Your Opinion Of This Forum.

Should the politics section close?

  • It should close. It's just flamebait.

    Votes: 19 19.0%
  • It should stay open. I enjoy debating here.

    Votes: 43 43.0%
  • It should stay open. It sucks political threads out of off-topic.

    Votes: 35 35.0%
  • Other. (List)

    Votes: 3 3.0%

  • Total voters
ComradeBadger said:
I hear quite a few calls for tougher moderation.

Aight. Be careful what you wish for.

Why can't we just have a warning system? No need to be tough, just show people that there is moderationg going on....
Laivasse said:
Well, it would really only be going back to what it was like in the past, when you guys used to administer warnings for one words posts, spam and insults and stuff. Which was a good thing.
That's exactly what is going to happen.


And for god's sake people, REPORT POSTS.
Angry Lawyer said:
Laivasse, what happened to us? I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME!

You don;t need Politics, just Combine not on Xen arguments!

-Angry Lawyer

*thinks deeply*


Yeah why not, I'll trundle back to Mythology and mutter about the Combine's lack of local teleportion again. To keep the home fires burning for Pai Mei and all who sacrificed minutes to the cause. Let Politics burn.

*red mist dissipates*

After all it's just a metal arse, means nothing.

*red mist returns*
ComradeBadger said:
That's exactly what is going to happen.


And for god's sake people, REPORT POSTS.
now do you want us to report threads that already exist?

i think we should have "citizens arrest" where if you can find a thread that already has a thread with that topic, then you can close the thread and perma-ban! *twiddles thumbs* alright a little to far with the perma-ban...but still!
ComradeBadger said:
I hear quite a few calls for tougher moderation.

Aight. Be careful what you wish for.

so the politics forum will still shut down and there'll be tougher moderation? ..k I've written this 3 times and I still cant write it without sounding angry (which I am, but it's not directed at you comrade):

wouldnt that have fixed the politics forum in the first place? will that apply to the forum across the board? I can pick dozens of posts an hour that fit your criteria across the entire board
CptStern said:
so the politics forum will still shut down and there'll be tougher moderation? ..k I've written this 3 times and I still cant write it without sounding angry (which I am, but it's not directed at you comrade):

wouldnt that have fixed the politics forum in the first place? will that apply to the forum across the board? I can pick dozens of posts an hour that fit your criteria across the entire board
I can understand where you're coming from there, however, 'fixing' the politics forum has been tried and tried and tried:

et all

Have been removed, we've closed threads, we've deleted topics, bliink herself dedicted a lot of time to cleaning it up. It's been done I'm afraid.
oh well, hmm so spam the general forum with political topics or migrate you say? ;)
Another forum that's open for viewing on serious discussion is at the Water Heater at CAD Forums. It's got reasonable discussions going on there, but it's only started up recently. It might be another forum to consider posting in if serious discussion is your fancy.

I have to say though, I'm suprised that the decision was made this suddenly without any severe disciplinary action going out before-hand. Most forums that go through of the process of degradation usually have a period in which a type of "martial law" is introduced and trouble posters are perma-banned before they can cause too much damage ... meh, I suppose that takes too much effort on the part of the moderators to enforce, and I suppose that since it's only a 50/50 chance the forum will go back on track, there isn't any point ... :hmph:

Still, thanks to all the members on this board for all the interesting reading - especially CptStern in particular ... :)
Perhaps that is a bad example, hold on.


It's THAT type of News-report-posting and the ciclical nature of the debates that follow that we want to curb.
Wow. That makes no sense to me. XD Sorry

If it turns out my president is torturing people and trying to censor the media, that's really really important and I want to discuss that with people (If not to just determine the validity of the claims, but to better judge the impact that it'll have). And thats probably a lot more important a topic of dicussion than what my desktop looks like. I just don't understand why you'd try to stop us from talking about the most important things that are going on and restrict us to juvenile nonsense...

Edit: Can't you deny access to a particular sub-forum for certain members? If so, i'd imagine doing that for a week would almost purge this forum of all flaming without having to actually ban members from the site...
I don't see anything wrong with any of the threads you cited, badger, tbh. You even posted in a couple of them yourself with a point that related to the topic in hand, and weren't called upon to break up any fights, or so forth.

Granted the thread titles are a bit provocative sometimes, and the debate goes round and round and never really gets anywhere a lot of the time, but name one forum on here where that doesn't happen (apart from maybe the speccy coders forum or whatever). I mean I know there's rarely a productive conclusion, but then this is an internet forum after all. We're just here to exchange opinions and make ourselves heard to eachother, not save the world. And I really don't see this place being as much as a flamepit as you guys are making out, certainly not in those threads you highlighted.
No, no, those weren't highlighted as flame-fests..

I was saying that those are the types of threads that wouldn't be allowed to persist. News-reporting-style threads.

It's 3AM for me so I might be confusing myself..
OK, I understand now. I still agree with Ikerous and don't really see what would be wrong with those threads though.

3am here also :bonce: and I only found out a little earlier that term started 2 days ago, plus I have an exam tomorrow which I should be forgetting for, so I'll put a cap on my participation in all this...
I have no issue with it closing. I never thought it should have opened in the first place it's just not something i wanted to see coming to a games site but it was a massive retard magnet, attracted too many morons. Those morons brought ALL of down in a pile of flaming feces.
I'm torn:
1. It's interesting to see what some people's views are, and there are some interesting things posted here
2. Some people's views are retarded, short-sighted and bigoted beyond belief here, and I do not exclude my own from that list.
3. Some hateful, poisonous, disgraceful things are posted here.
4. This forum holds a macrabre interest for me.
5. This thread makes me see angry smells.
Well... I like it. A lot. Generally I don't have much to say but when I do it's always nice to be able to find someone ranting in a corner about it.
Same as above, although i didn't always post in it. I found out things that i would't have normaly. Sad to see it go, was worth {almost} every post that was put into it.

Hopefully I'll still see threads of it's glory humbly residing in Off-Topic.
does this mean moderators will go after political talk shows as well? (please get rid of regis and whats her name!!!)*

* this message not intended to annoy, therefore, I will not be held liable for any criminal charges
I have a solution ...if a mod can best me in a debate then the politics forum can close, no questions asked ..if I win stays open

I get to pick the subject (since I'm on the defending side)

I pick ....the iraq war :E

any takers? ;)
All the mods merge together to make CAPTAIN PLANET, or something. though, so you're in a pickle.

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
All the mods merge together to make CAPTAIN PLANET, or something. though, so you're in a pickle.

-Angry Lawyer
I can't imagine bliink would let sulkdods that close to her...
I'm a content writer, that's what. :naughty:

Erm, wait a sec - there's a Sin Epsiodes forum just been opened byt this is being closed? :/
If you guys wanna discuss politics somewhere, why not try the link in my profile? :). We've been around for about 4 years or so and we're welcome to all.
Ikerous said:
I can't imagine bliink would let sulkdods that close to her...
She doesn't let anyone but me get close to her.

* Ennui dodges evil glare *
Bravo. Politics in every gaming forum is a disaster waiting to happen, because 90% of gamers, like 90% everyone else, have no idea what the hell they're talking about.
Pajari said:
Bravo. Politics in every gaming forum is a disaster waiting to happen, because 90% of gamers, like 90% everyone else, have no idea what the hell they're talking about.
You barely have 100 posts and have contributed very little to the politics forum. It's been great while around..
RakuraiTenjin said:
You barely have 100 posts and have contributed very little to the politics forum. It's been great while around..

Yeah, that's the point. I don't participate because I know its a cesspool.
Pajari said:
Yeah, that's the point. I don't participate because I know its a cesspool.

No you don't. If you don't participate, then you know nothing. Just reading does not make you enlightened.
15357 said:
No you don't. If you don't participate, then you know nothing. Just reading does not make you enlightened.

Haha, right. To be true poster in politics I have to spout off bullshit at every available opportunity. As far as I'm concerned, you learn just as much about a thing like an internet forum by lurking as you do by posting.
Okay, so you're not uninformed. You're just talking crap.
Pajari said:
you learn just as much about a thing like an internet forum by lurking as you do by posting.

But you get none of the respect that comes from contributing.