Your Personal Hell

My personal hell:

1) Having to listen to the people constantly whine & complain about BF2...can't anyone be happy?

2) Listening to my mother, when she complains & she will never shut up.

3) Listening to Liberal/Conservative teachers that constantly try to "convert" me to their party.

4) jehovah's witnessess, when they come over your house & read a whole book about their religion, then try to convert you, & then ask for money... wtf O.o?

5) People that talk slang & don't use regular english. :|

6) People that listen to rap & do not listen to "real music"

7) People that listen Pop.

8) Stupid Humanitarians & constantly say "omg save teh baby rats"

9) People that play halo, then rant & rave about it. :|

10) People that tell me to lower my music I am listening to.

11) People that don't speak english when they know the American language is english.

12) People with annoying accents.
11) People that don't speak english when they know the American language is english.

12) People with annoying accents.

You hate yourself?

Lol, anyway, my own personal hell is rejection. Nothing worse than having a girl say 'awww youre so sweet'...just walk away and then cry.
What? I speak no other language than English; This is the only language I speak.

Lawl no. :|

Haha ok my bad then. Thought you meant you were American and then said you hate people with accents, thought it was quite ironic.
Being hung upside-down, spinning around at a fast pace with big kidney stones (and I mean, record-size, folks), and The Styx playing on repeat. It also probably wouldn't hurt if I was being lit on fire in the process.

Yeesh, the thought alone scares me.
My personal hell?
Nothing ever changing. Waking up and having everything exactly the same. Over and over and over.

I require change and sometimes I am the one who has to change just because nothing else will.
Waking up one day, realizing it is the year 2020 and I am still posting on these forums regularly.

My life would have been a waste.
Haha ok my bad then. Thought you meant you were American and then said you hate people with accents, thought it was quite ironic.

lol hehe,

What I mean't to say was that I dislike people with certain annoying accents, such as people that you can't barely understand such as some people that talk damned fast & I cannot understand. (Spanish, frenchie's, Japanese, chinese, etc.) It is just very hard for me to understand unless they grew up learning the english language. Its a struggle to understand some of them, or people with funny accents that say "Mon" instead of "man".

But UK accents, I can fully understand & have no problem with it, I am all for it & cool about it since our language originated from you dude's. ;)
english accents annoy the hell out of beyond beleif.

But no offense to all you UKers out there :D most of you are cool, i just find your accent annoying :) :(
Personal hell? If there becomes a time where everyone talks like this

Some samples:

Rando on girlspace said:
All u gotta do is Ignore!!!!! U eat and dont cu.t nemore ryt??? So?? Hu cares abt wut they call u??? If u knw deep inside dat ur not any of those dat they call u...just let them take a hike. Continue eating and being healthy....when time goes, u'll look healthier and then they wont be able to say anythin to u.... And when time goes by, they'll find someone else to bu.lly

Yes I am obsessed with this web site

That my friends, IS HELL.
I think looking at that website changed me, I just found a new level of hate and rage. I already hated shit like that, but this....this needs CLEANSING.
Being hung upside-down, spinning around at a fast pace with big kidney stones (and I mean, record-size, folks), and The Styx playing on repeat. It also probably wouldn't hurt if I was being lit on fire in the process.

Yeesh, the thought alone scares me.

The styx alone would make it hell.

Also, I am scared to click on the above link...
People who can't type properly.

Properly. Properly. Properly, properly and properly. Properly! Properly? Properly, properly. PROPERLY! PROPERLY!



Are you sure? Maybe I'm thinking of snakes.
Snakes generally practice avoidance with humans. If you don't mess with them, they won't mess with you. If you get too close, they'll let you know that they'll bite you if you don't back off.

Sharks can be downright assholes and take a bite out of you just because they feel like it. Not all sharks are like that, but all I gotta say is: hammerheads.

Friggin' jerks of the sea, man.
english accents annoy the hell out of beyond beleif.

But no offense to all you UKers out there :D most of you are cool, i just find your accent annoying :) :(

Being made to live in the politics forum, whilst sat in a traffic jam, with fit women coming up occasionally telling me they just want to be friends. With the stereo locked to a station that only plays Kanye West


Thats the thing...British can have 2 accents. The beautiful accent, or the one that sounds like me in the bathroom after a genuine mexican burrito with hot sauce...
Well, some french guy, I'm not sure of his name, said "Hell is forever being locked in a room with your friends." I'd really have to agreee with him there, that'd kill me.
I think looking at that website changed me, I just found a new level of hate and rage. I already hated shit like that, but this....this needs CLEANSING.

There'll be ok....

Signatured btw
I'm thinking being ignored by everyone and everything, even machinery. That's always been a little scarey to me...

Being paralyzed from the neck down, while being deaf, dumb and blind. Like the One video.

Indie clubs.
english accents annoy the hell out of beyond beleif.

But no offense to all you UKers out there :D most of you are cool, i just find your accent annoying :) :(

Is that the really posh accent English people in US shows usually get? That accent annoys me too :P

My hell would probably be getting my hair shaved off.
english accents annoy the hell out of beyond beleif.

But no offense to all you UKers out there :D most of you are cool, i just find your accent annoying :) :(

lol, what accent? they're from england ..the home of english is you who has an accent :laugh:
what? it's like saying spaniards have an accent when speaking spanish can they have an accent if they were the originators of the language? ..if we're talking about south american spanish then they do indeed have an accent when speaking spanish
I'm thinking being ignored by everyone and everything, even machinery. That's always been a little scarey to me...

*Looks around*

Did someone say something just now?

Oh well, nm.