Worst crime you ever did ?

The worst thing I ever did was not telling her I loved her.

Or perhaps the fact that I forgot to release her from my basement. I'm not sure.
Ova is still amongst us

I know, but his account is not.

Some little shits at my school once stole a box of hampsters from a pet shop and were throwing them around at a train station. That was my first proper fight - I saved a couple, but most were dead. I never understood stuff like that. Setting fire to trash cans, that makes sense (in a weird way),but messing with animals :/
I hope you're not serious...

Well i did it like 5 times, then my mom saw me doing it and she....killed me with her anger. Well i was like 6 or something 20 years ago. :devil:
Well i did it like 5 times, then my mom saw me doing it and she....killed me with her anger. Well i was like 6 or something 20 years ago. :devil:
Thats a sign of uhh being a psychotic :|. For whatever reason even before you said that Ive always thought you were insane.

And whoever phishs for accounts on here should **** off.
Wear blue slacks with a beige cardigan.
:laugh: @ Raaziar's post
I miss OvA... Ikerous too..
and kamikazie too... why were they all banned anyway?
What the hell is all this?

OvA, Ikarous and kamikazie are all banned? :O

But I remember talking to kamikazie a couple of days ago. At least I think it was him...
i'm going against my better judgement and telling you about my friend

my friend is guilty of
- possession and occasional distribution of approximately 20 varieties of illegal substances Schedules I-IV, most felonies but some in misdemeanor quantities
- felony arson
- felony vandalism
- misdemeanor larceny (shoplifting)
- at least 50 instances of trespassing on federal property
- approximately 7,000 counts of piracy

My friend is a bad bad man. Myself I've done nothing bad really ;) except smoke a bit of weed now and then

Anyway, OvA was banned for the reason Solaris posted earlier in this thread, except Solaris is taking the piss. So was OvA, and he's still around as Geogaddi. Ikerous was banned (if he was at all, I can't remember) for using code exploits to mess with the forums. I loved him.
Some little shits at my school once stole a box of hampsters from a pet shop and were throwing them around at a train station. That was my first proper fight - I saved a couple, but most were dead. I never understood stuff like that. Setting fire to trash cans, that makes sense (in a weird way),but messing with animals :/

Totally repressed memories resurfacing. :O

  • Underage sex
  • Underage alcohol
  • Drunk and disorderly
  • Public nudity
  • Smoked underage
  • Weed + a little more
  • Shoplifted from the second poshest department chain store in the UK - Fenwicks
  • Drunk driving
  • Drug driving
Oh yeah, drunk driving is one of mine, too. That's the stupidest one you can do.
Reg you sound like a proper chav mate, innit brah?
Oh, and I've probably pirated about $15,000 worth of music, movies, and software. A good chunk of that is from me pirating 3DS Max twice :p
Click the awwwww link in my signature. Only replace that kid's face with mine.
Drunk driving is a pretty horrendously stupid thing to do.
Oh, and I've probably pirated about $15,000 worth of music, movies, and software. A good chunk of that is from me pirating 3DS Max twice :p

EDIT: Actually, im not going to post what I just said.
I broke this ****er's arm who was harassing my girl at a pizza parlor inside the mall.
I was waiting in line and I turned around to see this guy groping her.

Spent the night in jail, he got nothing.

I can't believe you still feel proud about that. x.x
no, not quite ..friend and I were outside of bar, some guy (plainsclothes police officer) starts fight with friend, he gets jumped by nearby uniformed cop ..I rush in to stop friend from being beaten, plainclothes guy turns and punches me, I punch him back and then shove him, he pulls badge, and we're both arrested for assaulting police officers

oh and it was in the US, buffalo to be pricise ..spent 48hrs in holding cell till bailed out by friends ..eventually assault charge thrown out of court, judge chastised cop for not identifying himself, I get $200 fine for obstruction of justice ..lawyers fees were easily 4 times that

No, shit? Same shit:


WTF PoPo's?
agreed with xlucidx, though I would most likly not break an arm, just a yelling and an angry face is enough for these kind of people to gtfo
ennuis friend is like my friend, hes done things like; vandalism (cars, public property etc), stealing (phones, cameras, wallets, a golf bag, clothes, bikes etc etc). he once got into an outdoor bar and got away with 70 beers, 4 vodkas and 8 litres wine.
I drove drunk, but I really think this is worse, since I was really able to control what I was doing....

I broke into a dead guys garage/house, and started a controlled fire. I could have ruined a dead guys shit! :(
What the hell is all this?

OvA, Ikarous and kamikazie are all banned? :O

But I remember talking to kamikazie a couple of days ago. At least I think it was him...

ova for spam, ikerous for hacking, kamikazie... I don't think he was banned, just left. right? center?
One of my friends in town that is on the forums is going by the name kamikazi, just spelled wrong.
Drunk driving = Evil, Stupid, Dangerous

Don't you EVER do that again.
Is that illegal, though?

I mean, if it was just an accident.
My friend and Harij's friend would have a blast getting drunk together.
Pfft, since you told me not to, IM DOING IT!

And by driving drunk, I pull out of my driveway, and parked my car.

If that's dangerous, why are we alive?