You know what? Screw atheism, I want guns in my school.

Killing the fun in a religious debate is like... running over roadkill. You might feel a tinge of regret, but at the end of the day the job's already done.
Some people here seem to think that every atheist believes there is no god.
A = Without
Theist = Belief in god

Without belief in god.
Belief there is no god.

Big difference.
Once I stopped believing in Santa Clause, I started getting better shit for Christmas.

It's a Clause. An escape Clause. They can blame their lack of good presents on someone else until you figure the shit out.

I sometimes believe that God or something uses things like my radio to kind of tell me things and it makes my eyes open wide and I have a feeling rush over me. Maybe this is what they call an awakening. It feels sort of like after you get high. Like "Wow"

Sometimes I believe in God because of certain events in my life the way it does because sometimes something weird happens and I feel afraid, and not comforted by it. Recently the vibe is better, but it still makes me feel reallly awkward, like god stands before you and still deny him. But feeling like someone is trying to tell you something and someone in a god voice actually telling you are completely different, and so why should I believe that the announcer guy on the radio had god in him. Because I feel sometimes that god is in the radio, and there is even a song about it isn't proof enough, and I think he should prove it instead of insisting that his followers follow blindly, I mean you'd think he'd rather humans be fools and idiots than logical...................

However I think at the moment that it might just be just my mind because I've got some issues and what the hell was this topic about again?

I still can't get God to show me a sign right... NOW. If I could, I would feel really stupid typing this message and would have to erase everything I've typed and the entire post would be different and wouldn't suck so much.
I sometimes believe that God or something uses things like my radio to kind of tell me things and it makes my eyes open wide and I have a feeling rush over me.

Silent Hill.