Your Personal Hell

It doesn't matter. It's still an accent.

Now excuse me, I'm gonna go drink some tea. My personal heaven.
It doesn't matter. It's still an accent.

Now excuse me, I'm gonna go drink some tea. My personal heaven.

no it is not an accent ..spaniards DO NOT have accents ..they may have regional dialects but their form of spanish is the purest form in existance today ...all other nations that speak spanish speak it with a regional accent
Regarding accents in the UK, i personally always want to shoot anyone basically above Birmingham. Oh and south London. 'Cockny' and 'northerner' accents drive me isane. They cant say water properly, and they say things like 'it were 20 pound'...ffs say 'It was 20 pounds' you dip***ts!!!!!
no it is not an accent ..spaniards DO NOT have accents ..they may have regional dialects but their form of spanish is the purest form in existance today ...all other nations that speak spanish speak it with a regional accent
Accents are relative.
My religion class, not the teacher though, the other students. I would love nothing more than to beat half of my class over the head with a widescreen TV.
Being stuck in either that Vonage commercial with the "Woo Hoo" song, or stuck in the Enzyte commercial with Perma-grin Bob.
A lifetime of having prickly heat (intense, painful itching from sunburn.) It's so bad that it makes your muscles move involuntarily.
Being forced to play a game of counter strike with a ping that varies rapidly between 20-300 for all eternity.
Regarding accents in the UK, i personally always want to shoot anyone basically above Birmingham. Oh and south London. 'Cockny' and 'northerner' accents drive me isane. They cant say water properly, and they say things like 'it were 20 pound'...ffs say 'It was 20 pounds' you dip***ts!!!!!

You don't like your kneecaps, eh? :P

I've been told my Geordie accent is nice :(
My personal Hell?

Annexe on a Saturday night. Stone cold sober. For all eternity.


With regards to the accent thing.. I'm a hybrid of various Yorkshire accents, and a strong south London one :E
(Two of my best mates are from Yorkshire, and I'm originally from right down south!)
I think californian is the best accent (not surfer-type)... mostly because we say all the letters we need to.
I have a hickish accent mixed with nerd lingo.

"we was going to the lan, and over yonder there were a couple noobs. We had a good ol time poon'en them."

........not really
Having to face up to every entity I'd ever killed in a video game, made real.
About latin accents, heavy spannish accents sound like they have marbles in their mouths to be sincere & truthfully honest.

Well about the UK accents, a year ago I watching harry potter (it sucked) well anyways, while I was watching it when they say too it sounds like towe, water sounds like wataa, mister sounds like mistaa, & like is pronounced like lawek. wtf? Do I have the wrong impression of Uk dude's? If so, please enlighten me.
About latin accents, heavy spannish accents sound like they have marbles in their mouths to be sincere & truthfully honest.

Well about the UK accents, a year ago I watching harry potter (it sucked) well anyways, while I was watching it when they say too it sounds like towe, water sounds like wataa, mister sounds like mistaa, & like is pronounced like lawek. wtf? Do I have the wrong impression of Uk dude's? If so, please enlighten me.
Look, a bladdy yenk! Scrab t'barstid!
About latin accents, heavy spannish accents sound like they have marbles in their mouths to be sincere & truthfully honest.

How is that sincere? Why is that even in there?

And I don't know how where you got marbles, spanish accents definitely don't sound like that. I don't know how you can misinterpret someone rolling their Rs as having marbles in their mouths. Sounds nothing like that.
Yes, Harry Potter is an accurate representation of Britain.

Except that the headmaster should be a rapist.
How is that sincere? Why is that even in there?

And I don't know how where you got marbles, spanish accents definitely don't sound like that. I don't know how you can misinterpret someone rolling their Rs as having marbles in their mouths. Sounds nothing like that.

Watching latino baseball players getting interviewed.