Your Religon

What is your religion?

  • Protestant

    Votes: 21 16.8%
  • Catholic

    Votes: 14 11.2%
  • Judaism

    Votes: 6 4.8%
  • Islam

    Votes: 6 4.8%
  • Buddism

    Votes: 1 0.8%
  • Hinduism

    Votes: 1 0.8%
  • Agnostic

    Votes: 17 13.6%
  • Athiest

    Votes: 31 24.8%
  • Ethical Athiest

    Votes: 6 4.8%
  • Other

    Votes: 22 17.6%

  • Total voters
craigweb said:
I find it amazing theres so many Atheists on these boards, yet no doubt when you all have a brush with death you'll probably find religion.

Please, don't speak for other people. Not everyone who has a brush with death "finds" religion.
Question for all you people who voted Athiest... Do you actually know what it means? If you think it's "don't believe in god" you are mistaken. Athiest's don't believe in an afterlife. I'm willing to bet a lot of you Athiests actaully do believe in an afterlife, just not god per se.

I'm agnostic. I keep my bases covered :angel:
BlazeKun said:
Question for all you people who voted Athiest... Do you actually know what it means? If you think it's "don't believe in god" you are mistaken. Athiest's don't believe in an afterlife. I'm willing to bet a lot of you Athiests actaully do believe in an afterlife, just not god per se.

I'm agnostic. I keep my bases covered :angel:

Calling ones self 'Atheist' almost seems like a cool thing to do nowadays (among a lot of people). Almost like calling yourself 'Jedi'

qckbeam said:
Please, don't speak for other people. Not everyone who has a brush with death "finds" religion.

Granted. But an awful lot of people do. Also a lot of people who finally finish puberty and leave it's immaturities behind find themselves realising that they called themselves 'Atheist' without even thinking it through.
craigweb said:
I find it amazing theres so many Atheists on these boards, yet no doubt when you all have a brush with death you'll probably find religion.
What about those that question religion itself because of a brush with death? Not just a one-way thing, you know.
I selected Other.

It's my own Religion:

"Seeist The Believeist"

But my Family is Catholic.

I go to Church at a Catholic Church on Christmas/Easter etc.
Evil^Milk said:
science and religion are complementary, there has to be both, you can't pick one or the other. science is there to explain the facts that exist, religion is there to fill the gaps science can never explain.

Ever heard of Communism?
craigweb said:
Granted. But an awful lot of people do. Also a lot of people who finally finish puberty and leave it's immaturities behind find themselves realising that they called themselves 'Atheist' without even thinking it through.

Your correct when you say a good majority of people blindly accept a view, but it goes both ways friend. I cant tell you how many christians Ive met that havent even read the bible and know little to nothing about their own religion. For example my aunt hasnt even read the bible and I have!

As far as the brush of death thing, that sounds like some people are pussing into religion. I cant speak for those people but thats what it sounds to me.
Top Secret said:
Ever heard of Communism?

Yeah... but I wasn't talking about communism... I think that both religion and science being complementary would be a bit obvious to everyone...
Catholic, but, in all honesty, I don't take it all that seriously. :p
If Half-life 2 Is released then the Strategy guide will be bible and hl2 the religion :)
I only belive that there is a superior god that takes care of us that's all, after life for me is reincarnation. All the bilbe stuff is just plain [Edited]
I do go to catholic church sometimes.
I'm completely agnostic. I beleive there IS some higher power, whether you want to call to God or just The Universe or whatever, but I don't think we as human beings can ever know. To do that, we'd have to be able to comprehend everything i.e. comprehend infinity, and that's just not possible. We don't have the mental capacity to do so. I like to have a spiritual side, but I'd rather not conform to organised religion because I already have my own conscience to deal with. I don't need religion to run my life, so I don't get involved in it.
I'm a Catholic and I actively practice my faith
i was born to a Hindu family.. my mother is very religious.
as for me? i don't know anymore...trying to figure things out..

for a while i thought of myself as an atheist...but always believed theres a higher power out there somewhere.. call it god or whatever u want.. i still believe that.. anyway yeah.. stuff to think about.
I'm an Athiest. I live by my own rules, because other religions are too restrictive.

If there was no god, it would be nessacery to create him - Voltaire

^^ Truer word have never been spoken, especially with Christianity in mind, at least, that's what he thought
Neo_Kuja said:
Truer word have never been spoken, especially with Christianity in mind, at least, that's what he thought
That quote from Voltaire is a good one, but then most of them are; he was a very sharp guy.
Whilst I don't agree with what you say, I'll defend to the death your right to say it.
I've highlighted the problem I have with your statement. Why does Chrisitianity especially have needs to create a God? It is not entirely disparate from many other religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam all share similarities), so why have you singled it out?
I'm a non denominational christian. I don't see it on the list! :-P

EDIT: You forgot scientology :smoking:

Heh, but we have no dumbarse celebs on these forums, so nobody is gonna choose that ;)
SidewinderX143 said:
Inspired by Baal's thread, i'm curious to see what religions/belifs we have represented here. If you want to debate about relgion, use baal's thread :p

I have absolutely no goddamn clue as to how protestants and catholics differ from each other. Technically, I'm christian. In practise, I'm not so sure. I'd say that I believe in god (subconciously, at the very least), but I don't practise religion in any way. I'm pretty fond of buddhism as well. Zen buddhism in particular.
Has anyone here read The Da Vinci Code, or does anyone know anything about what Emperor Constantine did with Christianity in the 3rd century? Anyone? anyone?
Dr.Spock said:
If u have a government then religion is uneeded.

Dont take this statement at face value. Think about what religions used to do for ppl and compare that to todays governement.

Also consider what positive effects religion has had. People who condemn christinaity just for the sake of the dark ages are quite one dimensional about the subject. It's funny how you said ealier that your religion is logic, when there's little or no logic to your thoughts.
Im a Athiest, There's to much proof that there is no god and not enough to say there is.
There's no way im going 2 live my life on the fact that some 1 wrote a book and some gullible people took it serious.
This is just my opinion so dont flame me.
Sparta said:
Has anyone here read The Da Vinci Code, or does anyone know anything about what Emperor Constantine did with Christianity in the 3rd century? Anyone? anyone?
If you've a bit knowledge of history, you shouuld know that :)
Yeah i do, thats why i was asking if anyone else did
Jammydodger said:
Im a Athiest, There's to much proof that there is no god and not enough to say there is.

The existence or nonexistence of god has never been proven. No evidence exists.

The problem I have with atheists is that most of them seem to be quite stupid.
Cybernoid said:
Also consider what positive effects religion has had. People who condemn christinaity just for the sake of the dark ages are quite one dimensional about the subject. It's funny how you said ealier that your religion is logic, when there's little or no logic to your thoughts.
The positive effect of religion? Lemme think... how about none whatsoever (speaking in terms of effects on mankind).

The only positive about a religion is the magnificant art accompanied with it (thinking about temples, churches, paintings, statues,...). But when speaking about a pos. effect on civilization and such, I fail to see any benefits.
Oh and by the way... Buddhism isn't a religion, its a way of living, so technically it shouldn't be on this list.
Cybernoid said:
The existence or nonexistence of god has never been proven. No evidence exists.

The problem I have with atheists is that most of them seem to be quite stupid.

So you telling me you believe in adam and eve?
Ansur said:
The positive effect of religion? Lemme think... how about none whatsoever (speaking in terms of effects on mankind).

Christianity has been instrumental in shaping Europe's culture, moral and ethical concepts and so on. Not to mention that churches have always had an active role in helping people, be it shelter, education or whatever.
Ansur said:
Oh and by the way... Buddhism isn't a religion, its a way of living, so technically it shouldn't be on this list.

It's a religion in the sense that you believe in something, even if that something isn't a deity.

Jammydodger said:
So you telling me you believe in adam and eve?

There's plenty of benefits that religion. There's also plenty of downfalls. I'm agnostic but i think the teachings of Jesus, whether he was the son of god or not are full of wisdom

Interesting fact : He was actually voted as the son of god at a secret church meeting in the 3rd century. I go into the details of it all but i REALLY recommend reading The Da Vinci Code