Your Religon

What is your religion?

  • Protestant

    Votes: 21 16.8%
  • Catholic

    Votes: 14 11.2%
  • Judaism

    Votes: 6 4.8%
  • Islam

    Votes: 6 4.8%
  • Buddism

    Votes: 1 0.8%
  • Hinduism

    Votes: 1 0.8%
  • Agnostic

    Votes: 17 13.6%
  • Athiest

    Votes: 31 24.8%
  • Ethical Athiest

    Votes: 6 4.8%
  • Other

    Votes: 22 17.6%

  • Total voters
Cybernoid said:
Christianity has been instrumental in shaping Europe's culture, moral and ethical concepts and so on. Not to mention that churches have always had an active role in helping people, be it shelter, education or whatever.
...and taking 10% from the income and such

Christianity actually borrowed lots of these ideas, and based its way of thinking on the ancient greeks. here you see some religious-based ideas but also pure atheist ways.

People do tend to think that, without religion, we'd still be monkies or something.
I think we'd be more advanced without religion. take a look at ideas from minds sa. Galileo. If he wouldn't have been condemned of heresy probably other minds would sooner picked up his work.
Cybernoid said:
It's a religion in the sense that you believe in something, even if that something isn't a deity.


Didnt it say in the bible that god created adam and eve?
So how can you say you think thats a lie and not the rest of it?

And by the way religon has caused more war than any thing else. So I believe we would be better off without it.
Cybernoid said:
It's a religion in the sense that you believe in something, even if that something isn't a deity.
Eh no, you 'just' try to live your life in order to reach a a state of higher being.
Jammydodger said:
Didnt it say in the bible that god created adam and eve?
So how can you say you think thats a lie and not the rest of it?

I haven't said anything at all about the bible, but I don't believe that Adam and Eve existed.

And by the way religon has caused more war than any thing else. So I believe we would be better off without it.

The two world war weren't caused by religion. Hitler's and Stalin's regimes weren't caused by religion. The cultural revolution of China wasn't caused by religion. The Rwanda massacre wasn't caused by religion. And so on.

Ansur said:
Eh no, you 'just' try to live your life in order to reach a a state of higher being.

I don't think that you've researched the matter properly.
Cybernoid said:
The two world war weren't caused by religion. Hitler's and Stalin's regimes weren't caused by religion. The cultural revolution of China wasn't caused by religion. The Rwanda massacre wasn't caused by religion. And so on.
I can do exactely the same thing but then of things caused by religion. Did I ever say that without religion all would be love and peace?what we're talking about.

Cybernoid said:
I don't think that you've researched the matter properly.
I'm not saying I have a degree in these matters though I can surely tell you I've read enough about it. Anyhow, I'm not interested in starting a discussion of what can be seen as religion and what not.
Evil^Milk said:
science and religion are complementary, there has to be both, you can't pick one or the other. science is there to explain the facts that exist, religion is there to fill the gaps science can never explain.

Science doesnt explain the facts, :p. it just sets rules based on perception, It doesnt tell us what anything truely is. and neither does a specific type of religion its just idea's based on perception. Its just a human thing, I just find it hard to comprehend that we are the central focus of exisitance in the universe, are we really that important? Id like to think so, but hey Im human too, Id have no reason to live if i didnt think me or the rest of the people on earth were important ,,, right ?.
AcousticToad said:
No religion for me, I hate people trying to force something onto me that i dont want.

well said
AcousticToad said:
No religion for me, I hate people trying to force something onto me that i dont want.

You see, thats the thing though. When you willingly practice a religion, its not something that other poeple are forcing you to do. It's something that you, yourself decide is a good thing to take up.
You see, thats the thing though. When you willingly practice a religion, its not something that other poeple are forcing you to do. It's something that you, yourself decide is a good thing to take up

Well said, I totally agree
Another good question to bring up is how many of you that are Athiest believe in the big bang theory? If you do, then you must understand that even believing that the universe was created by a large explosion set off by NOTHING, is a huge step of faith in the unseen, and yea thats kinda random but I figured I would mix it up a bit.
faith in a measureable event isnt all that far-fetched. Faith in something that is unproven, and is scientifically improbable requires a larger leap of faith .
I created my own. Looking for members if anyone is interested, my religion offers:

Scientific Underpinning
Logical Progression
A chance to become godlike
A blissful afterlife.

Let me know
Lordblackadder said:
I created my own. Looking for members if anyone is interested, my religion offers:

Scientific Underpinning
Logical Progression
A chance to become godlike
A blissful afterlife.

Let me know

Mmmmm I hope that is sarcasm I smell...
Lordblackadder said:
I created my own. Looking for members if anyone is interested, my religion offers:

Scientific Underpinning
Logical Progression
A chance to become godlike
A blissful afterlife.

Let me know

do we get to wear big hats? if so I'm in :thumbs:
I want big pointy pope type hats ...with beer cans attached and maybe an ashtray :)
Wow...This thread actually stayed peaceful.Good job guys!
Why does Chrisitianity especially have needs to create a God?

Man did not create civilization out of willingness, but becasue they needed to be assimilated into a higher order of structure and order. The same can be said of god.
clarky003 said:
Science doesnt explain the facts, :p. it just sets rules based on perception, It doesnt tell us what anything truely is. and neither does a specific type of religion its just idea's based on perception. Its just a human thing, I just find it hard to comprehend that we are the central focus of exisitance in the universe, are we really that important? Id like to think so, but hey Im human too, Id have no reason to live if i didnt think me or the rest of the people on earth were important ,,, right ?.

I'm not sure what you mean on the second idea...

However our human thoughts over things are based over our perceptions, true; science is accurate to an extent and so is religion. Science is a lot more accurate than religion, but there are some things science has a hard time explaining and those gaps that are left by the uncertainty of things get you wondering that there is indeed something higher, there has to be.

Since religion has little proof/evidence of our human ideas based on our perception that is why people with a religion rely on faith...
Is it me?

Or does the universe seem a little too orderly just to be an accident?
Sparta said:
Is it me?

Or does the universe seem a little too orderly just to be an accident?
Maybe... Or maybe it's just luck of the draw...

As of now, I'm sort of on the fence between being agnostic and atheist. There might be a God, or a number of Gods, but at the same time there might not be a God or Gods. In the end, if there is a Heaven, I'd think everyone would end up there, regardless of religion. Just a thought: Let's say everything the Bible says is 100% true. God created us in his image, and loves us all. But then he speaks of ten commandments, and if we disobey them we go to Hell to burn for all eternity.

But he loves us all!

Personally I think that's a little hypocritical. And I might be wrong, but didn't Jesus pay for all our sins, past, present and future, when he allowed himself to be sacrificed?

(Forgive me if this stuff has been posted before, I'm not going to read through three pages of stuff to make sure :))
CptStern said:
no, they dont believe in god

agnostic is someone who believes in a god but not organised religion

Not believing in God is a personel choice. It doesn't mean that God does not exist.

There realy is no such thing as an atheist. Well one that can say there is no God and have a logical leg to stand on.
stigmata said:
Maybe... Or maybe it's just luck of the draw...

As of now, I'm sort of on the fence between being agnostic and atheist. There might be a God, or a number of Gods, but at the same time there might not be a God or Gods. In the end, if there is a Heaven, I'd think everyone would end up there, regardless of religion. Just a thought: Let's say everything the Bible says is 100% true. God created us in his image, and loves us all. But then he speaks of ten commandments, and if we disobey them we go to Hell to burn for all eternity.

But he loves us all!

Personally I think that's a little hypocritical. And I might be wrong, but didn't Jesus pay for all our sins, past, present and future, when he allowed himself to be sacrificed?

(Forgive me if this stuff has been posted before, I'm not going to read through three pages of stuff to make sure :))

Yeah Jesus did pay for it. That doesn't change the standard of God that is perfect. God sent his perfect son to die for us so that if we believe in Jesus we are held to the standard that Jesus held wich is perfection.

So basicaly when we face God in the end and he holds his perfect standard next to us we are rightous in Gods eyes not because of how well "we" upheld the law but because of the justification that came with the perfect blood of Jesus Christ, the only one who fullfilled the law.
#108 Today, 04:00 AM
Ichthyosaur Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: Canada
Posts: 548

Originally Posted by Sparta
Is it me?

Or does the universe seem a little too orderly just to be an accident?

Maybe... Or maybe it's just luck of the draw...

As of now, I'm sort of on the fence between being agnostic and atheist. There might be a God, or a number of Gods, but at the same time there might not be a God or Gods. In the end, if there is a Heaven, I'd think everyone would end up there, regardless of religion. Just a thought: Let's say everything the Bible says is 100% true. God created us in his image, and loves us all. But then he speaks of ten commandments, and if we disobey them we go to Hell to burn for all eternity.

But he loves us all!

Personally I think that's a little hypocritical. And I might be wrong, but didn't Jesus pay for all our sins, past, present and future, when he allowed himself to be sacrificed?

I'm not sure, but I found these christian forums with a ton of people who seem to have memorized the whole bible, so maybe you can ask there or search for your answers
Yakuza said:
Not believing in God is a personel choice. It doesn't mean that God does not exist.

There realy is no such thing as an atheist. Well one that can say there is no God and have a logical leg to stand on.

You can also turn that right around and say, believing in God is a personal choice too. It doesn't mean that God does exist.

No such thing as an atheist? I don't get what your trying to say.

As for the original topic, I'm an atheist for all intents and purposes. Don't believe in religion nor that there is a god. Although technically you could say I'm agnostic as I fully realize we, as humans, have no clue about many things in our universe and thus I'm always willing to admit that anything, including religion, is remotely possible.
As of now, I'm sort of on the fence between being agnostic and atheist. There might be a God, or a number of Gods, but at the same time there might not be a God or Gods. In the end, if there is a Heaven, I'd think everyone would end up there, regardless of religion. Just a thought: Let's say everything the Bible says is 100% true. God created us in his image, and loves us all. But then he speaks of ten commandments, and if we disobey them we go to Hell to burn for all eternity.

I read something on those Christian forums that I thought was interesting. It was a quote from the pope that said.....

The images of hell that Sacred Scripture presents to us must be correctly interpreted. They show the complete frustration and emptiness of life without God. Rather than a place, hell indicates the state of those who freely and definitively separate themselves from God, the source of all life andjoy. This is how the Catechism of the Catholic Church summarizes the truths of faith on this subject: "To die in mortal sin without repenting and accepting God's merciful love means remaining separated from him for ever by our own free choice. This state of definitive self-exclusion from communion with God and the blessed is called 'hell'" (n. 1033).

"Eternal damnation", therefore, is not attributed to God's initiative because in his merciful love he can only desire the salvation of the beings he created. In reality, it is the creature who closes himself to his love. Damnation consists precisely in definitive separation from God, freely chosen by the human person and confirmed with death that seals his choice for ever. God's judgement ratifies this state.
CptStern said:
faith in a measureable event isnt all that far-fetched. Faith in something that is unproven, and is scientifically improbable requires a larger leap of faith .

IT is not logical to say "Unproven"

And wasn't it scientifically improbable at one point that the world was round.

I mean even Einstien reconised that the world was to complex to not have a creator. -Albert Einstien "Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind."
Neutrino said:
You can also turn that right around and say, believing in God is a personal choice too. It doesn't mean that God does exist.

No such thing as an atheist? I don't get what your trying to say.

As for the original topic, I'm an atheist for all intents and purposes. Don't believe in religion nor that there is a god. Although technically you could say I'm agnostic as I fully realize we, as humans, have no clue about many things in our universe and thus I'm always willing to admit that anything, including religion, is remotely possible.

If anything is remotely possible then why claim atheism.

What I was saying is that as an Atheist you cant logicly say that there is no God. So yeah it would be more logical to say that you are more of an agnostic.
No such thing as an atheist? I don't get what your trying to say.

You believe there is no God, correct? In believing nothing, you're believing something.
Here's the way I see it- the simplified version (feel free to comment). God created man and gave him the free will to do whatever he wants. God made a set of guidelines for us to live by if we want to. If we live by the guidelines (10 commandments perhaps?) God will be pleased and good things will happen to us, but we won't necessarily go to heaven. If we don't live by the guidelines bad things will happen to us, but we won't necessarily go to hell.

When God gave us free will, he gave us the choice to do whatever we want. This explains why some bad things (like war) happen. It is man who makes the decision to go to war. God hates war, but it is necessary because of man's free will. The statement, "if God were real how could he let these things happen?", and the like hold no water IMO. If God were to intervene and stop things like war, he would be imposing on our free will.

To get to heaven, the Bible says that you must accept Jesus as Lord, believe that God raised Him from the dead. That's it. You don't need to go to church or give to a charity or anything. If you do these things though, God will bless you with a happy life. A murderer or a serial rapist could go to heaven if they believed. But they would still have to pay the consequences for what they'd done by being punished with a bad life. You only need to believe.

This is the way I think it is. I don't believe in the whole fire and brimstone thing. I may not have worded this correctly and I don't mean to offend anyone. Feel free to tell me where you think I'm wrong and I'll consider your opinion. Have a nice day, I'm goin to bed.
Sparta said:
Is it me?

Or does the universe seem a little too orderly just to be an accident?
It is impossible to truly answer this because the human brain is simply not capable of knowing and even begining to understand some things, but this is the way I see it. The universe seems so orderly for us simply because if it wasn't we would not exist and we would not be having this debate. What if there are thousands of other universes out there that have existed at one time but weren't orderly enough to support us? Before the universe as we know it what was there? Another universe that wasn't so succesful? What if our universe has been the product of a cosmic trial and error system using a level of physics that is so far beyond us that we will never know how it works and that we are the billionth universe in this perpetual loop of creation and destruction.

I don't believe in a god, I believe in a force of energy and physics that created this universe and is so beyond the scope of the human brain that it can almost seem like a conscious being to us as we try and understand it. That is my view of the universe and what created it, it isn't really agonistic since to me it is a force of physics, of science.

As for how I live my life and make decisions it is all based on my own moral code. I like to think of myself as a lone ranger (both the cowboy and forest ranger types) when it comes to my ethics and morals. Someone who makes their own decisions and does it alone, someone who will act as a force of good and light not out of desire to please a diety or out of fear of that same diety but because I want to do a greater good, because being selfish and evil will only be counter-productive for myself in the long run.
FoB_Ed said:
You believe there is no God, correct? In believing nothing, you're believing something.

Not quite. I said (or atleast meant to say) I don't believe in God, not that I believe there is no God. It's a small thing, but it makes a difference. Belief to me seems to mean that I know something for sure. Well I realize that I don't really know anything for sure so I see no reason to "believe" in anything. Granted I think certain things are correct and others are incorrect, but I admit that I may be wrong too. So I don't see how you can say I believe in anything. I've never seen a need for it.