Sony removed PS3 backwards compatability to "encourage PS3 buyers to buy PS3 games"

Sep 3, 2004
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According to the WSJ: "Mr. Tretton conceded that removing that capability [backwards compatibility], along with a few other features, isn't dramatically reducing Sony's cost of manufacturing the console but will instead encourage buyers of the entry-level PlayStation 3 to purchase more games designed specifically for the new system."

The article continues, "Mr. Tretton said the company's research showed that compatibility with PlayStation 2 games isn't likely to be missed by customers, who most likely already own the older system." I guess Sony's research camp didn't discuss their findings with the NPD, who found that BC was very important to gamers.

That's one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. Any fleeting desire I had to buy a PS3 before is gone now.
Sony really does know how to motivate, don't they?

"Sony rapes and violently murders your grandmother to encourage you to buy PS3 games."
I'm stunned. One of the few things the PS3 had going for it now...gone. So...good graphics...and what else is so good about?

Oh wait.
Guess they really wanted to cut off their PS/PS2 legacy...
I have a question. I haven't followed any PS3 news because I simply don't care about the console. But the way that snippet from the OP was worded, raised a question in my mind. Did Sony honestly say that they cut BC solely to cut costs of manufacturing the console?
Sony is to cheap to include the PS1/PS2 hardware chip in the PS3 these days. They are trying to save money at the expense of a very good feature that everyone liked and wanted.
Gabe Newell on PS3 said:

Are they not allowing it or are they too lazy/not capable of the coding work for backwards compatibility? :naughty:
how do they remove the backwards compatibility for the people that already have one? Or are they the luckier ones.
How can you remove software emulation because of the "cost"? :/
Sony is to cheap to include the PS1/PS2 hardware chip in the PS3 these days. They are trying to save money at the expense of a very good feature that everyone liked and wanted.
They should have saved money at the expense of a very bad feature that barely anyone liked and wanted - BluRay.

yeah, I said it.
*Sigh* Well, I WAS thinking about getting one sooner or later, but....yeah....>_>
That was one of the few reasons I was thinking about getting a PS3


Forget what the other reasons were :p
Mine has it. :thumbs:

I thought I understood this earlier today, but its late now so it once again has me totally scratching my head saying, "WTF???"
What? Seems like a bad idea to me, and from what I've played, most PS3 games arent all that amazing. People may have bought it as a cheap Bluray player, and played old games cause its cheaper.
The price point is awesome for the PS3 and I would buy one *. I also could care less about backwards compatibility *.

* if it had a number of good games (MGS,FF etc).

Still a loop hole in their plan to sell tons of PS3 units. But it's a start.
How can you remove software emulation because of the "cost"? :/

The original PS3 contains both a PS2 GPU and a CPU, in the gimped down EU/AU version the GPU was removed and it relied on software running on that PS2 CPU with help from Cell. Now that PS2 CPU has been removed and the Sony chumps are simply too lazy or are not going to bother writing a proper emulator running fully on Cell.

Those two chips would cost maybe $30 per unit. Why phase out the good unit anyway?
You know what else would motivate PS3 owners to buy games designed for the system?

Release some ****ing PS3 games.

How shitting stupid do they think we are? Right now I'm kind of motivated to buy a hammer and see how backwards compatible it is with Tretton's lower jaw.
Guess they really wanted to cut off their PS/PS2 legacy...

Nah PSone emulation remains, because it's so easy to do with software. But they cut the emotion graphics chip that enabled PS2 emulation to keep development costs of the 40gb unit down. Damn shame :(.
Buh-by thoughts of buying Sony Products. Guitar Hero III on a second-hand PS2 it is, then.
And Sony just sold 115K PS3s in Sept. Is the market responding to their psychoticism...I think so...If Sony expects anyone to bite on this CRIPPLED PS3, they better immediatly price it around $299.

MS and Nintendo combined for over 1.5M units sold (Wii, 360, DS) in Sept...amazing what happens when you listen to and respect your customer.
The original PS3 contains both a PS2 GPU and a CPU, in the gimped down EU/AU version the GPU was removed and it relied on software running on that PS2 CPU with help from Cell. Now that PS2 CPU has been removed and the Sony chumps are simply too lazy or are not going to bother writing a proper emulator running fully on Cell.

Those two chips would cost maybe $30 per unit. Why phase out the good unit anyway?

So why couldn't they emulate through the oh-so-brilliant Cell and prove that the architect of it isn't that hard to understand?
MS and Nintendo combined for over 1.5M units sold (Wii, 360, DS) in Sept...amazing what happens when you listen to and respect your customer.
Yeah, amazing that these are the results when the game that made your brand releases its latest iteration (Halo 3). Anyone who didn't see that coming doesn't know squat about gaming. (The Wii/DS sales can't even be compared to anything--they best all. :smoking:)

What will be interesting is how many (of these cheaper/gimped) units are sold when the heavies like MGS4, FF13, and Killzone2 release. All of a sudden I think many people will not be giving a squirt about bc and will be looking at the lower price points solely.
But, I thought...

New for 1.92: Playability status with the PS3™ system has changed for some PlayStation?2 format titles. To check on the latest status, visit the search site for compatible titles.
You can now adjust screen display settings while playing PlayStation? and PlayStation?2 format software

My brain is melting.
Why is Sony shooting themselves in the foot? This happens much to often.
What will be interesting is how many (of these cheaper/gimped) units are sold when the heavies like MGS4, FF13, and Killzone2 release. All of a sudden I think many people will not be giving a squirt about bc and will be looking at the lower price points solely.
I bet they will sell quite a few. That will be the turning point.