Youtube Creationist Commits Murder-Suicide


I Hate Custom Titles
Sep 13, 2003
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He killed this girl right here... another youtube user.

How tragic... What a ****ing scumbag nutjob, who is capable of doing this sort of thing.

I'm having difficulty finding this story at the moment on mainstream news sites, but I have found it a lot more frequently on smaller ones and non news sites.

Henry Ford Community College is closed today after a murder-suicide last week in which a 20-year-old fine arts student was killed.

Asia McGowan was pulled into an empty classroom at the Dearborn, Mich. school, police say, when fellow student Anthony Powell attacked her with a shotgun. He then turned the weapon on himself.

Powell, 28, had reportedly pursued McGowan and followed the actress and dancer's Web postings. Friends say she expressed concern about Powell, though they had no personal relationship.

Powell's parents say he suffered from depression, but never showed signs that he would become violent. His father sent condolences to McGowan's family.

Powell maintained his own cyber presence, once posting a rant about Black women who don't respect their men. He appeared to warn of last Friday's tragedy in a Web broadcast that he announced was just "the beginning."

For those familiar with the atheist/Christian & evolution/creation debates on YouTube, you will have probably come across the user Tony48219, real name Anthony Powell. He ranted about Evolution and atheism, using repeatedly debunked arguments, and was a fanboy of VenomFangX. Anthony Powell shot and killed fellow student and YouTuber Asia McGowan last Friday, before turning the shotgun on himself.

In a recent video, Tony48219 (YouTube account now suspended) had told viewers he had no reason to live, and that he would kill himself with a shotgun. His parents said he had had problems with depression, but didn’t like taking his medicine.
religion is bad mmmmkay??

Yes, this event must mean that this is how all creationists act. Because an entire population should be modeled after the events and actions of a single person.

Ah good, a creationist improving the gene pool.

Pity about the girl though.

I'm interested in seeing both of their videos to see what made him go nuts. I assume their shit has been taken down?

I'm interested in seeing both of their videos to see what made him go nuts. I assume their shit has been taken down?

The guy's account has been suspended. Her's is still up.

That youtube I gave has a lengthy segment of one of his rants.
I'm with Escape here. This just proves that insanity occupies both ends of the spectrum. Don't fall to the level of using this as a 'creationism=nutjob' argument, i.e. the same tactic that news reporters use against gamers.
I used to watch those atheist vs. creationist debates on youtube and I remember him, he was a moron.
Insane 'evolutionists'? Where?
Atheists. Stop being thickheaded. Any time there's a school shooting and the kid isn't a bible-thumper, it's inevitably seen as part of the 'problem' of secular America.
Yes, this event must mean that this is how all creationists act. Because an entire population should be modeled after the events and actions of a single person.


Woah dude, right on!! :thumbs:
Crazy fuck. However, I don't see any relation to him being a creationist, is there?
that creationist was so full of RAAAAAAAAGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE in his heart just by looking what he was SAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNGGGG..........
I'm with Escape here. This just proves that insanity occupies both ends of the spectrum. Don't fall to the level of using this as a 'creationism=nutjob' argument, i.e. the same tactic that news reporters use against gamers.

I'm only going to judge people that I can see the actions of, or the behavior of. Like if somebody is going on a crazy rant that makes sense or is even dangerous.

Crazy fuck. However, I don't see any relation to him being a creationist, is there?

Not sure... I don't really know the guy from any of his videos or anything. Only from news articles and stuff that have called him a creationist.

Either they're just labeling him because he's religious, or he was heavily involved in debates about creationism vs evolution in his videos. I'd guess the latter, but I don't know for sure.

Oh RJMC... you so crazeh.
Insane 'evolutionists'? Where?

It's not really very fair to compare the two. The fact that religion is based on belief and emotion and so many metaphysical things means the visible insanity in the world would be more likely to come from theists.

The other side of the spectrum, people just get apathetic and grumble. They're still insane, though.
Either they're just labeling him because he's religious, or he was heavily involved in debates about creationism vs evolution in his videos. I'd guess the latter, but I don't know for sure.
Technically he was involved with 'debates,' i.e. he'd spew random crap about Christians and God and Jesus and pat himself on the back for supposedly refuting the atheist camp. He was mostly a VenomFangX supporter back when VFX was in his prime (before the false flagging controversy). I don't think anyone, even VFX, openly agreed or acknowledged him, as he was just too batshit crazy.
Atheists. Stop being thickheaded. Any time there's a school shooting and the kid isn't a bible-thumper, it's inevitably seen as part of the 'problem' of secular America.

Also "secular America" doesn't mean the actions were based on their religion, or lack of.

That's like comparing the Witch Trials with the Holocaust. One was in the name of religion, one not. You can't assume that one was done because someone was atheist or not.
Technically he was involved with 'debates,' i.e. he'd spew random crap about Christians and God and Jesus and pat himself on the back for supposedly refuting the atheist camp. He was mostly a VenomFangX supporter back when VFX was in his prime (before the false flagging controversy). I don't think anyone, even VFX, openly agreed or acknowledged him, as he was just too batshit crazy.

Who is this VenomFangX guy or thing you speak of?
Also "secular America" doesn't mean the actions were based on their religion, or lack of.

That's like comparing the Witch Trials with the Holocaust. One was in the name of religion, one not. You can't assume that one was doing because someone was atheist or not.
Oh gee really. That was exactly my point. Yet what do you see in the conservative news? Not enough Jesus in the lives of our youth.

However the Holocaust point is relevant, as it demonstrates that it doesn't matter whether the nation claims to be religious or not; it can still commit heinous acts.

Raz said:
Who is this VenomFangX guy or thing you speak of?

This kid named Shawn with a huge ego that anyone with wikipedia or a science textbook could beat in an argument.
Oh gee really. That was exactly my point. Yet what do you see in the conservative news? Not enough Jesus in the lives of our youth.

However the Holocaust point is relevant, as it demonstrates that it doesn't matter whether the nation claims to be religious or not; it can still commit heinous acts.

Snagged this video from his page... not his, but still, the guy does make some valid points that it's not fair to say that it was expected he did those things because he was a fundamentalist christian... just as it would be to say the same thing if somebody were an atheist. And I have to agree.
I'm with Escape here. This just proves that insanity occupies both ends of the spectrum. Don't fall to the level of using this as a 'creationism=nutjob' argument, i.e. the same tactic that news reporters use against gamers.

Because believing in a magical fairy tale story as the unassailable truth of reality isn't a form of mental instability in itself?.

I'm sorry, its fair enough there can be nutjobs of any creed and faith, but the fact stands that creationism is stupid and believing in it is stupid and slightly nuts.
Anti said:
It's taken you this long to reach that conclusion? Man.
Well there was a reasonable discussion going until the 'good riddance' comments. Besides I'm guilty of the usual bullshit comments, but not in these types of threads.

nuri: Except not all creationists are true believers. Like scientology it's politically motivated and potentially profitable. In fact it's hard to know for sure whether any of them really believe in their own doctrine.

As the video Raz posted mentioned, even other Christians doubted Tony's sincerity.
Because believing in a magical fairy tale story as the unassailable truth of reality isn't a form of mental instability in itself?.

I don't think it's a form of mental instability at all. I think it's just part of the human condition. For the entire timespan of humanity people have been using their intelligence to wonder why they are here on the earth.

Yes, today we have science that teaches us the complexities of how life began. Some accept it, some don't. Some accept it and still choose to believe that beyond that, there is a being out there that created everything, and I'm not talking young earth creationists.

I think it's a bit unfair to label all of humanity throughout history except Atheists as mentally instable people because they choose to believe in a god.

That's ridiculous, and you know it.

It's just what man does. He uses his intelligence and reasons that he is big and powerful. At the very least, he's smarter than everything else around him. And something in him believes that there are things out there that are not only more powerful than him, but smarter as well. He can't see anything, so he chooses to believe in something otherworldly.
I don't think it's a form of mental instability at all. I think it's just part of the human condition. For the entire timespan of humanity people have been using their intelligence to wonder why they are here on the earth.

Yes, today we have science that teaches us the complexities of how life began. Some accept it, some don't. Some accept it and still choose to believe that beyond that, there is a being out there that created everything, and I'm not talking young earth creationists.

I think it's a bit unfair to label all of humanity throughout history except Atheists as mentally instable people because they choose to believe in a god.

That's ridiculous, and you know it.

It's just what man does. He uses his intelligence and reasons that he is big and powerful. At the very least, he's smarter than everything else around him. And something in him believes that there are things out there that are not only more powerful than him, but smarter as well. He can't see anything, so he chooses to believe in something otherworldly.

I wish there were more people like you. :thumbs:
I wish there were more people like you. :thumbs:

Dying breed my friend.

Oh gee really. That was exactly my point. Yet what do you see in the conservative news? Not enough Jesus in the lives of our youth.

I'm sorry. Are you being serious?

However the Holocaust point is relevant, as it demonstrates that it doesn't matter whether the nation claims to be religious or not; it can still commit heinous acts.

It's not relevant. Yes, everyone can commit heinous acts against others. That's because we all have the common property of being human. Yet the difference between atheists and theists is that theists have something extra. Something which the atheists don't. A belief. Something which can cause both emotion and actions one might not ordinarily consider. In the same light, a racist or homophobic has an extra reason to do or think things they wouldn't before. Before you assume that the analogy is completely irrelevant, someone might be racist and yet be a perfectly decent person otherwise. They may not commit violent acts or abuse someone else for being a different race in the same way someone who's religious can pursue a perfectly ordinary life, not harming anyone else. Yet they both have that extra reason, that an atheist or non-racist doesn't, to commit a crime.
You just proved my point. Since you invoked Godwin, I'll continue with it.

Your logic:
1) Atheists are rational.
2) Theists can be rational too. However, they have 'extra' beliefs, which can therefore override their rationality.
3) Racists can also be rational, yet they have extra beliefs too.
4) Nazis are irrelevant to this discussion, as they were merely humans acting out against other humans.

Except: Nazism is racist by principle. And guess what they were? 'Rationalists' claiming in the name of science and evolution that Aryans were superior and were at the top of the social chain. I.e. those very racists who you just claimed had extra beliefs.

Bravo, you just proved that the holocaust is relevant to your discussion.

I was using it for other reasons though. I was merely pointing out that in the ignorant-minded news media sense, the argument that secularlism leads to murders is as erroneous as saying that nonsecularism does. There is historic precedent proving that both types of schools of thought can bring about travesties.
I'm sorry. Are you being serious?

It's not relevant. Yes, everyone can commit heinous acts against others. That's because we all have the common property of being human. Yet the difference between atheists and theists is that theists have something extra. Something which the atheists don't. A belief. Something which can cause both emotion and actions one might not ordinarily consider. In the same light, a racist or homophobic has an extra reason to do or think things they wouldn't before. Before you assume that the analogy is completely irrelevant, someone might be racist and yet be a perfectly decent person otherwise. They may not commit violent acts or abuse someone else for being a different race in the same way someone who's religious can pursue a perfectly ordinary life, not harming anyone else. Yet they both have that extra reason, that an atheist or non-racist doesn't, to commit a crime.

Atheists have something Theists lack tho. Atheists knows and accepts they have to live with their decisions without any forgiveness from a higher power to "undo, forgive or ok" any mistakes. When a theists harms someone through any way, he can ask god for forgiveness or make a confession. When an atheist causes harm, he can only ask forgiveness from the person he did harm to. Due to that, an atheist will think more about the consequences of wrongdoing because it will eventually hurt himself and he has to live with the pain/regret himself, unlike asking a god for forgiveness and forget about it, he will instead peruse to actually undo his wrongdoing himself and ask for forgiveness from the victims. Im not saying theists lacks this quality, but its one of the major quality atheists live by (whether they recognizes it or not).
Atheists have something Theists lack tho. Atheists knows and accepts they have to live with their decisions without any forgiveness from a higher power to "undo, forgive or ok" any mistakes. When a theists harms someone through any way, he can ask god for forgiveness or make a confession. When an atheist causes harm, he can only ask forgiveness from the person he did harm to. Due to that, an atheist will think more about the consequences of wrongdoing because it will eventually hurt himself and he has to live with the pain/regret himself, unlike asking a god for forgiveness and forget about it, he will instead peruse to actually undo his wrongdoing himself and ask for forgiveness from the victims. Im not saying theists lacks this quality, but its one of the major quality atheists live by (whether they recognizes it or not).

Actually, that's more of a reason why theists would be more inclined to seek repentance in the first place.

1) Atheists are rational.

I didn't say all atheists are rational. They can be, just like theists. They're both human. They have both the physical and psychological similarities that all humans have.

2) Theists can be rational too. However, they have 'extra' beliefs, which can therefore override their rationality.

Yes, in the same way being in love with someone can override one's rationality.

3) Racists can also be rational, yet they have extra beliefs too.

In the same way that theists have, yes.

4) Nazis are irrelevant to this discussion, as they were merely humans acting out against other humans.

Not entirely irrelevant. Irrelevant in the sense you can't use the reasoning that all humans can do heinous crimes. That's granted. What matters is whether theists are more likely to perform these heinous crimes, or at least have further excuses to perform them.

Except: Nazism is racist by principle. And guess what they were? 'Rationalists' claiming in the name of science and evolution that Aryans were superior and were at the top of the social chain. I.e. those very racists who you just claimed had extra beliefs.

Bravo, you just proved that the holocaust is relevant to your discussion.

I was using it for other reasons though. I was merely pointing out that in the ignorant-minded news media sense, the argument that secularlism leads to murders is as erroneous as saying that nonsecularism does. There is historic precedent proving that both types of schools of thought can bring about travesties.

Yes, the Holocaust is relevant in the fact they were racist. I have no problem with that. I didn't say it was completely irrelevant from all discussion. I said it was irrelevant in the way that you used it. No-one's saying that only religious people do horrible things. That's something you seem to be inferring. It's being stated that it's belief which is a great contributor to them, whether it be religion or racism. The Nazis were committing heinous acts based on racism, not because they were secular, which further emphasises my point.

No-one has, to my knowledge, as of yet started killing everyone with any sort of religion because they're secular. It's silly. They have no belief system which says that they should. No God who's been "telling them" that so-and-so is evil and must be destroyed. Sure, there were the Nazis, but they didn't discriminate because the Jews believed in a God.
I thought this was about the creator of YouTube dying.
It's tragic, but that guy is an idiot. Almost as bad as VenomFangX.