p