Your preferable character in hl2 expansion

Who would you like to be in the next expansion ( after the announced one )

  • Barney Calhoun

    Votes: 24 18.6%
  • Adrian Shephard

    Votes: 58 45.0%
  • A Combine soldier

    Votes: 35 27.1%
  • Gordon Freeman

    Votes: 12 9.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Aug 2, 2004
Reaction score
Let's say VALVe would make another hl2 expansion ( after Alyx's one comes out ) . Who would you like to be in it ?
Personally , I would prefer Adrian Shephard .
I voted Combine Soldier. Although I would have likes Metrocops better.

Pick. Up. The. Can.

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
I voted Combine Soldier. Although I would have likes Metrocops better.

Pick. Up. The. Can.

-Angry Lawyer

Well , I ment all of those guys ( elites , combine soldiers , metrocops )
Oh , come on , man . Let's wait for him till Half-Life 3 .
Well, as i'v said before. I think you should start of as a headcrab in that expansion! That would be great! You could jump around and attach yourself to unsuspecting people to become a zombie, and maybe get upgraded to one of those fast zombies!
(Then again, maybe not...) :E
They should do another Op4 and you should be a combine soldier/metro cop.
Turning Shephard into a combine would be great .
Yeah , that would be good , but first must be Shephard .

P.S. Chrsim , you have an AvsP taste . :LOL:
it would be better if you were a combine elite, just a regular combine seem sorta... meh.
Adrian Shepherd.
ya now.. i talk so much about this character that Valve should just make me this character's official spokesperson :p
I think Adrian would be cool just because of history, but I think a combine soldier moving up through the ranks to combine elite then eventually betraying Breen and turning into a Stalker(the limbless ones) for his betrayal would rock so badly.

Edit: What announcement about an expansion? The one which Gabe said Alyx would be fun to play? I remember no official conformation :eek:
nah guys, adrian shepard through and through, and no combine bullshit either.

he just gets plonked down in the middle of the street in his fatigues and with the same guns from hl1:eek:pfor and starts blasting the crap out of anything.

pure poonage.

also, gearbox should make the expansion as they are responsible for shepard in the first place

bring in the drill instructor for good times too.

Samon said:
Barney, during your absence for a week

thats a great idea! Maybe the resistance began to think that their leader (Freeman) was dead, and they all turned to Barney for leadership. The huge gathering of resistance fighters came during that week anyway, it would be amazing to be Barney rounding up and encouraging more fighters.

Another thing thats great about that idea is that there wont be any conflicts about interacting with Freeman (because you see ech other alot in HL2).

Excellent idea Samon.
A cool expansion pack for Adrian Shepard would be him fighting in the 7-hour war. The G-man, thinking that his employers have gained control of Xen and Earth has put him away a bit to swiftly and, within a few hours, when the Combine strikes down upon Earth (and Xen, supposedly) the G-man rapidly brings Adrian back to put him in charge of some elite military commando which is given the mission to infiltrate and destroy one of the first citadels to have spawned in the middle of an important city. It could be some kind of "last resort" effort to regain control of Earth and destroy the Combine while they haven't completely set in.

Of course it would end in Shepard's failure, or capture, and he could become one of the first metrocops.

If that capture happened someway through the game maybe you could play the last part as a metrocop "who hasn't completely turned to the combine" (Adrian could fake some kind of assimilition and/or disguise himself) and be one of the first to secretly set up the Resistance, side-by-side with Barney or something like that.

That would rock beyond anything imaginable! :thumbs:

There could be material for endless hours of exciting story and action... if, of course, this works within Valve's story (i.e. if the G-Man's goal is really to win back the Earth for his employers, etc)

Anyways, food for thoughts.
thats a great idea! Maybe the resistance began to think that their leader (Freeman) was dead, and they all turned to Barney for leadership. The huge gathering of resistance fighters came during that week anyway, it would be amazing to be Barney rounding up and encouraging more fighters.

Another thing thats great about that idea is that there wont be any conflicts about interacting with Freeman (because you see ech other alot in HL2).

That'd be great :D
Shephard would be cool, although we may only see him if gearbox do an expansion. Plus, he'd fit into the timeline quite well. With skills almost comparable to Freemans, Gman isn't gonna just leave him in that space prison thing. My guess is G-Man will use him to help Gordan behind the scenes, setting things up for him and occasional cameo sightings of him etc.
Barney, I also think it's the most likely, and at that it's most likely to be in the missing week. It's also a very economical descision to make as well, voice actor wise: No need to hire the voices for Eli or Alyx or Barney, probably not even Mossman or the G-Man and maybe not even Breen. They could create a bunch of new characters, say have a network of leaders doing certain things, and Barney turning up and co-ordinating this stuff.

After that, I vote for the Combine Soldier. Shepherd is really not an important character, in fact - he's barely a character at all. Though I suspect that fan pressure may persuade Valve to bring him back...
Give me an official source that says that Alyx will be in the next expansion.
I think taht it would be wonderful to be either a combine soilder questioning his role in this system or Adrian sheperd. It would be sweet to see how angry sheperd would be after getting out of that stasis :p
I voted for Combine Soldier. I can come up with various story lines and plots for that expansion. ;)
a barnicle. that would be the most excited and intruiging plot for the expansion
Grundlegod said:
It would be sweet to see how angry sheperd would be after getting out of that stasis :p
This is precisely what is wrong with wanting Shepherd back. He's only going to be as angry as you are when you load up the game. HL series Player-Characters are constructed from a player's experiences, their gun hand and a few NPCs who refer to you by the name your character has. If you remove the player's experiences, the player characters in these games become nothing. There is no character development, so surely bringing these characters back to play in expansions is ultimately pointless?
Well I don't think being a Combine Soldier or Metrocop would make too much sense because I'm pretty sure when combine soldiers go through the conversion process, their free will is taken away, with all those implants in them and everything (check the "stripped combine soldier" model in the model viewer, its what they look like after they've been converted to a combine soldier). Also even though Metrocops are supposedly human "volunteers" and are rumored to be still human, im pretty sure they would have to go through some kind of brainwash proccess or something before becoming a metrocop. Therefore, as a combine soldier or a Metrocop, you can't have some kind of moral dilemma and suddenly rebel against the combine. You'd only be killing civilians, resistence members, and zombies the whole game and I'm pretty sure that wouldn't be too much fun. So I think we can rule the possibility of being a combine soldier the whole expansion out. Maybe they could have you as a Metrocop that wasn't brainwashed properly or something, but the chances are slim in my book.

That said, for an expansion I'd like to find out what happened to Shepard.
Samon said:

why is it unfortunate?
Adrian Shepherd is a popular character.. almost as much as Gordon is.. and for good why it would it be "unfortunate" to bring him back i don't understand.
anyway the poll is showing Adrian as the run away winner...i really hope Valve gives/caves in to this demand.

its not alot to ask really.
Personally, I see no fun that could come from being a combine soldier/elite/CP/etc.

From playing HL2, they all seemed generic. None of the soldiers had any personality. Even the Marines in HL had some lines besides those that are in combat, talking about Gordon. I recall one line being something such as "Killing aliens is one thing, but civilians? Who ordered this operation anyway?" Or "So what is it with this Freeman guy anyway? All I know is he's been killing my buddies. Oh he'll pay, he'll definately pay"

The Combine soldiers/elites lacked any of that kind of character.

Adrian I would really like to see make a return. Not as a combine soldier or any of the like though. How he became associated with them is moronic. Adrian was detained by the G-man. If anything, he's going to be used similiar to Gordon Freeman. Just because he was a US Marine, doesn't necessarily mean he has to be in somesort of military organization such as the Combines.

The 7 hour war is a perfect excuse to implement Adrian. How though, well, that is left to the imgination of Mod makers and Valve.
Plus Shepard survived the Black Mesa incident when he shouldnt have, even the gman was trying to have him fail. Yet he survived, which proved he would be useful to the Gman.