Zombie Survival Test

ríomhaire said:
no I have a 28% chance of dieing everytime a zombie epidemic happens.

Well, we'll soon find out. And it depends who the Zombie Master is. :P

-Angry Lawyer
Don't worry, we'll easily survive by barricading the stairs with washing machines!
Sulkdodds said:
Don't worry, we'll easily survive by barricading the stairs with washing machines!

Damn cheats! I'll have to post Fasties through the window, then.

-Angry Lawyer
Except then they can just pile wooden crates up at the window and never come out. :p

EDIT: Although realistically they'd run out of food at some point. Unless they started eating eachother.
then we'll just get zombies to knock shit out the way... and THEN pwn.

Plus when I was ZM I killed like all 10 of you, and you were trying to barricade... sent about 25 fasties in at you lol.
Ennui said:
then we'll just get zombies to knock shit out the way... and THEN pwn.

Plus when I was ZM I killed like all 10 of you, and you were trying to barricade... sent about 25 fasties in at you lol.

Sense of mystery..... fadeing.... fadeing.....!

[HL2.net] Da-Muffin-Man: Assault- WASR-10 - Glock 19 - Sawed off Ruger 10/22 - Hammer :smoking:
Official Survivor
Congratulations! You scored 83%!

I may be in the UK, but I know where to find my friendly neighbourhood army base.
[HL2.net] Beerdude26 | P90 | Five-Seven | M249 | FREE BEER!
Role : The guy that supplies everyone with guns, ammo and beer ^-^
Phrase : "Beer, Anyone?"

EDIT : Just checked the # of kilometres between my town and FN Herstal, a weapons manufacturing plant : 100 KM, a one-hour drive ;)
Sulkdodds said:
Alright lads, time to form the HL2.net zombie survival squad! :naughty: Choose your weapons and team roles!
Name: Private Dekstar (the one at the back that dies first)
Weapon of Choice: Pistol (High clip capacity needed)
Armour of Choice: Light armour (So I can run the **** away when my pistol breaks)
Favourite phrase: Oh crap they're right behind m-AAAARRRRGHH!!!

Gonna have to add my info:

Name: AmishSlayer
Weapon: Semi-auto M4
Gear: Full riot gear (those bastards aren't biting me)
Phrase: Let's kill these bitches
Name: Tr0n
Weapon: M4
Gear: Light Armor
Phrase: I didn't want to live forever, anyways.
No shit, those full riot gear the French riot police use are perfect.
Name : Lucid
Weapon : BFG9000
Gear : A pair of pants... and a sock!
Phrase : Wtf, No respawn?!
Name: Ben
Weapon: SG 550 (Primary), Duel Desert Eagles (Secondary)
Gear: Medium Armor (not too heavy and not too light)
Phrase: I came, I saw, I'll kick some Zombie ASS!
Name: Bananas McKinley
Weapon: Magnets on strings
Gear: Red t-shirt, flat cap, leather waistcoat, pair of cords underneath a pair of shorts, LA Gear trainers, a watch on each arm
Phrase: What is this life, if full of care, we have no eyes, we cannot stare. I never was a good cook.
CptStern said:
this game isnt fair ...every american is guarenteed to come out on top, especially with questions such as:

"Do you know the location of the closest firearms shop?"

come on! everyone knows they're located next to schools ;)
Actually (lmao this is cliche) it's across from the post office.

Bwahahaha. I never thought about that. God Kingman is a funny town.

Name: Paul Wisely
Weapon: SKS 7.62, if not available, M-14. Need accuracy and stopping power, not an automatic weapon.
Gear: Zombies don't shoot, so a lot of really thick clothing, leather and such, but enough to be able to move quickly
Phrase: Shut the **** up and keep moving.
Beerdude26 said:
[HL2.net] Beerdude26 | P90 | Five-Seven | M249 | FREE BEER!
Role : The guy that supplies everyone with guns, ammo and beer ^-^
Phrase : "Beer, Anyone?"

EDIT : Just checked the # of kilometres between my town and FN Herstal, a weapons manufacturing plant : 100 KM, a one-hour drive ;)
Good luck finding ammo for the P90/FivseveN. Although theyd look damn cool, id rather get an FN FAL. As for a handgun, any 9mm Glock will do, because the 33 round mags fit all of em. :eek: :D We only have one actual gunshop within 30 miles, but dunhams has multiple assault rifles and shotguns, and theres a pawnshop about 25 miles from where i live. They have TONS of compact handguns.

Oh and:
Name: Da-Muffin-Man
Weapon: WASR-10/Glock 19
Gear: Hiking shoes, pants, shirt, and a sweater.
Phrase: I dont wanna die!
Da-Muffin-Man said:
Good luck finding ammo for the P90/FivseveN. Although theyd look damn cool, id rather get an FN FAL. As for a handgun, any 9mm Glock will do, because the 33 round mags fit all of em. :eek: :D
Will it be enough stopping power? Sure, it'll stop a human (assuming they're not high on PCP and you shot them in the torso) but a zombie needs the brain -obliterated-
A 9mm FMJ (full metal jacket) would be as effective as a .45 or even a .50 cal handgun. Even a Ruger 10/22 (a rifle chambered in .22LR (Long Rifle)) would kill in one shot to the head, but you gotta be damn sure you place the shot right. If the zombies came id definately grab my 10/22 and a few thousand rounds for it. There small and light, and REALLY cheap.

Go wank your pistol slides off somewhere else

Da-Muffin-Man said:
Your just jealous because guns are illegal where you live.:upstare:

No, I'm satisfied and comfortable with my penis length, so even if they were available legally I would not feel the need to purchase one.

Name: LittleZomB (confusing, isn't it? :P)
Weapon of choice: Crowbar
Gear: Steel mesh reinforced trench coat
Catchphrase: I'm here to kick ass and chew bubblegum, and I'm all out of bubblegum.
Murray_H said:
No, I'm satisfied and comfortable with my penis length, so even if they were available legally I would not feel the need to purchase one.
Yeah, but is that giant penis gonna save you from zombies? I didnt think so. It might even attract more zombies if they were hookers. Hehe Resident evil 2 heh, zombie hookers. Heh i can see it now.....
Name: Murray_h
Weapon: Penis
Gear: None
Phrase: I'm satisfied and comfortable with my penis length
oh yeah, i'm badass


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scored an 87%. its funny how much i actually think about zombie outbreak survival in real life. im quite positive that i would be a survivor. but heres my profile for the hl2.net survival team:

Name: kaf11
Weapon: G36C, C7-75, sig p228
Gear: medium armor and medical supplies
Phrase: ive been waiting for this my entire life...
Screw medical gear, at most minimal supplies, because in a zombie situation, when someone at the point of needing medic attention they're probably screwed
:cheers: Kewwwl!

Name: Ailevation
Weapon: AUG, G36K, Mark23, FNC
Gear: Medium, Urban Camo
Phrase: "Dibs"


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Weapon: A really, really long stick.
Gear: Riot gear etc.
Phrase: "..."
Name: #15357
Weapon: K2
Gear: Full Riot Gear
Phrase: "11-22, 102-333 does not correspond, cannot comply with 3-99."
Name: Pi Mu Rho
Weapon: Sledgehammer
Gear: Chain Mail
Phrase: "It owns your mother****ing cat!"