Your In-Game Name


Companion Cube
Jun 23, 2003
Reaction score
Well? What are they? List your in-game names for all the games you play!

I'll do mine later, :p
I think this would go better in general gaming...
Dulrough in everything
I see a pattern
CyberSh33p, ComradeSheep, Sh33p, Needlebasket, quite a few of em. mostly sh33p and whatnot though, or just about anyhting if I am feeling 'wacky'
leadfish (funny that), but I play DoD under "Cooper's Pale Ale" now.
:) Medal of Honor- Chase.infinite
Halo- Home.LoC
Naft, GraliusNaft, SmoothCriminal, Another Follower of BRUCE, DEathByFIre, " "(an empty space, if allowed), other random stuff if im LAN'ing and want to have fun/piss someone off. in no particular order.
^--------- only once have i ran into someone else with the same name and i was pissed. ITS MY NICKNAME HE COPIED ME :angry:
Unreal Tournament 2004: Murray
Counter-Strike: Murray
Aliens vs Predator 2: Murray
Just about every fuggin' game: Murray
whitestripe, poppinfresh, luftwaffle, jack the digger (in dod)
CyberSh33p said:
CyberSh33p, ComradeSheep, Sh33p, Needlebasket, quite a few of em. mostly sh33p and whatnot though, or just about anyhting if I am feeling 'wacky'

what about "n3wb" ?
don't tell me u haven't been using it since the classic story... :|
i'd be very disappointed in u if so :angry:
cs: Jackal, Jackal hit, Moridin, Anal Knife, Rectal Knife, Headshot Deagle Snipe
[J2G]Jackal hit, [J2G]Moridin

every other game: Jackal hit, Jackal

cs- in.flux | kp

people always think im "korean pride" but its not. Knowledge of Power. im not about to be a KoP. :p
Dr. Freeman said:
what about "n3wb" ?
don't tell me u haven't been using it since the classic story... :|
i'd be very disappointed in u if so :angry:
only when I'm in the corner.naked.
i use *SyntheticG0D* (its also my Steam name) as my name but over the last 3 months i have been going with random names.. ya know.. kinda switching things up a little ;)
Fisch Gestank
Boog Ooper
donpandsme name a few.
lemme see,
crushenator 500
crushenator 5000

i think you all see the point :thumbs:
IchI and sometimes IchI3D depending how I am known in the community.
hmm i might add to my name, seems fairly popular
My main nick is - Fallout, my CS nick is Shitload and if Fallout is taken i Call myself MUDFISH:)
Well, I don't play online, but in games, I usually either take "Maverick" or "Prometheus".