Your favourite 3 forum members?

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I would like to say again, that SpuD is the best mod here.

Nuff said

oh and crazyharij pwns too
lol, the funny thing is, i could care less....
What this thread needs is more Tron lovin.
Tr0n said:
What this thread needs is more Tron lovin.

Yea, this thread needs to have more people screaming, "RAPE ME TRON!!!!111"
[Barry White voice]Awwww yea baby...lets get it on.[/Barry White voice]
Dalamari said:
I would like to say again, that SpuD is the best mod here.

Nuff said

oh and crazyharij pwns too

Dalamari, ma apple-in-arms. <3
MiccyNarc said:
I've noticed how many people have moderators/staff members on their list..
I think there's a conspiracy theory in here somewhere. :p
It's because that orange and blue text acts as a pnemonic device. You remember the mods, because there's only a few of them amongst the downtrodden masses.
Cpt. Stern
Crazy Harij

2 of them are highly intelligent and good debators. The last one is, well crazy and ****ing funneh!
yay! I'm finally not on someone's most hated list :thumbs:

I luv you too champ :E
I've been badgered into making a statement, so without much further ado:


Three individuals who have contributed to this forum in a way like no other. I salute this trio of greats! :cheers:
supertrooper :):):):):):):)

From all friendlies in big site, trooper of super good is best.
MiccyNarc said:
Ennui, bliink, f|uke.

EDIT: If anyone mentions me, I'll give you a hug.
got one! :cheers:

i love everybody here who isn't making threads like "Well, I hated Half-Life 2, it was totally GHEY, do you think I could sell it?" (ex. Odysseus), those who don't do this in their sig: " :imu: :imu: LOLZ TEH FUNY ICON :D :D :eek: :stare: :flame: "

Essentially, all the regulars and soon to be regulars. Especially those who don't hate me because I annoy them.

also <3 munro for not changing my name to Tentaphile like TDE wanted to :o

TDE and Bliink are funny when they're in the same thread as well, and TDE is certainly the god of art and intimidation.
Moto-x_Pat said:
CyberSh33p, Sulkdods, and I guess SpuD is an Ok guy... :)

EDIT: Oh and Letters is the best...

But I actually think everyone here is cool...except people who ask where the Hydra is...scum of the Earth.
I guess I kinda like you too.... maybe.... or something.
SpuD said:
I guess I kinda like you too.... maybe.... or something.
You love me tho...

*pulls out a bat and does a couple practice swings*

Tron, you are from Alabama. Nobody likes people from Alabama.
1) None of you
2) No-one
3) Zero percent of the population
He's not from Alabama, most people i've spoken from Alabama are idiots :D

Oh and again.



KagePrototype said:
No one likes me. :(

/me weeps to death

Ok, ok.

  • HotSoup
  • StarMonkey
  • KagePrototype, for being the only other person on the board to have heard of Oceansize.
Hotsoup should call himself 'Hearty beef and potato'.

Then he'd get my vote...
Pi Mu Rho said:
1) None of you
2) No-one
3) Zero percent of the population

Well, you were on my list but now I am starting to regret it... :hmph:

This list is in no particular order:

1. Pi Mu Rho
2. Comradebadger
3. Icarus
4. TDE
5. Munro
6. Chris_D

basically, I like everyone but these people I liked more than most others...

I am not surprised that I am not on any lists anyway...

EDIT: I realised they are all mods/admins :borg:

burnzie said:
Its because your a queenslander...


MaxiKana said:
Oooo who do we favorize? :P

1. Friggy He's just soo cool.

2. sheepah /me sechs

3. TDE, the harsh, fair guy we know noting about even thoug he has the most posts ??

4. Teeth His name is goodlike.

and ofcourse, the guy whose an icon, everyone loves him and his site, the unmistakable, drunkenposter, mr. comrade badger!


Hppptthh! Hrrrrrrgh! Heeeeeepth!



As for my list:

1. The EOJ teamsters.
2. Anyone who joins, or has joined, the EOJ Forums.
3. Space for rent.
You got me... (My email basically says it too :P)
Yeah you cought me...

its really Bernard Pennyfeather
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