Your Opinion Of This Forum.

Should the politics section close?

  • It should close. It's just flamebait.

    Votes: 19 19.0%
  • It should stay open. I enjoy debating here.

    Votes: 43 43.0%
  • It should stay open. It sucks political threads out of off-topic.

    Votes: 35 35.0%
  • Other. (List)

    Votes: 3 3.0%

  • Total voters


Sep 8, 2004
Reaction score
With regards to this forum's closing, what's your call?

This isn't a petition, I'm just interested.
It gets the flames out of OT, IMO.
It was quite alright. Sure, there was a lot of hatred, but the issues actually got debated and not flamed to death. Well, we did have the occasional LOLOLOLL BUSH SUX thread, but that's mandatory. ;)
I wish you would have made how users voted visible ..that way it discourages people who absolutely never come in here from voting

oh and I really dont understand how anyone could be surprised when political debates get heated ...have you ever watched c-span? or a political debate? I've seen full out brawling fistfights in japanese parliament. Political debates get heated because THAT'S WHAT POLITICS ARE: discussing ideology
Interesting and a good read a fair bit of the time. It's had (and still has) some real sour spots, but I like it more than I dislike it.

I'd like to see it stay, but there's not a lot that can be done about that. At the least, it kept the rotten shit out of OT.
You edited it making my poll redundant.
Javert said:
Both Choice 2 and 3, 3 more.

Yeah, that's my take of it.

Oh, and sorry Stern :) I didn't see the option when I made it, and you can't edit polls for some reason.
jondy said:
Yeah, that's my take of it.

Oh, and sorry Stern :) I didn't see the option when I made it, and you can't edit polls for some reason.

ya I know, I'm not blaming you
3 now i think about it, i'd prefer all right wing bollocks from some people here in one forum rather than having to see people flaming people for their religion, nationality etc. I've seen shit about jewish people, from people like lemonking, and rather than flame back you bite your lip. I have jewish blood and it hits a nerve. I just think you mods need to control it...i don't see things that tight anymore tbh, since when i joined. You might be doing stuff we can't see, but theres alot of spam/shitty threads that aren't locked ever. I'd just prefer if it was stricter here. The man power is there already.
Decent Moderation is all that is needed.
when we had the warning system it worked extremely well ..heck it even made me think twice before posting
Hectic Glenn said:
I just think you mods need to control it...i don't see things that tight anymore tbh, since when i joined. You might be doing stuff we can't see, but theres alot of spam/shitty threads that aren't locked ever. I'd just prefer if it was stricter here. The man power is there already.

Nail on the head.

Mods, your presence is almost ethereal, really.
CptStern said:
when we had the warning system it worked extremely well ..heck it even made me think twice before posting

QFE, what happened to the warning system?

Oh, and lol@the two seperate polls :D
well the idiots in the off-topic section thought it would be fun to TRY to get a warning ..after awhile it just became a nightmare as too many people were doing it purposefully

I say put the warning system in the politics forum only works in 2 ways: keeps order in the politics forum and shames offenders when they go into other sections
No point. The fascists will close it regardless. Big Brother has won. Orwell was right. WE'RE DOOMED.
Absinthe said:
No point. The fascists will close it regardless. Big Brother has won. Orwell was right. WE'RE DOOMED.

No we're not. The inner party will take care of everything. :p
Absinthe said:
No point. The fascists will close it regardless. Big Brother has won. Orwell was right. WE'RE DOOMED.
Prepare to be moderated.
Resistance is futile.
Well, I will make a comment before this forum dies.

Well this is a shame, at least it kept it all contained and the option for discussion was there.
Was it something I said?

Isn't that just dandy. Rather than keep all the lunatics locked in the asylum lets open the doors and let them out.

The political section has its purpose and allows for discussion beyond the norm that is in the off topic section, it's a shame really but hey at the end of the day does it really matter?

So a decision is made and the wheels are in motion....oh well better stick the kettle and settle in for a nice cup of tea, maybe enjoy watching the grass grow.

Opinions, which needs them? After all somebody is only going to come along and tell you how wrong you are.

Close it, political threads will move to off-topic and everyone will want this forum back
Liberal bannage will be applied to any who decide they're going to bring Politics to Off Topic.

-Angry Lawyer
Twenty bucks we accumulate more bans in a week than Garry's forums if that rule goes into action.
Angry Lawyer said:
I'm not a gambling man, more a drinking man D:

-Angry Lawyer

Can't one go hand in hand with the other?

For instance, I'm taking a gamble when I have a seventh shot of tequila by the end of the night. And by that, I mean I'm risking waking up in the morning covered in my vomit.
Lets all go and ruin someone elses Politics forums, Yee-har!!!

I only started using this one because I was banned from my last :p. Where shall I go now :(
Well, to be honest, I do gamble. I tend to sit there, with a scotch on the rocks, a cuban cigar, and a winning hand at Texas Hold 'em.

-Angry Lawyer
Ah, good ol' scotch on the rocks.

You, sir, are the man.
And you sir, for some reason, always get alluded to as being dead, for some reason.

"Did you hear what Absinthe said?"
"He's dead, isn't he :("
"WTF? Who told you that?"
"His mom."

I once was confused into believing you were actually dead. But I agree, I am the man. But you sir are named after the ULTIMATE BEVERAGE.

-Angry Lawyer
Speaking of nothing, who was the dude that pretended to be his mother and claimed that he was dead?
Somebody pretended to be me mum?

I knew somebody said I was dead, but I have no idea where, when, or who.
I don't understand why people make threads about this, it's closing either way
Absinthe said:
Somebody pretended to be me mum?

I knew somebody said I was dead, but I have no idea where, when, or who.

Fool! Not you, someone else. (S)he made a post saying it was the user's mom, and that the user was close to death. It was found out that it was indeed him(her)self pretending to be his(her) mom. (S)he was banned. :bonce:
Ennui said:
I don't understand why people make threads about this, it's closing either way

to voice our opinion ...if no one replied to these threads then closing the section wouldnt matter all that much