You know what? Screw atheism, I want guns in my school.


Sep 28, 2007
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I stumbled across this travesty. Check out the atheism article, the quotes in particular are quite ridiculously one-sided. And the news posts along the side are something to be seen: "Oklahoma House votes 65-36 to begin allowing guns on college campuses. 'This has to be the craziest thing I have ever seen,' remarked a Democratic opponent unable to grasp the overall deterrent benefit of guns." Oh, and the message you get for a search of 4chan is pretty good. Deleted and protected. So there!

I mean, there's silly, and then there's just plain stupid. And I've always seen extremist conservatives as a bit of a paradox...

Oh, and while I'm here, what do you guys think about this 'God' character? Is there a God? It makes it hard for me to think so with crap like this.

The article doesn't seem to be showing up, but I'm sure that by guns they mean police? If not, well it IS retarded. But it also CAN help. If your stereotypical homicidal maniac decides to come in guns ablazing, as per usual, atleast they would be able to defend themselves. Otherwise, you just have to hope that the people at the college are decent enough human beings to not be tempted to shoot each other just because they can. But if they really are that stupid, well they should kill themselves off I guess, so it's a win win in my books.
I hope the decision to allow guns on campus horribly backfires. Geddit?
TBH, screw atheism too. My best conclusion is none. My official stance to the question "do you believe in god?" is simply put I don't know, lets leave it at that. I don't think it's a question mean't to be answered throughout one's life. Not saying agnosticism either, why believe it if there is no proof; likewise why deny it if there's no true lack of it (I mean we don't know the answers, so no conclusion is best)
I refuse to believe in a god until there is sufficient evidence to prove otherwise. I don't care how religious people spin it we'll never find this magical evidence simply because, there is not and has never been a magic man in the sky.

I don't give a rat's bloody arse really. I'm far better off without religion than I was with religion.
I don't believe in God, therefore I am an atheist.

I don't subscribe to the atheism newsletter, I don't really give a shit if the guy next to me is an atheist, either. I care ****all unless someone else's religion gets in the way of my daily activities or goals.
TBH, screw atheism too. My best conclusion is none. My official stance to the question "do you believe in god?" is simply put I don't know, lets leave it at that. I don't think it's a question mean't to be answered throughout one's life. Not saying agnosticism either, why believe it if there is no proof; likewise why deny it if there's no true lack of it (I mean we don't know the answers, so no conclusion is best)
Your my favorite atheist ever DEATHMASTER. :thumbs:

You're the only one I know not to say something like, "We have no proof of a God, so he must not exist".This sort of thinking makes no sense to me whatsoever. What an arrogant conclusion that is. :/

Once we master space/time, develope time travel, warp speed and reach the far ends of the universe, create life on the sub-atomic level, then only do humans have room to make such conclusions imo. :P

A.I. developement, tanks with armor piercing rounds, tug boats with missle launchers, particle accelerator engines, Pfft. :hmph: A little sniff of ingenuity and inspiration is all it takes for humans to think they're gods themselves. :P
Once we master space/time, develope time travel, warp speed and reach the far ends of the universe, create life on the sub-atomic level, then only do humans have room to make such conclusions imo. :P

No it is perfectly safe to come to the conclusion that there is no god. However doing so publicly isn't a good idea. Hence why many state they merely don't believe in a god. By only not believing in a god there's still room to say it's possible one might exist.

/edit actually hang on a minute.

Man's unfailing capacity to believe what he prefers to be true rather than what the evidence shows to be likely and possible has always astounded me. We long for a caring Universe which will save us from our childish mistakes, and in the face of mountains of evidence to the contrary we will pin all our hopes on the slimmest of doubts. God has not been proven not to exist, therefore he must exist.
Well, looks like sharp-shooting courses will have to be added to the curriculum.
Well, he said he wasn't sure if gods existed or not. Close enough. How about quasi-atheist then? :)
I like to call it Idontknowist
Sounds like it can apply to more than the issue of god though :dozey:
I like to call it Idontknowist
Sounds like it can apply to more than the issue of god though :dozey:
GENIUS! :E The Merrian Webster Dictionary list of words that begin with "I" needs updating IMMEDIATELY! I mean, "Idontknowist". :O

Definately the work of a great scholar! I say DEATHMASTER, Brilliant! :E
TBH, screw atheism too. My best conclusion is none. My official stance to the question "do you believe in god?" is simply put I don't know, lets leave it at that. I don't think it's a question mean't to be answered throughout one's life. Not saying agnosticism either, why believe it if there is no proof; likewise why deny it if there's no true lack of it (I mean we don't know the answers, so no conclusion is best)

Protip: You're an Atheist.
GENIUS! :E The Merrian Webster Dictionary list of words that begin with "I" needs updating IMMEDIATELY! I mean, "Idontknowist". :O

Definately the work of a great scholar! I say DEATHMASTER, Brilliant! :E

You need to stay off the red cordial.
develope time travel

Useless. Ever heard of causilty?

warp speed

Yeah, but the problem is that FTL travel has one small difficulty: It's against the laws of physics.

and reach the far ends of the universe

You can't reach the edge of universe. You just end up back where ye started.

You're the only one I know not to say something like, "We have no proof of a God, so he must not exist".This sort of thinking makes no sense to me whatsoever. What an arrogant conclusion that is. :/

Do you believe in unicorns? Or fearies? You shoulnd't make any kind of judegement since we are not masters of the universe.
Do you believe in god? If the answer is anything other than yes, then you dont believe in the existence of a god. Look up the definition of the word disbelieving. You disbelieve in the existence of god.
Do you believe in god?
I DONT KNOW. That's the point.
Are there unicorns that swallow stars 50 million light years away? I don't know, it doesn't mean I disbelieve it. I don't have enough knowledge to give a real direct answer.
Thats my point also. You are whats called a "Weak atheist."

Sounds like Agnosticism to me, and Wiki has my back:

"Agnosticism (from the Greek α-γνωστικισμός, a, meaning "without", and gnosticism or gnosis, meaning "knowledge") is the philosophical view that the truth value of certain claims ? particularly metaphysical claims regarding theology, afterlife or the existence of God, gods, deities, or even ultimate reality ? is unknown or, depending on the form of agnosticism, inherently unknowable due to the nature of subjective experience perceived by that individual."

It literally means "without knowledge". I think as much as you'd like to not have a named philosophy, you are just the same as all those other ones. Dem fools don't know the real definition of Agnosticism...

I'm atheist, by the by.
Ok..once upon a time I was confused between atheism and agnosticism. Now I'm confused as to agnosticism and implicit/negative/weak atheism (I'll pick implicit, it sounds less bad). This probably intrigues me to take a philosophy course but tbh it'll probably end up being a pain more than something to make me more interested.
Oh, it can get way, WAY more confusing if you delve into it. This should give you better idea, although still not great since its wikipedia.
Thats the first thing I looked up, still confused between negative atheism and agnosticism, sounds like the same thing; or one in the same.
Ok..once upon a time I was confused between atheism and agnosticism. Now I'm confused as to agnosticism and implicit/negative/weak atheism

The general idea is that agnostics see both sides of the argument as probable as the other, and understand that since religion is a practise of faith, the proof they would need to win them over will never happen, and so remain neutral.

Weak atheists are the little queerbags who say things like "I'll believe in God when I see proof, but until then I'm atheist." Which essentially means they'll wait till the apocalypse...
Not really, agnostics are essentially just one subcategory of weak atheism. Wether you're a true 50/50 chance type of agnostic, or a 99.9999% no god type of agnostic, its still considered weak atheism.

Atheism encompasses everything from "probably is a god, but still not sure" to "hell ****ing no there is no god".
After some intense Googling, I'll agree with that...

Ooh, now brains is hurt. This was intentionally a no-brainer "Lol looks at this here website" thread, I think I made the mistake of putting "atheism" in the title.
Hahah, yeah, on this site if you just whisper the words "god," "atheism" or "*insert religion's name here*" then whatever the topic was will be thrown out the window, and it will turn into a religious debate.
How you know your an agnostic:

1. You don't prescribe to any organized religion.

2. You don't firmly believe that God dosen't exist.

If that applies to you your an agnostic.
Merrian-Webster Online Dictionary said:
one who believes that there is no deity

1: a person who holds the view that any ultimate reality (as God) is unknown and probably unknowable; broadly : one who is not committed to believing in either the existence or the nonexistence of God or a god

Agnosticism and atheism are, by definition, different.
Atheism declares straightforwardly that there's no god (committed to the nonexistence of god), while agnosticism states that we can't be sure (not committed to believing in either the existence or the nonexistence of god).

It's not even a 50/50 maybe-maybe not stance, it's a clear "I don't know, I can't know"

But, if you say "I'll believe when proof is provided, but meanwhile I don't believe" then is atheism-wannabe.
I rate Conservapedia up there with Uncyclopedia and Encyclopedia Dramatica.
Most articles on Conservapedia, appear to be written by 5 year olds.
Wow I leave the thread and people start crying over dictionary meanings. Wow.

Do you believe in unicorns? Or fearies? You shoulnd't make any kind of judegement since we are not masters of the universe.

I was trying to think of something like that earlier.