Your Religon

What is your religion?

  • Protestant

    Votes: 21 16.8%
  • Catholic

    Votes: 14 11.2%
  • Judaism

    Votes: 6 4.8%
  • Islam

    Votes: 6 4.8%
  • Buddism

    Votes: 1 0.8%
  • Hinduism

    Votes: 1 0.8%
  • Agnostic

    Votes: 17 13.6%
  • Athiest

    Votes: 31 24.8%
  • Ethical Athiest

    Votes: 6 4.8%
  • Other

    Votes: 22 17.6%

  • Total voters


May 15, 2003
Reaction score
Inspired by Baal's thread, i'm curious to see what religions/belifs we have represented here. If you want to debate about relgion, use baal's thread :p
I'm pretty sure I posted the same poll a few weeks back, but I cant find it

religion is too restrictive ...I dont need some long dead prophet telling me what I can and cant do ...I have my own conscious for that
craigweb said:
psssht. where did that come from?
When creating a poll on the thread it actually posts the thread while you add the poll options.

I'm an athiest. I have no religious beliefs.
CptStern said:
I'm pretty sure I posted the same poll a few weeks back, but I cant find it

religion is too restrictive ...I dont need some long dead prophet telling me what I can and cant do ...I have my own conscious for that
Join the church of Scientology(or whatever it is called) they aren't too corrupt.
Foxtrot said:
Join the church of Scientology(or whatever it is called) they aren't too corrupt.

they couldnt be more corrupt ....seriously the church of scientology is a complete scam ...not to mention the founder is a former SCIENCE FICTION writer lol!
CptStern said:
they couldnt be more corrupt ....seriously the church of scientology is a complete scam ...not to mention the founder is a former SCIENCE FICTION writer lol!
Didn't they also have ties to the mafia?
Scientology is basicly a religion about psychology, and paying to have ur head tested, when u can get it done free on the NHS if you run around nude, screaming "I See Dead Parrots" at the top of your lungs in your local park.
No religion for me, I hate people trying to force something onto me that i dont want.
I'm christian, if you want to get more specific I am Mormon (Latter Day Saint). I had to put other, since we technically arent protestant, and there is no Christian option.
I'm not a member of any religion, and I don't subscribe to any set of beliefs. Some people like living their life by the law of the bible, or qu'ran, or some other scripture. I like to live my life on my own terms, in my own way. I don't really like the focus on life after death either in religions. It's almost as if everyone is being on their best behavior, because they are afraid of being punished with a one-way ticket to hell. That always seemed a bit hypocritical to me, considering the way religions like Roman Catholicism push selfless acts so much.
Well I guess i'm Other , read: Mormon. Though lately i'v been wondering if any church is "the right one" i've been coming to the conclusion that church is uneccesary. I still believe in God, but maybe we were not supposed to warship him like we do, maybe we're just suppost to acknologe (sp?) him and thats it.
I believe what I believe, not what others tell me to believe... that doesn't make me a believer in any religion, and I guess i'm not an Atheist since I don't believe in nothing.
:dozey: My parents are into Buddhism, but not hardcore just some; little aspects of it. So my family isn't that much of religious group.
I recently left christianity due to a number of reasons. I am currently a little chilled on that state, although I'm very interested in other kinds of religions like buddhism. I'm going to back away from religion now though.
KinGadY said:
do atheists beleive in a god/creator? but not religion?

no, they dont believe in god

agnostic is someone who believes in a god but not organised religion
I belive in the oneness, everything is one , its just our sensory perception that shows us a facet of the universe, a snall manifestation that we have evolved to physically detect, not what it truely is , :O IMO believing in a God personified as a human man/woman is just an extension of our ego's and our survival instincts (primal man),an extension to making us appear and feel important in order for survival and reasoning for life. of course :smoking:

Im quite contempt to just keep asking questions about existance, :) so I dont have a religion, .
If u have a government then religion is uneeded.

Dont take this statement at face value. Think about what religions used to do for ppl and compare that to todays governement.
science and religion are complementary, there has to be both, you can't pick one or the other. science is there to explain the facts that exist, religion is there to fill the gaps science can never explain.
CptStern said:
no, they dont believe in god

agnostic is someone who believes in a god but not organised religion
I've always thought that agnosticism is the belief that there cannot proof that God (or any other gods) exists and also there is also cannot be proof that God doesn't exist.

I'm agnostic with atheistic leanings.
JimmehH said:
I've always thought that agnosticism is the belief that there cannot proof that God (or any other gods) exists and also there is also cannot be proof that God doesn't exist.

I'm agnostic with atheistic leanings. said:

1. One who believes that it is impossible to know whether there is a God.
2. One who is skeptical about the existence of God but does not profess true atheism.
2. One who is doubtful or noncommittal about something.

There you go.
I'd probably have to go for some bastardised mixture of agnostic and atheist. Depends on my mind-set during the day. Some events or things just make me wonder that maybe there has to be some force at work, however other things just make me believe more and more in chaos thoery and the anarchy of possible events.
I hate the idea of fate, though.
I find it amazing theres so many Atheists on these boards, yet no doubt when you all have a brush with death you'll probably find religion.

I've found in general that people who are alive, young, with nothing wrong with them are generally very arrogant of the universe and think that it revolves around them, whereas the older you get or if you get ill in some serious way faith suddenly seems a whole lot sweeter.
Well I was raised a Christian...but life was bad for me and I became some what agnostic.Now i'm trying to get back to my roots and get into Christanity again.Also i'm doing this for myself....