Zero Punctuation

Just Cause 2 was the first game I've ever played that's made me feel nauseous. I'm not sure what it was - I mean, I didn't like much, but it wasn't that bad - perhaps it was motion sickness or something. The character always being towards one side of the screen while the reticule was in the middle felt a little strange.
Just Cause 2 was the first game I've ever played that's made me feel nauseous. I'm not sure what it was - I mean, I didn't like much, but it wasn't that bad - perhaps it was motion sickness or something. The character always being towards one side of the screen while the reticule was in the middle felt a little strange.

And the whole acceleration effect when you grapple made it worse I think.

I know what you mean.
Heh, that last one is pretty funny. I'm actually enjoying his narration a lot more lately (to the point where I pretty much ignore the video and treat it like a podcast).

Anyone else notice his voice has changed in the last few videos? Seems a little less... nasal or something. Can't really put my finger on it.
That was awesome. He is such a great reviewer...for the most part. I still need to get this game. I wonder how much it is now....
Ah he never ceases to put a smile on my face with his reviews :D
LOL so true. Like how he mentioned pretty much all the problems I noticed with the enemy AI :P
Hmmm, he didn't even like Chaos Theory. :o
Conviction was really good, it's too bad they used the idea on the Splinter Cell series though.

If they had changed the plot slightly, moved characters around, and made it a stand-alone title called Conviction, it may have been even better.

Sonar goggles and M&E break the game, however. Where is my night vision?
First review in ages where I completely, unironically agree with him. The little man on back analogy is spot the **** on.
First review in ages where I completely, unironically agree with him. The little man on back analogy is spot the **** on.

I can't agree with someone who compares Chaos Theory to a piss stream. No sir.
Well I agreed Chaos Theory was excellent, and also agree with the little man on the back analogy. Its true, it is like its been developed for total noobs.
His jab against America in the Splinter Cell review made me die laughing.
Sonar goggles and M&E break the game, however. Where is my night vision?

You are kidding right? I haven't played a splinter cell since the first one on the original xbox. Seriously, this one doesn't have night vision?

I loved the sneak-em-up style of the original, and kind of regret not getting any of the others along the way, but in a way i'm glad because I only have the memory of the original.
I can't believe I only just noticed this.

The goggles no longer have night vision... and yet the glow is still green. o_O
You are kidding right? I haven't played a splinter cell since the first one on the original xbox. Seriously, this one doesn't have night vision?

I loved the sneak-em-up style of the original, and kind of regret not getting any of the others along the way, but in a way i'm glad because I only have the memory of the original.

Its got sonar goggles instead. Which is basically just a wallhack.

But go buy Chaos Theory. It still looks and plays really good, and I think its only 10 bucks on steam. And its leagues better than the original.
Ha, I laughed at the Montreal bit :laugh:

Anyways, that summed up a lot of my thoughts on Conviction. That said, I agree that Chaos Theory should in no way be compared to urine :p
Can't wait for someone to make a T-shirt of the Fun department/Cocking around department scene.
'I didn't even get up to the first big monster, but it sucks'

Yeah, just stop reviewing games, Yahtzee.
'I didn't even get up to the first big monster, but it sucks'

Yeah, just stop reviewing games, Yahtzee.
Correction: stop reviewing genres you don't like. Chiefly: RPGs or anything to come out of Japan ever (besides Silent Hill, of course). He's obviously never going to be sold on these kind of games, so attempting to commentate them makes him sound a bit like Simon Cowell judging a battle of the bands where they all play death metal or something.

Seriously, you could make a drinking game out of how often he compares anything remotely 'grindy' to WoW, but you'd probably become a ****ing alcoholic. Hint: WoW did not invent tedious questing, gathering and other such banal game mechanics, nor is it by any means the worst game out there in these regards. In a larger sense it wasn't even really MMOs that introduced this sort of thing, although you could argue it was 'popularized' by them, and by extension WoW since it's the most popular one, so therefore the easiest target.

You could also argue that Yahtzee needs to change the ****ing record once in a while.

"They're not meant to be serious reviews" in 3... 2.....
They're not meant to be serious reviews ffs.

And even though I never really played it, I feel pretty confident saying that WoW sucks ass. Like all the ass. Leave some for Halo ass hog!
They're not meant to be serious reviews ffs.

And even though I never really played it, I feel pretty confident saying that WoW sucks ass. Like all the ass. Leave some for Halo ass hog!

He could at least play past the tutorial to find some actually good material to bash.