Yet another reason to dislike religion

When protestors are better armed than the police units, you know the government is slacking a bit tbh :p

well sure... but Stern is apparently thinking that killing 2000 unarmed students makes them more competent.

Im just saying that I think its out of character for Stern.
Heaven gives birth to all things, brings up them, from whom [from whom? what?] harvests the seeds that will be sown to the next world. Like this, heaven constantly changes and develops all things of the universe, we call this process history. really I thought we called history "a continuous, systematic narrative of past events as relating to a particular people, country, period, person, etc., usually written as a chronological account."

Since the present that humans now face is the result of the history of the past as opposed to the history of the future?, so humans realize the submission to reason from the past history and then prepare for the basically...the ability to plan?

Through this process, humans look back the past, examine the present and plan the future. Their plan for the future is a/the realization of an ideal land. In other words, ever since humans hador maybe have? walked on the earth, humanswho needs a comma here! without intermissionor here! eagerly have desired for an ideal land where there is no any "is no any" ...really...jealously, distinction so there's no individuality, yea! I know I would love to conform and be just like everybody else!, grudge, anxiety, fear, antipathy and fightno fight? So we're all like good little sheep and do what the big Shepard says?.

And humans have pursued their desire, the realization of an ideal land, through their faith in God. Nowadays, however, it is true that people divided into each different tribe with different faith are reaching the limit of enmity and fight.

Although people have attempted to build an ideal land through various channels such as politics, economy, society, culture and science, it is also true that most of them do not believe these channels could realize their ultimate purpose, an ideal land.intentionally following known paths of failure ftw!

It goes without saying why do I get the distinct feeling that you're going to say it anyway, fantastic way to show your audience that you think they're retarded by stating the obvious AFTER you tell them it should already be obvious to them that these channels have made humans prosperous, but on the other hand, they in the end have promoted each nation's self-interest and fight for supremacy so that they extremely set nation against nation.

Since historical saints had foreseen the picture of the future world, all they repeatedly had prophesied that in the future humans would face a crisis of annihilation, and at that time God would come down to the human world and save people. ...wasn't jesus suppose to save us all? Yea yea, the 3 in 1 thing...but still

Today this world pursues a new ageI pursue the iron age, a new environment and a new order. This proves that otherwise, people can not survive any longer. However, for all that today people live in these wild waves of changes, most of them do not know the fundamental principle which creates the new age, the new environment and the new order.

The fundamental principle is the Law of 'Mutual Life- giving' which was endowed by the Three Gods. They are the Three Maitreya Buddhas, the Three Holy Sages and the Trinity whom have been awaited by all Buddhism, Confucianism and Christianity. THEY who came to this world blessed humans with the Law of 'Mutual Life-giving' which could realize an ideal land, Paradise, for humans. why have I not heard about this until now?

The purpose of this book is to let people understand rather systematically and syntheticallyfake? how THEY came to this world, and show how we can unify this world which has been stained with enmity and fight through this new Law originated by THEM.

Gods THEMSELVES came to the human world and blessed us with the Law of 'Mutual Life-giving'. Only by practicing this Law, a new teaching, the world in enmity and fight can be harmonized and unified.
Do(道) literally means to find a way. If we get lost, we must ask the way, and then individually find our own way.but earlier you said there should be distinctions

Humans have longed for this way, Daesoonjinri(Truth of Daesoon) since the beginning of history. Anyone who understands Daesoonjinri can find the way to the ideal land, Paradise, and knock on the door of it. This book is the guidepost of the way.

my 5 minute analysis
Dude, Stern, as much as politics might be a bit mad in South Korea, you gotta realise that cops are ordinary folks, for the most part.

-Angry Lawyer
I think stern's comments were a tad sarcastic and everyone is reading way too much into it?
I don't know who mutilated xcellerate's post, but sure as hell is funny :)
This seems more like a reason to dislike religious freaks than to dislike religion itself
Precisely. Cops messing stuff up = bad, for everyone. Tasers are starting to be police standard-issue in my country, and i think it's a pretty good idea, seeing as our cops don't carry guns.
WTF is with you guys and ladder cars? I was just watching a show last night where South Korean police in a ladder car tipped over and they all fell out, and it wasn't this incident either.

We have too many high rise buildings in no-fly zones for helicoptors. The police usually use helicoptors to storm buildings, but they have to use ladder cars in urban areas, where the surrounding buildings are higher than the one they're storming.

Heaven gives birth to all things, brings up them, from whom [from whom? what?] harvests the seeds that will be sown to the next world. Like this, heaven constantly changes and develops all things of the universe, we call this process history. really I thought we called history "a continuous, systematic narrative of past events as relating to a particular people, country, period, person, etc., usually written as a chronological account."

Since the present that humans now face is the result of the history of the past as opposed to the history of the future?, so humans realize the submission to reason from the past history and then prepare for the basically...the ability to plan?

Through this process, humans look back the past, examine the present and plan the future. Their plan for the future is a/the realization of an ideal land. In other words, ever since humans hador maybe have? walked on the earth, humanswho needs a comma here! without intermissionor here! eagerly have desired for an ideal land where there is no any "is no any" ...really...jealously, distinction so there's no individuality, yea! I know I would love to conform and be just like everybody else!, grudge, anxiety, fear, antipathy and fightno fight? So we're all like good little sheep and do what the big Shepard says?.

And humans have pursued their desire, the realization of an ideal land, through their faith in God. Nowadays, however, it is true that people divided into each different tribe with different faith are reaching the limit of enmity and fight.

Although people have attempted to build an ideal land through various channels such as politics, economy, society, culture and science, it is also true that most of them do not believe these channels could realize their ultimate purpose, an ideal land.intentionally following known paths of failure ftw!

It goes without saying why do I get the distinct feeling that you're going to say it anyway, fantastic way to show your audience that you think they're retarded by stating the obvious AFTER you tell them it should already be obvious to them that these channels have made humans prosperous, but on the other hand, they in the end have promoted each nation's self-interest and fight for supremacy so that they extremely set nation against nation.

Since historical saints had foreseen the picture of the future world, all they repeatedly had prophesied that in the future humans would face a crisis of annihilation, and at that time God would come down to the human world and save people. ...wasn't jesus suppose to save us all? Yea yea, the 3 in 1 thing...but still

Today this world pursues a new ageI pursue the iron age, a new environment and a new order. This proves that otherwise, people can not survive any longer. However, for all that today people live in these wild waves of changes, most of them do not know the fundamental principle which creates the new age, the new environment and the new order.

The fundamental principle is the Law of 'Mutual Life- giving' which was endowed by the Three Gods. They are the Three Maitreya Buddhas, the Three Holy Sages and the Trinity whom have been awaited by all Buddhism, Confucianism and Christianity. THEY who came to this world blessed humans with the Law of 'Mutual Life-giving' which could realize an ideal land, Paradise, for humans. why have I not heard about this until now?

The purpose of this book is to let people understand rather systematically and syntheticallyfake? how THEY came to this world, and show how we can unify this world which has been stained with enmity and fight through this new Law originated by THEM.

Gods THEMSELVES came to the human world and blessed us with the Law of 'Mutual Life-giving'. Only by practicing this Law, a new teaching, the world in enmity and fight can be harmonized and unified.
Do(道) literally means to find a way. If we get lost, we must ask the way, and then individually find our own way.but earlier you said there should be distinctions

Humans have longed for this way, Daesoonjinri(Truth of Daesoon) since the beginning of history. Anyone who understands Daesoonjinri can find the way to the ideal land, Paradise, and knock on the door of it. This book is the guidepost of the way.

my 5 minute analysis

Lol, :laugh:

This seems more like a reason to dislike religious freaks than to dislike religion itself

That was what I meant, though. I'm not good with titles.

Precisely. Cops messing stuff up = bad, for everyone. Tasers are starting to be police standard-issue in my country, and i think it's a pretty good idea, seeing as our cops don't carry guns.

Lol, our police, for the most part, don't carry guns.


Chief of Police: Ooooh, I think these tazers are awesome! :D

Korean Human Rights Commssion: BAN.

Police: Wtf?

Commssion: We hate you.
Yeah, there was a bit of a thing about the introduction of tazers in NZ, ho they cost... 400 dollars or something everytime they're fired, but knowing that a cop can easily electrocute the crap oout of you serves as a pretty good deterrent I think.
The problem with Tazer's being standard issue is if a cop has to face some one with AK-47 assault rifle's, then the tazer looses its effectiveness.
Usually I agree with stern... but for some reason I cant grasp how he suddenly thinks that police killing people makes them more competent.

Isnt he usually against that sort of thing?

someone understood what I was saying:

I think stern's comments were a tad sarcastic and everyone is reading way too much into it?

honestly does anybody really need to question whether I think the military killing 2000 civilians is bad?

still the comparison to the keystone cops still stands ..sometimes when viewing Numberessess photos I cant help but think of this
someone understood what I was saying

honestly does anybody really need to question whether I think the military killing 2000 civilians is bad?

still the comparison to the keystone cops still stands ..sometimes when viewing Numberessess photos I cant help but think of this

It was a bit hard to tell that you were being sarcastic. Your OOCness was burningly painful.
Hmm, bit off topic, but a video I found in response to CptStern's post.

I have absolutely no idea how you can even think of a duck chasing another duck with silly music.
it's the theme from Benny Hill've heard of benny hill right? come on even my long retired parents who barely speak english know and love Benny hill ...the ducks are incidental, the theme is a silly chase sequence's an emotional response that some of your photos of SK cops riding on ladder cars invokes, I mean they're just so over the top that it's almost comical ..hence the silly music that song btw
it's the theme from Benny Hill've heard of benny hill right? come on even my long retired parents who barely speak english know and love Benny hill ...the ducks are incidental, the theme is a silly chase sequence's an emotional response that some of your photos of SK cops riding on ladder cars invokes, I mean they're just so over the top that it's almost comical ..hence the silly music that song btw

Now I have. :p

Please clarify:

#1. "over the top"?

I spent the better part of an hour watching old Benny hill clips last night ..the music (end credits) makes anything hilarious ..there's one that mixes the music, sound effects and the crucifixtion scene from the Passion of the Christ ..despite the use of gory/disturbing imagery the music deflates it and makes it somewhat funny ..there's also a saddam hussein hanging to that music but I didnt want to watch it as it's no better than a snuff film

over the top
Ah, ty.

Music..... it haunts my thoughts... D:
Yet another reason to dislike your face.

No, wait, cultists are awesome. When you beat them down, anyway. Seriously, that's so dramatic with the cult leader escaping and everything. Jolly good show, Korea.