Your preferable character in hl2 expansion

Who would you like to be in the next expansion ( after the announced one )

  • Barney Calhoun

    Votes: 24 18.6%
  • Adrian Shephard

    Votes: 58 45.0%
  • A Combine soldier

    Votes: 35 27.1%
  • Gordon Freeman

    Votes: 12 9.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Joe said:
The Combine soldiers/elites lacked any of that kind of character.

it's kind of the point of the Combine that they're lacking in individuality.

Adrian Shepherd is a popular character.. almost as much as Gordon is.. and for good reasons...
I challenge you to name one good reason for Shepherd's popularity.
I would like to have it feature the gman, back in the haydays when he could walk and talk like a normal person. The mod could also explain thatnifty gift of teleportation.
I must go with Adrian Shephard.
Opposing Force was an awesome mod/expantion and I really want to know what happened to him. Blue Shift wasn't ecually entertaining though.
I don't see why it would be fun to play as a combine soldier either, they only torture other people and what would my assignment be? Kill the revolutionists(is that a real word?)? Meh, that wouldn't be too fun in my opinion.
Finally, playing as Gordon Freeman, nope, that is the purpose of Half-Life 3. Period.
Dr. Freeman said:
why is it unfortunate?
Adrian Shepherd is a popular character.. almost as much as Gordon is.. and for good why it would it be "unfortunate" to bring him back i don't understand.
anyway the poll is showing Adrian as the run away winner...i really hope Valve gives/caves in to this demand.

its not alot to ask really.
well, maybe in HL3... you'll fight together with Adrian. If Alyx was the side kick in HL2... maybe he'll be the one in HL3. :cool:
well, maybe in HL3... you'll fight together with Adrian. If Alyx was the side kick in HL2... maybe he'll be the one in HL3.

Hopefully not, Shepard sucks :p
kupoartist said:
I challenge you to name one good reason for Shepherd's popularity.

i'll give u two.

hes a survivor just like Gordon and hes a bit of the anti-hero as well..(since he was sent in to "clean up" the mess and ends up straying orders) and these days, anti-heroes are popular :p
Dr. Freeman said:
i'll give u two.

hes a survivor just like Gordon and hes a bit of the anti-hero as well..(since he was sent in to "clean up" the mess and ends up straying orders) and these days, anti-heroes are popular :p
But he has no character! These reasons are ones you just make up because you experienced the game - you are Shepherd, but nothing happens to the character, it happens to you. It's great from our point of view, but it renders such a character worthless.
kupoartist said:
But he has no character! These reasons are ones you just make up because you experienced the game - you are Shepherd, but nothing happens to the character, it happens to you. It's great from our point of view, but it renders such a character worthless.

well the same could be said about Gordon since u essentially are Gordon.
if they were to make an expansion based around Adrian, they could develop the character...which is still better IMHO than creating a whole new character just for an expansion through the eyes of a Combine solider.

besides, hasn't it always been about us, the gamers? IE, what we like and dislike.
Bah, if you want an anti-hero, pick Thomas Covenant. He'd be good at fighting Combine/sulking about leprosy/blowing things up with wild magic.

People these days wouldn't know a proper anti-hero if it bit them in the face...

-Angry Lawyer
Dr. Freeman said:
which is still better IMHO than creating a whole new character just for an expansion through the eyes of a Combine solider.
There's no reason why an entirely new character wouldn't be equally compelling, considering how excited people got about Shepherd with so little to work with.

I say make a new character - they can do far more interesting things with them. If they bring back Shepherd, it'll be just a repeat of HL2 itself, no matter what contrived story they think up for getting him somewhere interesting.
I am seriously hoping they dont bring back Shepard, or anything from opposing force, it really would tick me off.

But hey, Race x wont be makign a return at least :D

Spread the good word!
Originally Posted by Walter
Shephard rocks !

Haha, i guess its your opinion, but hopefully, whether its your opinion or not, vavle completley disregard him from the universe of half life 2 :D
Blatantly Calhoun will be making a return. F'kin love the street wars - one of the best parts of Hl2 IMHO.
Samon said:
Haha, i guess its your opinion, but hopefully, whether its your opinion or not, vavle completley disregard him from the universe of half life 2 :D

Never heard of that .
kupoartist said:

The Combine that tells you to pick up the can is CP, Not a soldier or Elite. I "personally" believe that the CPs are merely humans, Not the Trans-humans the Elites and Soldiers are. Perhaps I should have clarified that more.

it's kind of the point of the Combine that they're lacking in individuality.

Exactly why I feel it wouldn't be enjoyable to play as one.

Though, maybe Valve could work something using the CP angle, it seems like more trouble then it's worth, especially with fans seemingly "demanding" and expansion pack with a more memorible character, such as Barney or Shepherd, etc.
kupoartist said:
I challenge you to name one good reason for Shepherd's popularity.

Shepherds popularity arises from the fact that people are naturally curious as to what happened to him. Barney was present in Half Life 2, so the demand for a Barney expansion probably is not nearly as high as that for Opposing Force. The ending of Opposing Force left me wanting to know what happened to him, and it seems many share this concern. That's my .02 anyway.
Joe said:
Shepherds popularity arises from the fact that people are naturally curious as to what happened to him.
I suppose that's a good enough reason. But there's not much more beyond this curiosity, and why does this have to be shown by making the character playable? Valve are only going to be able to make so many expansions, so why not do something different, especially as bringing back Shepherd will just work in the same way that bringing back Freeman did.
Joe said:
The Combine that tells you to pick up the can is CP, Not a soldier or Elite. I "personally" believe that the CPs are merely humans, Not the Trans-humans the Elites and Soldiers are. Perhaps I should have clarified that more.
The topic starter has already stated that he meant the combine collectively as the masked humanoids from HL2, so I was collectively considering them and offering an example of individuality. Actually, scrap that: I had spent the entire day knocking a drinks can off a desk and asking bemused kids to "Pick Up the Can", so I was just going BS on you :p That said, if an expansion focused on a combine viewpoint, it would surely star a metrocop or else give some reason for why a soldier/elite would suddenly get individuality. Individuality is something that Breen dislikes and probably tried to get rid of in the higher ranks, but guys like Mr Pick Up the Can represent a Combine force where individuality still exists, and where we could get an Expansion character from.
sheperd would be awesome.....but I think father grigori would be cool too
Actually, scrap that: I had spent the entire day knocking a drinks can off a desk and asking bemused kids to "Pick Up the Can"

You're my new hero.
Still, I agree with your idea of individuality amoungst the lower ranks.

*fetches an empty drink can and prepares to nudge it off of a table*

-Angry Lawyer
BigBrother said:
sheperd would be awesome.....but I think father grigori would be cool too

Nah , I think It would suck , because that guy probably died in the original game .

P.S. I also think It would suck playing him because he never leaves Ravenholm .
good point...but still....."take on the role of father grigori as he immigrates to city whatever"

that'd be tight.....shotgun and all.....I would pwn the can guy
Joe said:
Shepherds popularity arises from the fact that people are naturally curious as to what happened to him. Barney was present in Half Life 2, so the demand for a Barney expansion probably is not nearly as high as that for Opposing Force. The ending of Opposing Force left me wanting to know what happened to him, and it seems many share this concern. That's my .02 anyway.
Very plausible explanation of his popularity. I wonder if the gearbox people were smart enough to plan it that way (hopping that when a hl2 came around they would be in demand again) or if it was a happy accident for them. Either way Valve will be handling the expansion pack which I am very happy about. The demand for Shepard is high. Whether or not valve decides to play it safe and acquiesce to the fans or take a risk and potentially surprise us all remains to be seen. My .02 is that valve seems to show a pattern of risk taking to me. We’ll see.

Holy crap BigBrother… 50 posts in 3days since you joined… that officially qualifies as an assload. Metric assload.
I've seen talking about Shephard in a lot of forums . Looks like everyone want to know what happened to him after OF ended .
You've guys have got it all wrong. I don't pick any of those choices, I wanna be the British guy spotted talking to the Gman. Maybe he's actually an ex-combine, or an agent from the Rebellion sent to spy on the Combine? Perhaps that's why he knows the attack is heading for the town? I know that you might say that Gman told him, which is as probable as my theory, but it'd still be fun to play a guy with the only accent in the game (besides Gman's appauling lack of ability to link words together smoothly). But, from those choices, I'd go with being a metrocop. And screw helping the resistance, I wanna be a bad-guy for once.
G-MAN! we can pratice our omnipresence and giggle at gordon when he look for us pointlessy.
The Mexican said:
Adrian Sheapead. I want to know what happen to him after op4
Maybe Shepard is fighting on another planet helping to liberate it against the combines. :cool:
official spokesperson? right...

But I agree, definately Adrian Shepherd. We need to know what happened to him after he was put in holding.