You've been playing too much CSS when... thread

When you go around knifing barrels to see how far they go.

When you walk into an object and bounce back when you try to push it.

I have to admit, i do use loads of these alot, when i was in college i would always say Affirmative or Negative, call people noobs...try to block doors with tables without using hands, when asked to do something by someone with superior power it was Sir! Yes sir! Telling old people to stop lagging and get a better connection.

Reality is fading ;(
I actually do the following (no joke)

Admire tiles when moving left and right in the light.

When its just rained move left and right with a street lamp admiring the 'reflections'

This is proof that games make you admire life even more then before!
Chris_D said: respond with "Affirmative" or "Roger that" in place of "yes".
LOL OMG I AM SOOOOOOOO GUILTY OF THAT...this thread is great. Finally a good useless thread! GJ OP.

Ecthe|ioN said:
.. when your mother pulls away the curtains in the morning you yell: "OMG N00b!! Stop the fu**ing teamflashing!"
Thats great! I have come close to that.

...whenever you lag you yell at anyone else using computers at the same time and ask if they are downloading, uploading, or viewing ebay...fuggin ebay drains connections everytime a page loads
`unreal said:
hahah that running with the knife one is soo funny lmao

and everyone keeps asking, but the chick in my avatar is my girlfriend!!!11oneone shes called jenny, u can fantasize all you want but only i have her... and we are both 16 now.... hehehehe :p :naughty:

how about...

. anyone standing up straight immediately becomes a hostage

. you jump on people attempting to get somewhere high

. you are furious that toy shops dont sell toy AWPs.

man i seriously cant think of any... give me more time later lol

your ringtone is "GO GO GO"

you take your little brothers shotgun.. chase him around the room screaming.. chick chick BOOM chick chick BOOM

getting better fps becomes an obsession

the jumping on ppl one got me good!

p.s your GF r0x0rz in my b0x0rz!!!111 good catch yo oneoneone
TheInfamousMobb said:
You know wouve been playing to much css when you make a "you know youve been playing a css when" thread......

How come someone always has to say that?
You know you've been playing too much CS:S when...

-You are playing football and your friend scores and you say "I wish i would have got that on demo"

-You TALK IN A FORUM about a game. :)

-You ask your local shop keeper if you can buy a HE Grenade.

-Some guy is going to punch you in the face and you say "Whats the button to punch"

... When you call everyone who thinks Halo 2 with beat Half-life 2 a noob.
... You run all the way to school/work, and when people ask why you did that you say you were rushing.
... You can actually see a keyboard in front of your eyes all the time.
... When you are talking in real life you imagine how you would move your fingers to type what you were saying.
... If you are out jogging/running, as soon as you reach a corner you start walking and you strafe round it.
... You begin pin pointing peoples footsteps and guess where they are
... you make radio sounds before and after everything you say "Ksssh Hey dude kssssh"
...As soon as you get to work (If you work on a PC) your hands immediately assume the "WSAD" position
... You gain the ability to "quickswitch" through your pencil, rubber, and ruler, and you run around doing it constantly.

that's all, I'm pooped out.
You go on holiday to somewhere Arabic and go "OMG I love Dust!!!"
Your flashlight doesnt work and you go "Argh why does Munro turn it off!"
When your flashlight does work, your rapidly turn it on and off for the fun of it.
You climb to high places and ask to be killed so you can see your ragdoll fall.
You randomly shoot windows and go either: "I love the new glass effect/I hate the new glass effect."
You think Splinter Cell rips off Sam Fisher Mode.
You spend ages with your mates, jumping on each others heads to climb a tree.
You see a bomb and go up to it looking for an "E" button.
You see pliers and call it a defuse kit.
When you go to a shop you say things like: "B, 8,4" to buy stuff.

All i can think of at the mo. Some nice ones in this thread. :thumbs:

Edit: You see terrorists/police teams on TV and go "GJ!" or "You noobs! Rush B!"
.. you see ppl standin still, so you flame them for being warez players and run up to them with a knife

.. you record videos of CSS on your phone, and watch it in college *pretending* you're playin css (B-MAn LMAO)

.. you ask mummy where you was spawned :naughty:

.. your grandparent dies and u assume they are watching you with a choice of 3 different views

.. you leetspeak your homework

.. wear a kevlar vest and helmet into work everyday

.. pack flashbangs in your lunchbox

- When you start hearing a "beep----beep---beep--beep-beep-beep-beep" noise everywhere and run around looking for a bomb.

I swear I do this. I think I hear the beep-beep and automatically turn around to see if I can hear it stronger over there or over there.
...when your teacher wants to know the reason there is a "y" in front of all your sentences in your term paper...
HolySdrJR said:
...when your teacher wants to know the reason there is a "y" in front of all your sentences in your term paper...

thats a great one :cheers:
crusty B said:
when u go to call someone but instead of their phone number, u press "7355608".

no one likes mine :(

new one!

--u go to abortion clinics and accuse the doctors of spawn camping.
You have dreams where you're playing CS.
You think real life guns suck because they're bad in CS
p.s.-I have had like 3 dreams about CS :cheese:
You've been playing too much CSS when...

you make a 'You've been playing too much CSS when...' thread.

pretty lame
When your arse is numb, your hands are cold and it hurts to look out of the window.
when all your aim messages start with 'y'

heh, missed the one up this page, but still applies.
when you read every single word from these 4 full pages of css greatness
When all your friends appear to be 8 feet tall, until you realize you're bending at the waist while you're walking.
-When u sign papers and tests with "%n" to get rid of all the cheaters in the clsss room!
...when you see shattered glass and try to run through it.

...when you see a room full of smoke and try to sneak through it.

...when you try to take your computer apart by knocking it across the room.

...when your shopping and cant find the smg aile.

...when you watch news about terrorism on TV and pretend to shoot the bad guys.

edit: new one
... when you get hurt you imagine your health % going down.

... you call someone a hacker if they are running faster then you.
`unreal said:
.. you record videos of CSS on your phone, and watch it in college *pretending* you're playin css (B-MAn LMAO)


well u were the one that was watchin them!

- when you look for the y button in all your other games
- when u think every1 who doesn;t like/know about CS is a LMAO (rahim)
-when ur watching TV and pretend the remote is a knife...
-when u try and make ur girlfirend in a fan
- u make CS slots in your college timetable

You start singing the song from Office while cooking (I did this earlier today without even realising)...
You've been playing too much CS:S when you make a post about "you know you've been playing too much CS:S when you make a 'you know you've been playing too much CS:S' thread".
hmm tbh you can NEVER play enough cs in my opinion :sniper:
well actually i guess when your legs get cramp, its probably time to go to spectator mode for abit
-Your girlfriend makes comments about your mumbling in your sleep "omg...h4x..."
-You find your cat dead trying to eat its way trough the isolation material trying to make its way out of your house due to underfeeding.
-You strafe trough every corner on your work to get an "open view"
-You shout highly irritated N00B! at the terrorist on tv when he fires his AK full auto.
You wave half croutched at the guys standing at the coffee table to come with you while whispering to yourself "samn hossies..."
You randomly kill some people in normal clothes, and when asked what your doing say: "Less to rescue."
EC said:
You've been playing too much CS:S when you make a post about "you know you've been playing too much CS:S when you make a 'you know you've been playing too much CS:S' thread".

You're the 4th person or so to say that, GG.
when your friend comes over to pick you up to go somewhere, and you whisper back "ok lets get the hell outta here"
When before you walk into a hallway you either:
Attempt to throw a can which says "FB" on it into the hallway.
Or you yell out "GO GO GO"
You attempt to buy weapons after arriving at you're destination
You attempt to break every wooden object to see it "realisticly fall apart"
When you fall from 2 storys up off a building, you complain about your legs being broken and say the new update sucks.
You make a thread like this.
You contribute to a thread like this.
You go to a firing range and fire a glock and then complain its too powerfull and needs to be nerfed back to the way it was.
You say everything in shorthand. "Hey Alix! Want some Coffee?" "RGR!" "..With sugar?" "Neg" "Milk?" "Afirm."
You attempt to push "use" on your friends to make them follow you.

When you say enemy down.. after you have beaten your brother...

When you say owned to you girlfriend, after your "done"... :p
I saw "headshot" instead of headstart on a poster today. So yeh i think that means ive been playing too much :D
You have been playing to much cs/css when you:

-stare at the windows and shout loudly in the crowd: "WALLHACK, OMG! WALLHACK!"

-do your exercising just by running in css!

I'm personally quilty for the both stupidities mentioned above... :p

You know your g/f has been playing to much CS:Source when during sex she puts on a radio voice and shouts GET OUTTA THERE ITS GONNA BLOW!!!!