Zombie Survival Test

CptStern said:
this game isnt fair ...every american is guarenteed to come out on top, especially with questions such as:

"Do you know the location of the closest firearms shop?"

come on! everyone knows they're located next to schools ;)

I have shot soft airguns and I dont even know if my country has gunshops!

Sill got pretty good though, di you get 38% :angel: ?
naw I got 62% ...I may not know where the closest gun shop is but I'm pretty good with a baseball bat :)
73% and I answered completely honestly.
84% here :)

Theres actually a gun show down the road from me, doesn't have many guns, but he has the back wall lined with shotguns :D Pretty rare sight in the UK i guess :p

A zombie outbreak would be cool, but scary, would get rid of all the assholes round my area for sure :D
Official Survivor
Congratulations! You scored 74%!
Whether through ferocity or quickness, you made it out. You made the right choice most of the time, but you probably screwed up somewhere. Nobody's perfect, at least you're alive.

w00t! I think I screwed up with the give the arms to the trapped people then move on, afterall they could shoot us from the building then steal are supplies
It said ARM them, that doesnt necessarily mean to give them guns. I would give 'em blunt, close range objects. After a while if i find that they're trustable id give them guns......

P.S. i just went to a gun show a while back, they had all kinds of compact handguns, SKSs, shotguns, and 10/22s. They also had a few FN FALs :P Its good to know that people around here have guns. Die zombies!
CptStern said:
this game isnt fair ...every american is guarenteed to come out on top, especially with questions such as:

"Do you know the location of the closest firearms shop?"

come on! everyone knows they're located next to schools ;)
being an american all i can say is "haha, everyone in countries that don;t allow guns are screwed when the zombies come around!"
i feel pretty safe with my 84%, and already having a collection of various firearms would certainly help me out

i just wish the zombies would hurry up already and attack, my trigger finger's gettin itchy
Icarusintel said:
being an american all i can say is "haha, everyone in countries that don;t allow guns are screwed when the zombies come around!"
i feel pretty safe with my 84%, and already having a collection of various firearms would certainly help me out

unless they get you when you're sleeping ..if that's the case, then you've just fully armed a handful of flesh eating zombies ....thanks a lot, that's all we need : brain eating zombies armed to the teeth :E

Icarusintel said:
i just wish the zombies would hurry up already and attack, my trigger finger's gettin itchy

you could always go to iraq ..or if you still want the zombie motif you could always join the republican party :E

/me runs
You people are so insensitive! Zombies are people too! Errrrr at least they used to be:P
Da-Muffin-Man said:
You poeple are so insensitive! Zombies are people too! Errrrr at least they used to be:P
Hmm. What to choose? To die a slow and painful death to a zombie or to shoot it in the head and live? I don't know. Maybe 1? :p
Pi Mu Rho said:
Now if only there was an upcoming kick-ass co-operative zombie mod. That would truly rock.

And if only some of the best modding minds of our day were working on it.

Oh, wait!

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
And if only some of the best modding minds of our day were working on it.

Oh, wait!

-Angry Lawyer

I bet the development of it would be so EXTREME that a major update would be released every week!
wha? you're one giant muffin ...now all I need is a really big cup of coffee
Armed and Dangerous
Congratulations! You scored 86%!
You made it out, alive and well supplied. You probably even kept most of your party alive too. You know what to look for, what to take, and when to just run. You even feel a strange inkling to go back. If you did, you'd probably do just fine.

Beerdude26 said:
Armed and Dangerous
Congratulations! You scored 86%!
You made it out, alive and well supplied. You probably even kept most of your party alive too. You know what to look for, what to take, and when to just run. You even feel a strange inkling to go back. If you did, you'd probably do just fine.

We need to bring you along. Not only a good shooter, but we'll get free beer!..
Kangy said:
I bet the development of it would be so EXTREME that a major update would be released every week!

every day!

If short recoil took the test he would have gotten a 48056234608943652346272151261% BECAUSE HES THAT ****ING EXTREME!
Kangy said:
I bet the development of it would be so EXTREME that a major update would be released every week!

And I bet that there'd be a Lawyer player model with crazy eyes that buggered up due to pants QC editing, and I bet it would have a map based on a dried out dock, in which you have to collect components to rebuild a truck while burnt, slightly floating corpses throw up blood on you and make your viewangles spaz out.

I got 63% on the test. That's why I always die first, Kangy.

-Angry Lawyer
Official Survivor
Congratulations! You scored 78%! Whether through ferocity or quickness, you made it out. You made the right choice most of the time, but you probably screwed up somewhere. Nobody's perfect, at least you're alive.

I came, I saw, I kicked some zombie ass! ;)
Weapon: AR-15:cool: | Armor: Medium
They forgot to add "Headcrab" to that list on what makes a Zombie (alittle HL Humor).
Armed and Dangerous
Congratulations! You scored 89%!
You made it out, alive and well supplied. You probably even kept most of your party alive too. You know what to look for, what to take, and when to just run. You even feel a strange inkling to go back. If you did, you'd probably do just fine.

Oh hell yea!

I have a shotgun in my room and I'm in North Dakota :P
Gun shop not that far...not to mention an Air Force Base is really close by.
Official Survivor
Congratulations! You scored 79%!

Although the problem is, I live in the UK. So although I've been airsofting and could handle a submachinegun, I don't know where the hell I'd find one. :(

Alright lads, time to form the HL2.net zombie survival squad! :naughty: Choose your weapons and team roles!
[HL2.net]CptStern ...Heavy Weapons (sledge hammer, shovel, rocket launcher)
Sulkdodds said:
Official Survivor
Congratulations! You scored 79%!

Although the problem is, I live in the UK. So although I've been airsofting and could handle a submachinegun, I don't know where the hell I'd find one. :(

Alright lads, time to form the HL2.net zombie survival squad! :naughty: Choose your weapons and team roles!
ummm... airsoft doesn;t teach you about true weapon balistics, though i'm sure you'd look sexy holding an SMG :naughty:
I only got 66%, but I did read the entire Zombie Survival Guide, which differs with the test in several key areas.
ummm... airsoft doesn;t teach you about true weapon balistics, though i'm sure you'd look sexy holding an SMG


That's as may be, but it DOES teach you generally how a weapon works, clip loading, aiming etc. Doesn't it? :o
[HL2.net] Adrien C : Assault - 5.6 Famas - Baseball Bat - dual Uzi
ríomhaire said:
72%, ain't no zombos gettin' me.

Well, actually, they've got a 28% chance of killing you each time you encounter one.

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
Well, actually, they've got a 28% chance of killing you each time you encounter one.

-Angry Lawyer
no I have a 28% chance of dieing everytime a zombie epidemic happens.