Your racial heritage

Don't know the ratios but err...
French and Italian blood, mostly American though :p
English with a hint of French. I'm awesome in bed and i'm a great cook.
ASAIK I'm pretty much all Irish but my mother's family may origianly have come from Wales (though so far back it hardly matters)
1/4 Italian
1/4 Amerindian
1/2 French

Result: A sex bomb.
1/4 norwegian
1/4 estonian
1/2 Scottish (Last name is Scottish)

wewt scotland :cool:
1/4 Hungarian
1/4 Irish
1/8 Native
1/8 British
1/4 Canadian
Argonian - Go go poison immunity!


Part German and Irish, no idea what fractions though.
Part British
Some Irish and Scottish
Some French
More Italian
1 Percent Hebrew
Small Native American
And somthin else, but I can't remember.
Mostly english and a bit of a mish mash of other stuff (gran is supposedly a bit irish), and a bit of Maori too. Apparently I've got some pretty powerful ancestry :O
A good chunk scottish (father's side) and a bunch of stuff on my Mother's side (Irish, english, french, etc.)

100% canadian.
I'm not entirely sure. I know I have some irish, some scottish, some german, some english probably. I also know I have some native american in me.

But beyond that... I have absolutely NO clue.
3/4 English, 1/4 Welsh.

Probably got some Irish and Scottish in me somewhere, and no doubt Germanic/Scandinavian if I trace the lineage back far enough.

Some Spanish heritage too maybe :O
both parents are from Spain ..I'm sure there's a mixture of other nationalities down the family line somewhere
Mother is from South Africa.
Father is from UK.

I say im South African with a naturally strong UK accent as ive lived here more than SA...kind of embaressed sometimes to say im British so i just say im South African. Always gets the rugby fans going here...
My mom's side are Japanese farmers, probably back to the stone age. My dad's side is half old American Webster family as in the dctionary and also the playwright. Then a quarter Lithuanian and 1/4 something else. The Lithuanian side might go further back to Jewish Ukrainians, so I might be Jewish. Oh yeah, the Webster side also inclues the Sherrif of Nottingham (or maybe it was Earl).
Something like 1/2 English, 1/4 Irish, 1/8 Scottish, and 1/8...*shudder*...Belgian.
1/2 English, 1/4 Polish and........ahem......1/4 Welsh
i don;t know what i am, i never had any parents.

any guesses would be welcome, i don't think i'm just one thing though:

this is me, and the second one is me and my mate. i CANNOT for the life of me find ANY good pictures of myself.

yeah but you gotta be mainly just a few things, everyone's got little bits of everything in them, but we're only interested in 1/4's and 1/2's.

i'm pretty sure i look chinese.